BMW Club Charity Account

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Founding Member
Nov 25, 2004
Burnt Victim (Remaining)28/10/2005 Donation (fabianyee)_________50.00 28/10/2005 Donation (Soorian)__________100.00 28/10/2005 Donation (Showru TT)________90.00 29/10/2005 Donation (ICEMAN)___________25.00 29/10/2005 Donation (Jarance)__________100.00 29/10/2005 Donation (Mini Donation Drive)_160.00 01/11/2005 Donation (KennyG)___________100.00___625.00 Klang Disabled Guy 09/09/2006 Donation (BMW9700)__________50.00 12/09/2006 Donation (5201)______________50.0012/09/2006 Donation (XXX)_______________50.0012/09/2006 Donation (xscandals)__________50.00 12/09/2006 Donation (Sithwarrior)_________50.00 19/09/2006 Donation (dumeort)___________50.00 20/09/2006 Donation (xtracooljustin)_______50.00 27/09/2006 Donation (bmwky)____________350.00 27/09/2006 Donation (tombstone)__________50.00___750.00 Pre-Christmas Charity Drive 12/12/2006 Donation Xmas (GMENG)____________200.00 08/09/2006 Donation (Mrsamdol) Transfer 12/12___50.00 12/09/2006 Donation (tongsatriani) Transfer 13/12_38.00 13/12/2006 Donation Xmas (xtracooljustin)________50.00 13/12/2006 Donation Xmas (bmwcar)____________100.00 09/09/2006 Donation (chief) Transfer 13/12_______50.00 09/09/2006 Donation (TJL) Transfer 13/12________50.00 08/09/2006 Donation (Karate70) Transfer 13/12___50.00___588.00 Total As of 13/12/2006 = 1,963.00
The burnt victim fund was initiated late last year when this boy got burnt and there was a public plea for donation. However, public response was overwhelming and hence the mother thanked the public stopped the donation drive. The remaining fund was to be channeled elsewhere in the future.

As for the Klang Disabled guy fund, it was initiated by Sithwarrior upon reading the plight of the guy in the newspaper. However, after we have collected the money, the guy was not contactable on his handphone. Hence, the fund would again be transferred to future charity drive. Some of the donors have requested to transfer their donation to the X-mas event. The remaining ones would be reserved for future events
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