Another possible round of fuel price hikes across the board?

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So basically, the fuel we're used to be using (before the introduction of RON 95) is now RM2.30 per liter?
Yeah Mr BlackCat, KNNCCB indeed!!!!
Ya, apparently both Ron 95 and Diesel fuel will be revised upwards. So far we knoe RON95 will be 1.90/ltr from 1.85/ltr. And on 1 Dec 2010, we expereinced another 15cents hike for RON97 to RM2.30/ brace yourselves for more to come....unfortunately.
I just filled up with 95 and saw RM1.90 on the gauge....F***. Time to change my M50 to a Prius Hybrid.
Pls also take not that both of our neighbour either southern or nothern has higher fuel price us
r37720;587424 said:
Pls also take not that both of our neighbour either southern or nothern has higher fuel price us

True bro, but they are non oil producing countries. Since we are, and high grade at that, we should be getting ours at a lot lower,,,which we are screwed again...
I believe all arguments are warranted. However, the argument should be about what does the Govt do with the removal of the subsidy, i.e. is it channeled to a better cause for the Rakyat or a selected few??? Logically, one cannot refute that Msia's resources are finite and we will be out of it very soon and thus cannot continue to subsidise with petrodollars gained from exports. That is a fact. Another fact is that Petronas is a very well managed company and has done a great job for Malaysia Inc. I always had a different view on this with limited knowledge on how they operate. But I now know first hand and can vouch that they are indeed a real success story for Malaysia and globally. The prob is the money and re-investment outside the O&G sector is not Petronas' call and it is under the purview of the PM. It's like a child who has a super rich dad and the child is a real useless better analogy.

The biggest problem with the Govt is the fact that the transparency is poor, their intentions are always questionable and their execution is somewhat pathetic. But then again can we believe anything our half baked politicians cum Ministers say....none of which can provide an educated answer to their respective portfolios!!!!
ssmann;587526 said:
I believe all arguments are warranted. However, the argument should be about what does the Govt do with the removal of the subsidy, i.e. is it channeled to a better cause for the Rakyat or a selected few??? Logically, one cannot refute that Msia's resources are finite and we will be out of it very soon and thus cannot continue to subsidise with petrodollars gained from exports. That is a fact. Another fact is that Petronas is a very well managed company and has done a great job for Malaysia Inc. I always had a different view on this with limited knowledge on how they operate. But I now know first hand and can vouch that they are indeed a real success story for Malaysia and globally. The prob is the money and re-investment outside the O&G sector is not Petronas' call and it is under the purview of the PM. It's like a child who has a super rich dad and the child is a real useless better analogy.

The biggest problem with the Govt is the fact that the transparency is poor, their intentions are always questionable and their execution is somewhat pathetic. But then again can we believe anything our half baked politicians cum Ministers say....none of which can provide an educated answer to their respective portfolios!!!!

Be wary bro, there will be some here who will wanna 'shoot' you down for allegedly 'Gomen bashing' ...doesn't matter if what u say stings of the ugly truth. And they will further add that THIS HERE is a 'Car Club' so your sentiments are misplaced, eventhough I would hazard a guess that most cars here run on petrol....;) So stay outta politics bro....
ssmann;587583 said: that ah...ok I shut my mouth now
hahaha.. you are such a smooth operator eh.. must be the influenced of the turbocharged "piston ring" :p
blackrobe;587578 said:
Be wary bro, there will be some here who will wanna 'shoot' you down for allegedly 'Gomen bashing' ...doesn't matter if what u say stings of the ugly truth. And they will further add that THIS HERE is a 'Car Club' so your sentiments are misplaced, eventhough I would hazard a guess that most cars here run on petrol....;) So stay outta politics bro....

Don't worry there will be more who will "shoot" the shooter.
I keep my postings limited to 6 alphabets in threads such as this!!! LOLs
r37720;587424 said:
Pls also take not that both of our neighbour either southern or nothern has higher fuel price us

I heard this so many times, especially by the Govt. But if u take it as dollar for dollar, taking into account
Other taxes and subsidies, are we still considered lucky? Talk about being screwed and still asked to pay for it :D

looks like it's time to bicycle to work. Good exercise and u get to practice your hand/eye coordination avoiding the buses/lorries. If u lose, u get ur picture with some flowers foc :D
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