Cleaning Air cond Vent Filter

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Jan 13, 2008
OK Guys,After the HOT HOT HOT weather nowadays i feel that my aircond air is not windy enough(its cold just not enough VOLUME), and it contains a certain 'smell' when i first start the car. Found out that it is actually this.Open the bonet, take a look at the pic. under the diagram A , there is actually a long filter supposingly a vent that will actually lead to our aircond.ON the diagram A , there is 3 screw, which is circled in RED. that screw is a spring screw type, no need to use any screw driver. just press it down with your FINGERS and turn 90 degrees to the LEFT to open.... after open the screw will actually bounces up...DO NOT REMOVE IT. just leave it there in its BOUNCED UP LOCATION.put your hands below DIAGRAM A and LIFT IT . you can lift it about 2inches..... under that u can see a FILTER similar to your air filter material. with 1 hand holding up DIAGRAM A use the other hand to CABUT the filter out... you just need to lift the FILTER up and u can pull it OUT. not sure about your car, but for me my filter is VERY Dirty. got hair, sand and small stones, leaves, twigs and many other nonsense.what i did was i clean it by BANGING it on the floor..... careful to BANG it in 1 flat level as the PLASTICS around the filter is delicate. i dont know how much the filter cost....but after doing this my aircond is back to normal.GOOD LUCK!!!!
hi,just found out this thread..for sure a must try trick after work today.
my AC not very cold and sometimes produces bad smell(not often)..

is that things call microfilter?is it safe to remove and clean it up using OP way?thanks!
Yes it is the Microfilter:


Refer to Item # 1

THEN... go under it to clean those Ducts... I use those Dettol Spray (the bad smell and such actually because of Poor BMW Design for their dual use of Heater and A/C...
It is supposed that if using the Heater during cold weather Heater will kill all of the germs but in Asia we are using full A/C and this will not help the design ... so thats what happened guys...

***TIPS : Please Change your micro Filter to "Carbon" Type as it is a natural ANTI BACTERIA

Im going to change mine soon to the Carbon Charged Micro FIlter... i just found out that the OEM Microfilter will breed bacteria the best... :(


You can safely dissemble the whole thing actually... but be extra careful with the wiper housing as it crackles the last time i make the DIY... too old ody those plastics i guess :)

Aircond Smell and Poor Flow... all related problem actually can DIY if you have time:
I did Mine... and im gonna do it in this weekends so i will post pictures hopefully... :)

But you need to get to these items!



Lastly... The AC will need to be cleaned throughly and if you think you can ruin your AC by DIY... are you 100% sure the other "Human" that will service you car will be as careful as you?
nice,unlucky for me your current location in KK,if not for sure im going to your place to learn one or two..hehe.

p/s:thinking of cleaning the microfilter first,yup..thanks for the clips info.
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