325 e46 gearbox kaput?

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May 23, 2009
Hi all,Need some advise from the experts.I just bought my car 3 month ago and just noticed that there's a few seconds delay on shifting and its not smooth like before..and I also noticed that sometimes,my reverse gear doesn't work..So now, what I would like to know, does changing the atf fluid,filer etc will solved the issue or I just proceed to change to new g/box?
Check your oil condition and level and if ok, check your valve body and solenoids. This needs to be ruled out first before thinking of changing your gearbox.
Thanks for ur advise bro, but how to check the level of the oil?can we checked our self or need to send to workshop for them to check??I can't managed to find the dip stick for atf oil :( (newbie here,so pls do advise if am wrong)
faizbizandry;554930 said:
Thanks for ur advise bro, but how to check the level of the oil?can we checked our self or need to send to workshop for them to check??I can't managed to find the dip stick for atf oil :( (newbie here,so pls do advise if am wrong)

Need a hoist to check bro as they use level plug. The car at idle speed & gear in N position, the mech will open the level plug(filler plug) and the oil will flow out to indicate its at max.
It could be a gear position switch.

however, with a diagnostic tool, you can check if the solenoids are sticky or not.

Normally, checking & changing the ATF oil and filter is the first step if there are no alarm registered.

btw, does the transmission symbol comes ON when you have your problem?

There indicator is appearing accordingly, meaning when I enggaged to R or D,the indicator shows normally..there's no warning gb indicator showing up or anything..
faizbizandry;554942 said:

There indicator is appearing accordingly, meaning when I enggaged to R or D,the indicator shows normally..there's no warning gb indicator showing up or anything..

No alarm and indicator shows correctly.

what was the indication when the reverse gear refuse to work?
I experienced delay in shifting yesterday, then today the machine started to ride like a horse then the engine died. Called the mechanic, turns out the car is out of gas. Refill, then the car is fine. Just sharing, may not be related to your problem at all. :stupid:
jarance;554946 said:
No alarm and indicator shows correctly.

what was the indication when the reverse gear refuse to work?

It stick to R..it shows as R..like normal..except just few seconds delay on the gb to respond..
faizbizandry;554974 said:
It stick to R..it shows as R..like normal..except just few seconds delay on the gb to respond..

sound more like a sticky valve or dirty valves. Sometime dirt can get caught at the fine mesh of the solenoids. The only way to confirm is remove the solenoid and inspect it.

btw, have you send it to the workshop and check for any alarm?
jarance;554977 said:
sound more like a sticky valve or dirty valves. Sometime dirt can get caught at the fine mesh of the solenoids. The only way to confirm is remove the solenoid and inspect it.

btw, have you send it to the workshop and check for any alarm?

No bro..not yet..I will change the atf fluid and filter..if fails, might need to look for a new set of gb..koyak :(
Yes I did cleanup my air filter 2 days ago before I've experienced my gbox issue..thanks :D maybe I will check it tomorrow
Alex5522;555093 said:
Not the Ail Filter.. The MAF i means

Oh ok ok..but both of them related rite? I mean,if I touch the air filter part, I would definetly kacau the MAF as well rite?aren't they connected??sorry, udm dumb here..lol
faizbizandry;555080 said:
Erk..sorry bro..what is MAF??sorry again,newbie la :( n btw, I forgot to ask jerance what is a selanoid is..huhu

A solenoid valve is an electromechanical valve for use with liquid or gas. The valve is controlled by an electric current through a solenoid coil. Solenoid valves may have two or more ports: in the case of a two-port valve the flow is switched on or off; in the case of a three-port valve, the outflow is switched between the two outlet ports. Multiple solenoid valves can be placed together on a manifold.
Solenoid valves are the most frequently used control elements in fluidics. Their tasks are to shut off, release, dose, distribute or mix fluids. They are found in many application areas. Solenoids offer fast and safe switching, high reliability, long service life, good medium compatibility of the materials used, low control power and compact design.
Besides the plunger-type actuator which is used most frequently, pivoted-armature actuators and rocker actuators are also used.
source - wikipidea

These solenoids are located inside your gearbox on the valve body(brains of the gearbox) and its visible once the gearbox sump & filter removed.
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