Bad experience of buying car from used car dealer KUC motor

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Jan 2, 2007
A sharing from a friend about his bad experience of buying a used car from used car dealer. The real story from my friend as below..“ I had recently bought a car from KENT Used Car (KUC Motor) in Batu 13, Jln Cheras. Before signing off the purchase document, I had inspected and tested the car together with the salesman (by the name of Ah Tec). I have then asked for a copy of car garan (reg. card) to verify the ownership history, however the salesman said the reg. card was not with them yet as the car has just trade-in or just took over by the company. I insist to know the ownership history, the salesman then called up his “manager” to ask for the ownership history and was “confirmed” that the car is only One owner, according to the salesman. I took his word and trust what the salesman said “confirm”. I have then negotiated with the salesman on the defect or faulty parts need to fix by them, the salesman has committed to send the car for their company’s mechanic to check and repair the defects with written down on a paper as black and white for all the defects found - as “promise”, the salesman said. The salesman has also called up his “manager “ to get buyoff with the final price deal and defects to be fixed by them. The agreement was then deal and deposit paid. A week after full payment made, I have picked up the car from the dealer after the salesman called up said the car is ready and repair is done! The nightmare started when I got shock on the day when pick up the car. All the defects as “promised” by the dealer were not done at all, except a small touch-up of the paint. The salesman said he has no idea what has been done and why the repair was not done!! The salesman just gave their mechanic’s phone number and asked me to find out from the mechanic.. what the fxxk the salesman is!!On the next day 12.00 noon, the salesman asked me to meet up with his mechanic at the mechanic’s workshop, however the mechanic was late until 2:30pm to show up, 2.5 hours late! The mechanic then inspected the car and confirmed all the defects report back to the salesman. The salesman was also informed with all the defects/cost to repair, the salesman also agreed to repair as what he promised previously. However, there are some parts need to order and get from chop shop. I was asked to come back the following week.A week after, i went back to dealer to collect the reg. card after the transfer of ownership. The shock is when I look at the reg. card, it has 6 owners already! It is not One owner as what the salesman “confirmed” before. The salesman just pushed the mistake to others for giving wrong info! Fine, have to sabar juga because payment already made, can’t do much except angry and rasa tertipu!Another shock happens, when I called up the mechanic to confirm the parts availability, the mechanic said the used car company’s boss did not aware of the repair cost or the commitment made by his salesman! I have then called up the salesman many times but the salesman did not pick up the calls. I have no choice to go back to the dealer office and waited him for 1.5 hours as he is serving another customer! Finally meet up with the salesman, he has pushed back most of the things that he has committed before, even this was written down on paper as black and white with company stamp! The bugger salesman said the company not agree to repair those parts but only offer me to repair one or two items but not the full list as what he has agreed before. The salesman even challenged me to go for court case where I will be even loose more money for hiring a lawyer. He even offered me that they can buy back the car if I’m not happy with their offer. Ohh my god… what type of used car dealer is??? Is this the way how they cheat their customer in selling their car? I’m getting hot and start to voice up with the salesman… The salesman then “invited” me to see his assistant manager. As expected, they disagreed to fix the whole list for me and only offer 2 items to repair at their cost, the rest on my own! They gave lot of reason, they have done some repair to the car before selling it to me, they are now out of budget (rugi), this is old car la.. not a new car la, the company did not aware the “promises” from salesman (even I show him the black and white paper), they just said this is the best offer… and I have no other choice just to accept their “offer”!! I just felt cheated by this kind of irresponsible used car dealer, they are good in pushing, delaying and keep delaying your time.. what they have committed or promised cannot be trusted!So.. friend, this is a sharing with you and good lesson for myself when buying used car from used car dealer, please be caution! The key learning is, don’t and don’t trust the car salesman, don’t make full payment until you see all the things done as promised and last but not least, don’t buy from this irresponsible used car dealer - Kent used car (KUC Motor)”
Sorry to hear such story...but you can bring them to tribunal pengguna..
most of the cheras used car dealers act as such described above .... nothing new for me ...

there is also another one to take care of which is located in cheras diamond complex ..can't really remember the name ..but it's just 2 doors away from a police station ...
Lesson learnt from the above incident... Do not rush into paying any deposit until you have:-

1. verified previous ownership of the car from ORIGINAL copy of registration card.
2. if ORIGINAL copy of registration card is doubtful, go to any JPJ office and check car details.
3. especially for BMW used car, check and confirmed VIN details and compared it against registration card.

As to car dealer refusing to repair items as agreed previously, do not release balance payment (for cash purchase) or sign the delievery order (for hire purchase) until you are satisfied that all agreed items have been repaired/replaced.

When buyer follow the above procedures, it is unlikely that buyer will be cheated by car dealer. If the buyer is a newbie, then bring an experienced friend along for the purchase. The problem arise when buyer is too eager to buy the car and fail to use their common sense. As the saying goes...... " In the history of mankind, man has never been kind" so don't put the blame others.
First thing is, you should smell something was not right when the dealer cannot provide you with the registration card...
wht's the point of going to consumer's tribunal. when it's a clear cut case with clear cut evidence of black n white. and it was well documented. This case is worth bringing to court. He can get a lot more compensation there, then if it was tried in a consumer's tribunal. Though the company claim tht they don't know about the agreement being made between the salesman and the customer, tht can't be used as an excuse. Agreement made by the salesman was done in his course of work. Thus the company must be liable for everything done by their employee in the course of work. And for that they must execute the agreement made between the customer and their salesman There are a lot that can be elaborated from the law point of view. But, this is a case worth bringing to court.
sounds like it is "common" practise for most used car dealers in Cheras...:hmmmm2:
it was not bring to court case because the buyer stays far from KL (northern)... it is time consuming and also more money to spend thru out the court procedures. i guess this is also one of reason the used car dealer is smartly use this tactic thought the buyer will not come back for the hassle.

Furthermore the black and white doc is only a list of items/defects with the used car dealer stamp on it, but there is no other words or statement stated that they agreed to repair... etc.
it might be difficult to sue them without a complete statement with signature, title of person sign the doc, IC no and etc..

The cost to repair those defects were estimated around RM2.5k, the dealer only offered RM500... no choice other than accept the offer.

So, learning from this.. never and never trust the word from salesman as they are good in acting and pusing-pusing. It is advisable to take down all the particular in black & white, put in a full agreement statement with their signature, IC no, date/time and company chop if possible with withness as well. Never make full payment until you have personally re-inspected the car again to ensure the salesman did not cheat you as the salesman might call you to make full payment via phone. They can tell you anything.. oh yes, the repair already done, don't wrong, leave it to me, give me some time, i will settle for u or whatever they can say... dont beleive them until you've seen it.
the used car dealer i got my car from last year was pretty good, instead of fixing up the car he gave me a discount on the price of the car and told me to go fix myself...less hassle
So sorry to hear your experience... that's the reputation of Cheras Used car seller... Thanks for sharing.
a shop name SRI SUTERA at jln tun razak better dun go there coz they will promise everything u want but when I go n collect my new recon car , they only pass me 1 key n say they will find it n call me within 2 weeks but I gave them till 1 month n went there n quarrel only they ask a guy to come n duplicate a new key for me
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