Crime rates increasing - share your experience

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Club Guest
May 25, 2008
dear all...this is seriouswent to an accessory shop in damansara yesterday afternoon and found out that the boss got robbed of his handphones. later the same day, i found out that my dispatch boy lost about RM6k after withdrawing from the bank. outside the bank, he was approached by a stranger (chinese guy) claiming that my dispatch boy has stolen his money and demanded that he open his bag. he stupidly opened it and after tat mysteriously lost the money. off course this is his side of the story but not surprisingly if its true. crime rates are increasing and people are using more sophisticated ways to 'rob' people. pls share your story so that others can learn...
Today went 1U late evening... after I reverse park my E90 in the old wing lower ground parking, I saw one kid, about 10 years old, one hand leaning on a Gen2 parked behind me, with face down, as if having difficulty breathing. A mid-age adult approach us, holding an asthma aspirator telling us his aspirator has just ran out. He went ATM get money but his ATM card got stuck and now he's waiting for his friend to come. He asked us if we can help in providing them some money to get aspirator.. what would u do?

I only see the kid there after I parked my car, he wasn't there when I saw the parking...
astroboy that's a pretty difficult situation you got into...i wouldn't have known what to do but think that the best is to ask the security for what did u do??

another experience to share...was at my mechanic place today and met a nice e60 530i owner who brought his car in for repair. from one side, the car looked damn shiny & spotless but on the other side was a huge dent, a smaller dent with similar mark like the big one and scratches. looked 99% like vandalism by someone very very jealous and out guys!
times are getting harder....with the impending inflation everyone's talking about, its only going to get worse.

nowdays ppl getting creative in finding/stealing money. only thing we can do is to be more alert. did u give the money? maybe u should have done mouth to mouth cpr... :D
Not long ago, I heard Taman Tun PizzaHut got robbed. The crooks went in, lock the main door, and goes around every table getting patrons to drop their valuables just like those charity dinner with entertainer performing on stage and helpers walking to every tables collecting donations! :eek:

... and news paper plak said crime rate reduce by 7%.. ???
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