
This is forum policy..... 
h34r: :blush:
All BMWs regardless of any model....must come to PNDC for inspection. ie
1.Brake test
2.Absorber test
3.Tyre test
4.Handbrake test
5.Donut test on DSC,ASC..Cik Siti...wahtever ends with ee.....
6.Zoggee's Two Fingers Advance Driving course...
7. Zodic Wifi Diagnostic Test.
8.ZGT one diagnostic tools..
9.Must pay Homeage to Grand MasterOf Hijacker...
10.PNDC is on Satelite Photo..so you must come.
11.Zoggee Zh'ng my car Crash Course
all the monster cars..Calvin Tan,Alvin Always in the worshop 320i,Adliz,Teejay,E30ACSM40S3,Loneranger,Notty NECC,Wireless Junkie,OSflanjer,FabianM42(BabyM3),NikWawa Supera TurboMonster6,Kaiza618iCSi,Ding DingChavez E30CSL Type R,Sideways 750ilE32 , Breakpopo's South Africa FireBreathing M40B16i,Drag King Eldrow,Juanita Ready to Blow E46325,Flash The Sloth E34 and many many more have tested their car here...
Here's a satelite view of PNDC....what !!??? You think Low Ya ka..??
repeat after me.....
Come la..!!?? Scared ah..!!??
wuhooo.....!!!! :yahoo: