Bukit Putus BallsOut Open Day 7 Aug 2010

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Club Guest
Mar 3, 2008
I am pleased to announce the first Open Course at Bukit Putus!*more information and videos on Ignition.my Date: 7 August 2010Time: 9am till 5pm, 2 sessionsVenue: Bukit Putus, SenawangOrganiser: Ignition.MyEntry Fees:- Half day RM 170 (SG friends $ 80)- All day RM 300 (SG friends $ 140)- Spectators RM 5** Entry approval based only on Recommendation, and at the discretion of the Organisers*** HPC/RCA track day experience, Time Attack experience, Autocross experience, AAM/MEM racing license, etcYou've seen the videos on Ignition.my! You've heard the tales of skill and daring! Now it's time to run the course and find out for yourself!First ever, legally closed hill course for motorsports and driving enthusiasts to enjoy! 4km stretch, which will be run Uphill on the 'touge' section.Properly organised with marshals and active safety-measures for certain sections without barriers, with medical and tow-truck on standby all day.There will be some stalls open, and we're still contemplating a BBQ if we can afford the manpower. But do bring your own refreshments just in case.Limited entry of around 60 cars only for each session, so be sure to Register quickly!Send an email to adian@ignition.my or faisalasri@ignition.my to register (Singapore: henry_rca@yahoo.com.sg ) with the following info:NAMEICCARCAR NUMBERHANDPHONESESSION (Morning/Afternoon/Fullday)INTRODUCER / RECOMMENDATION (eg HPC / RCA / GRA / Lotus Club / Djan etc. Please don't put "Go Fark Yourself" because keeping everyone alive is a serious business)Payment details will be provided upon confirmation. It's a first-pay-first-serve basis.Safety:- Helmet and shoes- Remove all sorts of rubbish inside your car- Unnecessary bars inside the cabin are not allowed, as contrary to popular belief they present a safety issueSome additional info:- This is not a Sunday Drive, but a serious bit of whacking.- Drifters session will be organised if there are significant numbers- It takes about 3-4 minutes to traverse the course.- We'll be letting cars off every 15 seconds or so.The plan is to get the quick cars in one group, and the slower cars in another. The 1st group will go first, then followed by the 2nd group. As the course then rejoins the new highway, you just drive back down to the startline from via the new highway, and line up again for your run! We expect waiting times to be about 15mins in between your runs at most. It will be quick moving, to maximise time.Safety is a concern but so is enjoyment, so it's a balance. As we go through the day, and the drivers also know how to drive the course and not act like fools, we'll make it quicker and quicker...So in each session, expect about 8-10 runs. If you opt for full day, then you'll drive for another 8 or so runs. Basically enough to keep you buzzed for a whole month, before the next Ballsout event which is planned to be held monthly, if possible...

Can we do something like a club outing and participate as a club, so basically we have 1 Timing sheet for BMWCM...Im sure afew here will be intimidated if were to be put against the Ferraris, Gozirras, little Minis and what not...so using your event we can have a healthy competition among ourselves without being intimidated by what else that is out there...you knowlah most BMWs are driven by unkers....so when come to this type of thing they abit shy...
So what say you guys...If can get to participate as a club, then at least you dun have to worry abt other participants timing...I know alot of you here after reading this youre like thinking aiyo our cars how to participatelah against all those type of cars....but if its amongst just ourselves and you feel more comfortable that way...lets get the ball rolling.. as I know who amongst you that can drive I can be the introducer, even if I cant, Albundy can as so can Fabian...so dont worry abt that part..
Fellas... Open Day no timing, just come and play for now. We'll be organising a Time Attack later, and by next year proper 'touge' style racing ie 2 cars chasing up and down the hill. Touge will require rollcages tho..
Dude I'm open to anything, am just happy to see more ppl start doing some proper afffordable motorsports driving in a safe arena. We cant be racing up UluYam forever right? hehe!
Some other clubs are also interested (Porsche, Lotus) so a possibility is a Club Day where 3-4 clubs have their own Time Attack, but run at the same time to save costs. Marshals and Ambulance etc all cost money, and like it or not I will not run an event without proper safety. I wanna go home and sleep well, not having to worry about someone drive off the side of the hill into the gaung!
Ehh... Mizhan? heheh yeahh i know you old man :D
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