BMWCM Annual Dinner & Dance on 1 December 2012 -Theme "Casino Royale"

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Thanks for the CM and all those who have help in putting a great dinner, prizes for all of who attend.

psst.. thanks for the appreciation award. I was joking with the guys outside and say it was me. (haha... it was me..) It was indeed a nice surprise.
oh sorry to confuse with aidilj's Member of the Year award. I think I will work hard for this title next year... LOL
oh yeah, the Heniken beer sponsore by GAB is NICE.. gonna get alcohol poison soon..

Thanks you GAB. You are my friend for Life. :top:
Just want to say thank you to everyone for your encouraging words and compliments, reading them all is indeed very inspiring and we will take this spirit onwards to the next annual dinner. I must again pay tribute to all those who are involved in the preparation of this AD, especially in the run up to it. U guys have my upmost thanks and appreciation.
What a night i missed......i am happy to see though not being able to be present at the AD..congrats to all CMs and those turned up, i wish i was there to mingle with the best colleagues i have ever salute to all
Thank you bro shamkasio. All that came and had fun, made all the hard work worth the while ... :top:
shamkasio;788031 said:
Congratulations to the Organising Comm for the great AD @ Awana!!!

Yes Mac, the encouragement and compliments were indeed aplenty and dare I say we have certainly put ourselves in a "fixed" as this is (I believe) is one tough act to better, let alone matching it .. :4: ... we need to work harder to surpass this benchmark ...... :4: ...
maccasel;788068 said:
Just want to say thank you to everyone for your encouraging words and compliments, reading them all is indeed very inspiring and we will take this spirit onwards to the next annual dinner. I must again pay tribute to all those who are involved in the preparation of this AD, especially in the run up to it. U guys have my upmost thanks and appreciation.
some pix from bmwcm pg chapter


















haha, same thing I got last year bro, but I got a 1 series convertible in graphite grey.
nice pics from Cat,anaksarawak & aidilJ.
feel shy to upload my pics compared to these guys'

hakkamee,wheres your pics??
Fantastic job guys! thank you and hope coming years will be better and better.

I got phone calls from OMs saying "Damn, I shoulda gone to the Annual Dinner!" God willing, we will have many many more to come.

Thank you all for a great night. I had tons of fun that night. I hope you did too.
:frown: .... you guys seems to hv all the compliments and all I got was one complaint :frown: ....
dzuljazz2001;788284 said:
:frown: .... you guys seems to hv all the compliments and all I got was one complaint :frown: ....

Next time, be a ordinary committee, an MC, and not the Prez. *cabuttttt*
affan66;788290 said:
Next time, be a ordinary committee, an MC, and not the Prez. *cabuttttt*

:listen: ... then I will tender in my resignation sooner rather than later :4: .....
great job to every single soul that have poured their hearts in making this AD an awesome one:top: my family had a gud day:4: thank you everyone:4:
dzuljazz2001;788284 said:
:frown: .... you guys seems to hv all the compliments and all I got was one complaint :frown: ....

Alahhh kesian.....compliments for all top to bottom.
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