325 Sport fact n figure

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safuanorsham;495695 said:
OMG.. im using RON 95 for 6 potters!

Nothing wrong with that. RON is just a measure of propensity to self-ignite. RON95 just ignites more easily than RON97 or 98. It is not a measure of energy content.
Schwepps;495663 said:
Okay... ULG 95 at various dates in Jan and Feb:

Indonesia - RM2.56
Vietnam (ULG 92) - RM3.03
Sri Lanka (ULG 90) - RM3.44
Bangladesh - RM3.64
India - RM3.68

We still have the cheapest gasoline in Asia, possibly the world.

Hi, can you compare with Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Brunei, Algeria, Libya, Nigeria, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Venezuela etc please? Only that would determine if our oil prices are fair. We are one of the poorest nations in the world and our cars cost the highest in the world compared with our income, e.g. BMW 325i MSport is approximately 8.6 years average income (for senior accounts executive). Which other country is like that? For Singapore, it is around 4.5 years average income (and we are talking taxi driver's income). For UK, it might be around 1 year only.:eek:
At this time of the night sorry, it takes too long to find. It was hard enough finding current Asian pump prices! No doubt the likes of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Brunei, Libya probably subsidise gas prices even more than us. Are these countries the ones to emulate? Seriously?

The point is that it's the wrong thing to do, and our oil reserves are depleting already. What does the future hold when we have to import more than we export? We'll be poorer than we are now!
Schwepps;495729 said:
... our oil reserves are depleting already....

yes.. you are right.. but not 3 years and not even 30 years.. (from O&G ppl too)

Aiyaa.. if really no oil then only adjust loo.. you know your bank a/c can last 3 generation, y torture yourself with instant noodle everyday? U think Saudi's oil not depleting meh?!

Drive Myvi la.. :D y drive E90?! :D
safuanorsham;495767 said:
so,using RON 95 will not brings problems to engine?

nope...as long as ur knock sensor working then it won't 'brings problems to engine'...'it only bring less power'...i am on RON95 for my 8 potters currently and significant power loss encountered low rpm ok but engine not happy to rev past 4k rpm...fuel consumption remains if u drive it smoothly at low revs...
Schwepps;495649 said:
Yeah, it would be nice to buy cars without having to pay duties. But there's really no free lunch anywhere. 18 Feb 2010 average pump prices of Unleaded95 per litre:

USA - RM2.37
UK - RM5.90
Germany, France, Italy - RM6.05
Norway, Holland - RM7.00

Would we really prefer to swipe RM300+ on our credit cards to pump 50 litres of gas?

I would. If it meant that I would also be paying their level of car prices I've done the calculations and the savings from the lower car prices would pay for my higher fuel prices for 8-15 years, depending on usage (based on my historical usage for 4 cars in 2 countries).

But this is off topic already :)
Schwepps, I strongly believe Malaysia DOES not have the cheapest oil in Asia. and most of you are right, import car taxes are insanely unreasonable and reflecting on this nations average income it just does not seem right. By protecting both the P brands in Malaysia, shouldnt they improve the quality of their cars and make it more desirable to buy, thus selling more units ? I think they have underutilised their position and making it worst by cost cutting on a quarterly basis, and power windows still will self destruct over a few months, just my opinion...
I on company fuel.. but no company car.. :(

And I have a 1.3L daily ride anyway standing by to welcome the day the RM300 per tank comes.. Ferrari is not a daily driver by my definition and same goes with a Gojira or even the legendary 518 .. :love:

But again, we are still net oil exporter okay!! :14:
astroboy;495816 said:
I on company fuel.. but no company car.. :(

And I have a 1.3L daily ride anyway standing by to welcome the day the RM300 per tank comes.. Ferrari is not a daily driver by my definition and same goes with a Gojira or even the legendary 518 .. :love:

When that day comes, I think I will get a MINI :p

Unless of course, we have Euro 4 diesel... in which case a BMW diesel sounds good :)
Just heard a pre reg 320d full spec with 3k km mileage is cheaper then my 320i base line unit.. wtf! *&^%%$#@!!
I think the general consensus in this forum, and to a lesser extent the general public (based on what I read in CBT, similar rantings for the past few months), is the rakyat wouldn't mind to pay higher for fuel provided the protectionist measures are removed, and we Malaysians pay "real" world prices for our cars, roadtax included.

