Anybody know about Subaru Impreza

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keN330;346547 said:
Yup Subaru is definitely a fast ride...
Value for money and big bang for bucks,
Was smoke by 1 sti on NSHW, it pull away from my 645:eek:, Damn....

i think u give face only:smokin:

supergripen;346703 said:
yup,very fast cars these Subarus..

but top speed is not a strong point og these'll do 255kph tops due to gearing,so when u get to about 230,u'll probably start to gain on 'em..just remember tho,from 0-240,u'll have no chance.

yea...version8 STi can only go 250km/h max:burnout:

alpina b5;346878 said:
its cheaper but faster than the mitsu evo

very subjective bro...quite a few evos on the road are at least 350-400whp :)
Evos are easier to tune and cheaper too..Subarus,due to its boxer engine config,requires more work and money to get the same power increase in an for which one is faster,i'd say Euro spec Subarus are slower than the Evos but as can be seen in most Best Motoring videos,Jap spec Subarus especially the Spec-C is just too much for the Evos to handle.note tho that the statement is true only for standard cars..once tuned,well,lets leave that to the imagination cuz there's no definite way to tell.

Evos are good handlers due to its array of electronic nannies that takes care of the car's handling for u,makes even an average driver look like an ace..all well and fine but where's the satisfaction in that?

Subarus are naturally balanced..i'd say perfectly balanced.they don't need electronic nannies to make the car handle..but to master the Subaru,u would need some semblance of driving skill.the more u get to know the car,the more u'll love it..takes time,but the satisfaction is there for the taking for those who works at it.

as far as the latest 10th incarnation of both cars are concerned..i'd sway towards the Evo X tho,simply because i just don't fancy hatchbacks.too bad,cuz from what i know,the STi ver10 is one excellent machine..
alkt;346897 said:
i think u give face only:smokin:

yea...version8 STi can only go 250km/h max:burnout:

very subjective bro...quite a few evos on the road are at least 350-400whp :)

those are the fq400's fq350's etc
supergripen;346016 said:
i sold the STi cuz it was becoming a little too harsh and brutal for my wife to one stage she just flatly refused to get on the car was partly my mistake also la..i modded the car a bit too much and got carried away i guess.hence why i can give such advices in my erlier post.

With the exhaust note of STI boxer engine, any complains from ur neighbours? The whole neighbourhood must be cursing everytime you go home middle of the night... haha
Talking bout getting a 2nd car, evo or sti would be nice to satisfy the need for speed on track. Problem with conti cars, u just cannot trash the car around track, at least for me. How i wish i could join track days with either one of those ride.
darren;360533 said:
With the exhaust note of STI boxer engine, any complains from ur neighbours? The whole neighbourhood must be cursing everytime you go home middle of the night... haha
Talking bout getting a 2nd car, evo or sti would be nice to satisfy the need for speed on track. Problem with conti cars, u just cannot trash the car around track, at least for me. How i wish i could join track days with either one of those ride.

well,i actually had some neighbours complain,especially when i start the car at night..had to pussyfoot the throttle when driving thru the neighbourhood.

these cars are just pure heaven on the track.. i still miss the was the one thing i look forward to come the weekends.if u can afford these machines as a second car,i highly recommend u get one..
Supergripen... when the time comes, lets look for our GC8 model.. Make it a group buy hehe. Im contemplating to sell of my Legacy GT since the E90 is a gem to drive but only lacks in power even tho its the 325 model. Tested the E60 wagon with the 192hp engine .. feels nice but lacks the power that we command in our Subbies.. Alas.. I've made the choice to keep the Legacy GT and save money for a V4, V5 or V6 for weekends and Subaru outings. It would be nice to see you again in SCM with ur Subb..
badrul880;362929 said:
Supergripen... when the time comes, lets look for our GC8 model.. Make it a group buy hehe. Im contemplating to sell of my Legacy GT since the E90 is a gem to drive but only lacks in power even tho its the 325 model. Tested the E60 wagon with the 192hp engine .. feels nice but lacks the power that we command in our Subbies.. Alas.. I've made the choice to keep the Legacy GT and save money for a V4, V5 or V6 for weekends and Subaru outings. It would be nice to see you again in SCM with ur Subb..

eh sayang la ur Legacy GT..jangan jual la.its such a rare sight plus an excellent piece of sportswagon engineering,i don't think anything comes close here as far as wagons are concerned.should give many sportscars a good run haha:wink:

the e90 is fantastic car..but like u said,it lacks the grunt to entertain at the levels that we're used to in our Subarus.there are solutions tho..u can stroke the N52 to 3litres and have close to 270bhp,at a price la.modding BMWs are never cheap..but well worth it IMO.

in the end tho,the GC8 or even the GDB-A/B still strikes me as the best choice for ultimate driving thrills,bang for buck.i'm constantly looking for good GC8s to purchase but they don't come around very far i haven't found any that i like tho Quadcam's(SCM) ver4 WRX looks very very nice indeed.only the price lets it down la..asking a bit too high a price.

