As you probably hear, the Government has decided to implement a new biodiesel blend, increasing palm oil methyl to 10% instead of the current 5%. Needless to say that this is extremely disappointing new but for policy observers bros, this is not a surprise. I still remember when B5 was supposed to absorb 500,000 tonnes of palm oil per annum to reduce domestic stockpiles but it has failed miserably. Less than half of that has been used therefore increasing palm oil stockpiles. Now, to protect the unethical palm oil industry, plundering our primary jungles (remember the 14 dead elephants in Sabah who were poisoned? There is extremely high suspicion a palm oil company is responsible but the lobby is so strong in Malaysia, the findings will be diluted) and employing hundreds of thousands below minimum wage, diesel owners have to pay the price. Still, it seems the government will stick to low quality diesel and harm it even more with a higher methyl blend. No tests have been done (we are currently the testers before a nationwide roll-out of B5) and we will further test B10. I'm also very unhappy with BMW's response: they clearly wrote on their caps B7 blend max but now tell us in the light of Malaysia's new biodiesel roll out, B13 is max. You know what guys, it seems like we will be paying the price for this. Malaysia has clearly no diesel ambitions. Looks like we're going to have to bite the bullet and risk our cars. Any thoughts Gentlemen?Cheers!