A matter for the committee to take up!

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Club Guest
Dec 9, 2004
I just spoke to a friend of mine in Penang who owns an E90 320i. When her car reached 1 yr, she took her car to AB Pg for service and was told to come back when her car reached 25000km. She pointed out that the manual said 25000km or 1 year but the SC refused to budge citing "new policy". Apparently after she wrote in to KL, the SC called her in for her "free service". Although I do not own an E90, I feel that this issue should be taken up by the club officially. If the service manual says the service interval is 25000km or 1 year, the SC must honour it. Otherwise there is no point having a 3year/60000km free service package when the SC avoid servicing the car when due. I know the manual for E36 clearly states that the car must be serviced at least one a year nothwithstanding low mileage! I dont think technology has advanced so much that service can be prolonged over that 1 year period. In fact in the long run it may work against AB as poorly maintained BMWs may give the cars a bad name and potential customers may shun the make. So committee, I think this is a cause worth taking up! As a representative of BMW owners in Malaysia you may which to seek clarification on this matter so other BMW owners arent taken advantage of. If indeed there is such a policy, representations should be made to BMW Msia or even BMW AG to stop the same. Cheers
any other members here face the same problem from any of the authorised BMW service centres?
Anxious, we cant be taking matters like this to BMW Malaysia when your friend is not even an official member of this club.

Anxious, I have to agree with Albundy, albeit not entirely for the same reason. As you quite rightly pointed out, the manual is explicitly clear on this matter and the misconduct could well be down to one rotten miscreant. It's such a straightforward matter for your friend to redress directly with the SC. Even if he or she wishes to elevate the complaint, it can easily be undertaken unilaterally. I agree that the Club should advocate the cause of its members, but let's reserve that for serious cases where the poor member has tried everything but has been left seriously disadvantaged. There is only so many trump cards we can use before we are likened to perpetual pain in the arse which will not be taken seriously.
I fully agree. Lets take this matter by ourselves first. If still really can't resolve, then only we see how the club can help but "must be an official member" first yeah! hehehe....
I highlighted this problem in my earlier post regarding this (http://www.bmwclubmalaysia.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14514) and I made a complaint to BMW AG too. However, the Germans redirected my question back to BMW Malaysia customer service. Their first email to me doesn't answer my question at all and says that they are following up with this matter. I replied to them again and cc to BMW AG about a week ago, and only just now, a guy from BMW Malaysia called me and told me to follow exactly what the OBC says. However, I told him if thats the case, I will doing more 35000km engine oil change interval. Then, he corrected himself saying I should change the oil at every 25000km interval. So I barked back at him which instructions to listen, 25000km or OBC. He was silenced, and then said will get back to me again.

Anyway, if anyone has email address of the BMW Malaysia MD, please pm to me. Thanks.
ALBundy;254638 said:
Anxious, we cant be taking matters like this to BMW Malaysia when your friend is not even an official member of this club.


If you read my post carefully, you would have realised that my friend has resolved her problem. After her letter to AB Glenmarie, which was also copied to AB Pg. AB Pg called up and scheduled her free service.

This is an extract of my friend's letter:-

"On 19th September 2007 , I made an appointment for my 1st year free service since it is almost one year from the date I purchased the car . I was then informed to bring in my car
for my 1st year free service warranty on Saturday 22nd September at about 8am.
I brought in my car to your BMW service centre in Penang on the said 22nd September at about 8.15am. I reported to your technician in charge there, Mr.XXXXXX about my appointment. He then took my car key and read the data of my car from the key. He then informed me that the data indicated that my car is alright and there was no need for servicing AND IF I INSIST ON SERVICING I WILL HAVE YO PAY FOR IT!He further informed that there is a new policy that BMW will now only attend to cars with real problems i.e. only when RED lights appear on the car then will the so-called warranty service be rendered! So I was denied the 1st year free service warranty!
In another words, BMW will only honour only restrictive type of service – ONLY WHEN THE CAR HAS A PROBLEM OR IN THE VERGE OF BREAKING DOWN, OTHERWISE NO SERVICE RENDERED!"