I'd agree with the calculation done by Traveller, even if I am paying RM1/liter more for unsubsidised fuel, say with a usage of 300 liters/month, I'd only incur RM3600 extra expenditure per year, which is much lesser than the amount of tax I paid for the car (the tax paid can easily covered the extra expenditure for more than 20 years).

If the government is serious about removing subsidies, it should look for a total solution and removal of all subsidies hindering the progress of this nation, rather than selectively removing and yet protecting others which in general will increase the cost of living, in what is a country that is grappling with wealth creation problems.

ALBundy;495868 said:
I think the general consensus in this forum, and to a lesser extent the general public (based on what I read in CBT, similar rantings for the past few months), is the rakyat wouldn't mind to pay higher for fuel provided the protectionist measures are removed, and we Malaysians pay "real" world prices for our cars, roadtax included.

I'd agree with the calculation done by Traveller, even if I am paying RM1/liter more for unsubsidised fuel, say with a usage of 300 liters/month, I'd only incur RM3600 extra expenditure per year, which is much lesser than the amount of tax I paid for the car (the tax paid can easily covered the extra expenditure for more than 20 years).

If the government is serious about removing subsidies, it should look for a total solution and removal of all subsidies hindering the progress of this nation, rather than selectively removing and yet protecting others which in general will increase the cost of living, in what is a country that is grappling with wealth creation problems.


Well said..I totally agree.

Our car industry has had donkey years of protection at our expense..I think if they can't make it by now,then its time to try something else,dontcha think??

I'd gladly pay for market price fuel if they abolish high automotive taxes.
The good news is that as of yesterday, they're scrapping the costly and ineffective idea of using the Mykad to manage a tiered subsidy post-1st May. The bad news is that they haven't dropped the idea of a tiered subsidy (probably for political reasons) although several economists and NGOs have come out and said retaining the subsidy is economically unsustainable.

I fully agree with all of you about the Ps. They're just Mitsubishis and Daihatsus, so who are we kidding? In fact I was just driving behind one today which proudly displayed the Mitsubishi Lancer badge. We're paying the excise duties only to prop up the myth.
Based on the news report the tiered fuel subsidy system using Mykad was almost ready for deployment when it was scrapped. So it's likely the govt has spent a bit on the implementation but chose to scrap it based on negative feedback from the rakyat. Shows that the present govt is closely assessing sentiments on the ground which is a good thing.

Problem with malaysia is that the mean household is very low something like rm3000+ only. If you look at the tax bracket for those sorts of income level it's in the range of tens of ringgit per household per month only. Not enough to develop the nation and pay the half a mil civil servants (this no is still growing fast). So inco
e has to come from somewhere. Increasing corporate tax too much will chase away FDI's. Increase high income tax too much could possibly give rise to further brain drian. Earn first world salaries, get taxed first world tax scale live in Developing world healthcare education and service env. Also not good.
I thought it was 800k strong 10 years back and has now topped the million mark? If nothing else, we have the highest per capita civil service in the world... :stickyman: The capital flight of the past few years is frightening, not to mention the brain drain. All the serious money is abroad, especially now that cross-border investments are much easier to arrange and manage.

Yes, agree that with the surge in public display on everything, the politics has changed. That's certainly a plus. :top: I hope that the subsidy is withdrawn completely. A large part of our deficit is funded by our petrodollars - money that goes out and doesn't come back. Some don't believe it, but our oil production has already peaked. When was the last time you heard of a new field discovery?

Petronas has been making the right moves by JV-ing with other countries to develop their fields, and by developing it's own downstream products and branding. But the astute architect of these moves has just been put to pasture. :(
Yup, I read somewhere at present moment it is around 1.2 million, and comparison was done with countries such as Australia that has similar population size.

The problem here is moving the economy to a knowledge based one which countries like taiwan, south Korea, hk and singapore have done successfully. Over here we have talk about it many moons ago when tdm was still pm.

Are current govt policies heading toward that direction?? Or we are just building hardware without the software??

stanley, 98 better than vpower

i think it was ard 1.90+ sgd, pump in 3 quarter tank, cos the sales person abt 130 sgd
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