OK guys and gals,
here's how I'm going run the race..
Ballot to determine grid position for heat
Balloting would be done to determine the grid position for the 1st heat.
Ballot to determine kart for Heat 1
Balloting would be done for the 2nd time to choose the kart for Heat 1.
Upon completion of Heat 1, results would be tabulated and points would be given.
Grid Position for Heat 2
Grid position for Heat 2 would be the reverse of Heat 1.
Ballot to determine kart for Heat 2
Balloting would be done for the 3rd time to determine the kart to be used for Heat 2.
Upon completion of Heat 2, results would be tabulated and cumultive points from Heat 1 and Heat 2 would determine the grid position for the Final.
Driver with the
MOST heat points will start form the Last Position. However, he/she is entitled to choose his/her kart for the Final. In other words, the driver with the
LEAST heat points would start from the front BUT he/she would be the last person to choose his/her kart.
The same procedures apply to both the 80cc and 100cc categories.
Briefing would be conducted on Race Day....
Happy Racing.