This issue is not about my friend. Its about ALL new BMW owners who purchased their cars recently with BMW's 3 year/60 000km free maintainance package. Believe me that without the free package the Service Centers would be more than happy to have your car in for service every year regardless of the mileage as YOU will be paying for it. Since its FREE or actually at thier cost, they would be more than happy to defer it as long as they can.

I already think that 25000km is too long but to defer service beyond that is unimaginable and would definitely affect the long term well being of the car. Of course if you plan to change your car every 5 years, this would not matter. otherwise its a real concern.If you buy second hand ...beware as sooner or later a "neglected" car would become sick and your pocket very light. Full Service History at authorised service centers would be absolutely meaningless as most BMW owners havent a clue about these matters...how many even read their manual.

Guys this post isnt about you alone. Its about ALL BMW owners.

BMW have seen it in their wisdom to recommend 25000km service interval or every year.If the Service Center are practising a different policy, the question is whether this is sanctioned by BMW? If not should you as the "premium/official BMWCLUB" bring this matter up.

Originally Posted by fabianyee
any other members here face the same problem from any of the authorised BMW service centres?

At least Fabian has shown some interest as to this matter. His question is very valid, has anyonelse experienced this problem.

Low mileage cars are quite common in Penang.....there isnt really much to driving on the island. One of my bosses 5 series has done less than 20000km in about 3 yrs.She didnt get the 3yr free maintainance package and has paid for her yearly service.

What about all those who purchased their cars under the 3 year package.

Shouldnt the club investigate this matter?

Doesnt the club feel it has a greater obligation than just organising TTs and HHHs?

When I first heard my friend's story I proudly told her that I would bring her experience to the attention of BMWCLUBMALAYSIA to ensure such an incident doesnt reoccur.

I am now embarrassed even to point her to this website after reading your comments.
The choice is really yours. If the Committee stiill feels that what I have brought up is not worthy of your premium time then I'll take it up myself.

Anyone who has had similar experience pls share it here.
I feel, the club also think in the same pattern as the service center - only when at least a member have the problem only than the club want to act. The SC may do that because of financial reasons, but the club...? Not trying to get on anybody's nerve, but merely stating what I feel.
anxious why don't you join the club and be a committee/representative and take up this cause? i think we need more people like you to fly the flag of the club high, and champion the cause of bmw owners! like in this case you could probably go to AB Pg and flash your club badge/card and demand the branch manager to handle the issue himself, and settle it for your friend, without her having to write to KL about it! the best is if we can have a committee in every corner-north/south/east/east malaysia
thsaw99;254792 said:
anxious why don't you join the club and be a committee/representative and take up this cause? i think we need more people like you to fly the flag of the club high, and champion the cause of bmw owners! like in this case you could probably go to AB Pg and flash your club badge/card and demand the branch manager to handle the issue himself, and settle it for your friend, without her having to write to KL about it! the best is if we can have a committee in every corner-north/south/east/east malaysia

Thanks for ur suggestion but as I've said before this matter is not about my friend. She has solved her problem on her own. My concern is that this is happening to other unsuspecting BMW owners.

I think that this is a very relevant cause to champion and I just thought the commiittee would leap at the oppurtunity to take up this matter.

However I guess I must be mistaken.
i think you are right thsaw99!!!

anyway, the club may not be obliged to act for anyone who is not a member. a non member does not have any right to direct the club, its committee or any member to act in anyway. makes sense ma.

fabian is asking if the matter did happen to anyone else in the club. this is a prerequisite before the committee considers if a serious case affecting its members warrants their action. even if they were to act, it would be bringing it up to ask for an explaination from bmw representatives. they will not be able to guarantee that any particular action will be taken. definitely, they will not be in the position to investigate anything or assist your fren/members affected in each particular case.

if you have gone out to represent that the club is able to secure any form of action, then you have:
1. misrepresented the club
2. acted in a capasity which the club has not authorised
3. caused an action which may have resulted in harm to the good name of the club

in your shoes, i would be wary of insisting further what the club should or should not do. particularly in your current non-member status.

**need another cup of kopi**
I dont need to use the club's name to pursue this matter further and i have never intended to use the club's name.

Read my post carefully before making unfounded allegations. I said I will take up the matter myself.

I just wanted to give the club an opportunity to make a stand on something I felt is very important concerning all BMW owners.

Howver if it is the club's stand that it will only look out for the interest of members then honestly I have no desire to be part of such a club.