so Bad,lemme know when a good one comes ur way..we should survey together la:top:
Yah Quadz car is a fine example but its a WRX. Still too expensive. I will let you know once stumble across a good GC or GD.. Stroking the E90...not my cup of tea bro. All my cars engine are left untouch. Factory spec as I want it to be reliable hehe.. N52 270hp sounds good but Im still have this feeling that maintaining a beemer will do me hell come next 2 years when the cars starts ageing..but I beg to differ..
badrul880;363096 said:
Yah Quadz car is a fine example but its a WRX. Still too expensive. I will let you know once stumble across a good GC or GD.. Stroking the E90...not my cup of tea bro. All my cars engine are left untouch. Factory spec as I want it to be reliable hehe.. N52 270hp sounds good but Im still have this feeling that maintaining a beemer will do me hell come next 2 years when the cars starts ageing..but I beg to differ..

it all depends on luck when maintaining a bimmer..i've had guys with cars that is as reliable as a Nissan and yet some are spending thru their nose for maintainance,unlike our Subarus which i find very very bombproof and consistent..even when tuned to the high heavens,Subarus tend to be very reliable.

i'm still undecided whether to tune-up my e60..takut bhai.nanti tak pasal2..tapi dilemma la,cuz the 525i is really a sloth.lembab ya'amat..
alpina b5;367079 said:
between 1 subaru impreza sti and a bmw 3251, which will u go for?

it depends on what u need the car for.. if i had the money,i'd get the 325i for my wife and a Subaru Impreza for myself.

my fav Impreza would be the Litchfield Type-25..415bhp of pure motoring heaven.this car is likely to be faster than most supercars on real-world roads while offering four door saloon practicality...try look it up.i don't think anyone has one yet in Malaysia.i aspire to be the first one but that'll take awhile cuz i can't afford one yet.
supergripen;367225 said:
it depends on what u need the car for.. if i had the money,i'd get the 325i for my wife and a Subaru Impreza for myself.

my fav Impreza would be the Litchfield Type-25..415bhp of pure motoring heaven.this car is likely to be faster than most supercars on real-world roads while offering four door saloon practicality...

if only we had more money
one sti ver9 up for grab. no mods. very low mileage. owner is an advance driving instructor...and knows his way around cars quite well...

very reasonable price me if interested...urgent sale
efgh146;372668 said:
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whats this?
alpina b5;370164 said:
sti ver9 is currennt model?

Ver 9 2nd latest model.. latest 1 look like ford focus

the engine on Ver 7 onward no longer same as ori boxter engine ( ver 1-6) & subaru sacrifice his trademark.. ver 7, 8 & 9 no longer produce engine sound like ver 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6...

ver 9 got afew model & the best for road use is s203 (ver8) or s204 (ver9) with 320hp.. I hate this car alarm, need to push clutch very hard before u turn on ignition key to start the car... think laa if U use racing clutch plate...
OSB;385106 said:
Ver 9 2nd latest model.. latest 1 look like ford focus

the engine on Ver 7 onward no longer same as ori boxter engine ( ver 1-6) & subaru sacrifice his trademark.. ver 7, 8 & 9 no longer produce engine sound like ver 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6...

ver 9 got afew model & the best for road use is s203 (ver8) or s204 (ver9) with 320hp.. I hate this car alarm, need to push clutch very hard before u turn on ignition key to start the car... think laa if U use racing clutch plate...

the ver7 still comes with the boxer burble..only on ver8 onwards do u lose the trademark burble.but this only applies to STi models for Japan.some UK and US spec models still have the burble..reason for this is cuz of the use of twinscroll turbos on the newer cars.these give better response thus eliminating most of the turbo lag that is prominent with older single scroll setups.

the best one to have is not the S203/204 but the Litchfield Type-25..dunno if its available here but its a ver9 Jap-spec C car tuned by Ian Litchfield.comes with a bespoke Cosworth equipped 2.5 boxer engine that pumps out an incredible 415bhp.suspension is also bespoke,with fully adjustable AST coilovers which gives fantastic balance and handling without sacrificing comfort.

its my dream car,among others..
supergripen;385295 said:
the ver7 still comes with the boxer burble..only on ver8 onwards do u lose the trademark burble.but this only applies to STi models for Japan.some UK and US spec models still have the burble..reason for this is cuz of the use of twinscroll turbos on the newer cars.these give better response thus eliminating most of the turbo lag that is prominent with older single scroll setups.

the best one to have is not the S203/204 but the Litchfield Type-25..dunno if its available here but its a ver9 Jap-spec C car tuned by Ian Litchfield.comes with a bespoke Cosworth equipped 2.5 boxer engine that pumps out an incredible 415bhp.suspension is also bespoke,with fully adjustable AST coilovers which gives fantastic balance and handling without sacrificing comfort.

its my dream car,among others..

the engine they use is a US spec 2.5 litre and sent to cosworth USA to upgrade the internals before ship back to the UK ... but all the non-engine compartments if i'm not mistaken is off the shelf aftermarket product .... it's my dream car too hehe :love: :top:
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