buying parts from ebay (oversea - uk, us even german)

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Ha! Ha! Ha!
Tips on dealing with Customs.
1. Wear nice clothing ... not too flashy ... not like a homeless person.
2. Take the green lane ... unless they call you ... a per Ramsing's advise.
3. If they call you for inspection. Talk nicely with them. I always put all my utilised inner clothings on top portion of the bag. So after that section, the Customs officers just waved me off. Sometime I also seemed to misplaced the padlock keys ....:cool:
4. If you have to pay tax ... haggle the price... ask for huge discount ... offer a nominal token sum ~ RM100-RM200
5. Also as per Ramsing's advise ... pray hard.
They like to x-ray most big suitcases and boxes these days, so expect that. Depending on what parts you're bringing back you may be able to hide a bit by mixing with your clothes and things like gifts/souvenier. Other things will be impossible to hide from x-ray, in that case depends on how hungry they are. and they are always hungry lol. airport is best way to bring though, easily.

check your pm for more details.
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