End of Topic.

As to my participation in this forum, since its an open forum, I may continue to participate in the forums if I think fit. Dont worry I'll abide by the rules, otherwise u can kick me out.

anxious;254731 said:
Shouldnt the club investigate this matter?

Doesnt the club feel it has a greater obligation than just organising TTs and HHHs?

When I first heard my friend's story I proudly told her that I would bring her experience to the attention of BMWCLUBMALAYSIA to ensure such an incident doesnt reoccur.

I am now embarrassed even to point her to this website after reading your comments.
i did read your post carefully. :smokin:
perhaps next time you shud speak carefully.
anxious;254804 said:
Howver if it is the club's stand that it will only look out for the interest of members then honestly I have no desire to be part of such a club.

interesting opinion and you are entitled to it.

however, the primary objective of having a club is to act in the interest in the club. the ones that go round acting in the interests are either charities or busybodies.
anxious this matter is never about your friend, we appreciate you bring this to our attention based on your friend's experience.

I have no doubt even if you came to know about such a thing happened to people who are not your friends, you will still bring this to our attention and ask the committee to act.

the truth is we don't see many people with the fire and passion that you have thats why i suggested you become a member and champion the cause. :top:rock: : :top: :rock:
ah lian;254799 said:
anyway, the club may not be obliged to act for anyone who is not a member. a non member does not have any right to direct the club, its committee or any member to act in anyway. makes sense ma.

fabian is asking if the matter did happen to anyone else in the club. this is a prerequisite before the committee considers if a serious case affecting its members warrants their action. even if they were to act, it would be bringing it up to ask for an explaination from bmw representatives. they will not be able to guarantee that any particular action will be taken. definitely, they will not be in the position to investigate anything or assist your fren/members affected in each particular case.

if you have gone out to represent that the club is able to secure any form of action, then you have:
1. misrepresented the club
2. acted in a capasity which the club has not authorised
3. caused an action which may have resulted in harm to the good name of the club

in your shoes, i would be wary of insisting further what the club should or should not do. particularly in your current non-member status.

**need another cup of kopi**

This is the essence of what I am trying to say earlier in my one-liner.

First of all before anyone wants to take somebody's cause, anyone must know somebody's identity before he or she can present the case to BMW. The other issue is BMW Club Malaysia is not the de facto representative of ALL BMW OWNERS in Malaysia.

We can only represent our members and perhaps whenever possible we will channel their suggestions to Sapura, AB and other dealers on how their service could be improved to a higher level. WE will certainly do that when our members specifically ask for assistance.

Wouldn't it be amusing for any of the committee members to call BMW Malaysia and said BMW owners are complaining about the dealers not honouring the 3 yrs free maintenance package schedule without us even knowing the details of the aggrieved party (she is not even a forum member)!!? And for further amusement, the aggrieved party has not even asked us for help officially. It was you/anxious (an UNofficial member) that volunteered to take up the cause!!!!

Just an example, joinh sent me a PM and gave me some details on his 116's late delivery and I have told someone in SA to look into it. Its not that we are unwilling to help, but there are steps and procedures to follow. We CANT be seen to be like a herd of chicken running without heads!

If the club have not gathered enuf information or enuf cases from our members, then it will be difficult for the club to bring it up to the respective service centre or BMW Malaysia. Please understand that we can't shoot an 'arrow' everytime there's 1 small issue. An analogy would be a frog crocking all day long vs a cock doing a cock-a-doddle in the morning. Which do u find annoying and which one has a purpose?

So any other members here experience similar problem?
Is there any club in this country that looks out interest of none member.I didnt now that things like this is a criteria for somebody to be an member.
first and foremost we are a club for enthusiast who share the same passion
we are not a Dear Thelma, but we do what we can where possible...as we are not part of BMW Malaysia but an individual organisation, as such we have no right to tell BMW Malaysia and its dealers what it should and should not do..unless everybody here joins the club and form a union so strong with 2000-3000 members..then we are playing a different ball game...but with 150 to 200 members currently what voice is there...
As a club we are gathered here to have fun amongst people with the same passion or brand of car...we do not represent owners of the brand..we the committee are here to run the club so that everybody has a good time ,
to organise events and to keep this forum running...
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