Annual Dinner 2013/2014 - Sat 22nd March 2014

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I would like to offer my highest gratitude to all the volunteers and sponsors who are involved in this event to make it a success, also more importantly those who offered themselves into office to keep the club running. I was one of those who thought this spirit has long dead but you all proved me wrong. I now realised it is just like the fuel in our vehicle, it will run out ONLY if you stop refilling it. So guys, keep refilling it, draw in more members, I'm sure there are more talents and gems waiting to be discovered!

I have been with the club since 2008, met many lovely like-minded buddies so much so, for this trip, we are comfortable enough to car poll and share rooms.. our holiday didn't end after the AD. We continued with TT until way passed 2am and tee off at Tiara Golf & Country Club on Sunday morning. And good news doesn't end there, one of us even got a hole-in-one! How rare is that?! It is indeed one of those memory that we will cherish for life!

Thanks to all again who made this happen, not forgetting the participants.. you all really.. numero uno!!

my memorable AD with BMWCM... am sure will come again next year..great event! thank you
Bro JFT63 - tahun depan menang rim insya Allah. Bawak balik Batu Pahat terus
I would like to thank the Committees Members for organising a very memorable Annual Dinner in Malacca. Bravo Bravo !!
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