Any E38 otai's Still in The House?

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Apr 21, 2013
Hello everyone, am curious since the e38 topics have been relatively quiet for a few years.

So I want to know anyone here left (especially the otai's) because I just got myself one and would like advice on how to maintain this Wonderful Beast of a machine..

Also to talk to fellow bimmer owners and because I finally got one..

So, cheers to all. Would appreciate and welcome any reply I can get.
Any E38 Otai still active here? Need advice on an E38 that i have been considering. Thanks
adam_ikmal said:
Hahahaha, haiz... but thanks for the reply to my post, what are you driving yourself?
alamak br perasan la bro... im with my rusty e46...... share la some pics of ur 38.
Hi Adam,

Looking forward to the pictures of your E38 ride. As for my questions, i have PM them to you. Please check your inbox. Thank you.
Yes ...sharing is caring indeed. This was the advice that i got from our wise Otai Adam :

1. Which E38 model has the least problems?
728i, cuz if you factor a car that's within Malaysia, 728i has the least problems and if it does, the parts are easier to find.

2. The common problems, that I can think of right now is, abs sensor, asc/dsc, electric seat 'twists' some sensors here and there...

3. Average maintenance cost?
Normal oil change and service, not that pricey, sometimes cheaper than e39

4. How's the drive and performance ?
Super smooth, super responsive, quick and can top speed like nothing..

5. Comfortable?
Not as comfortable as newer models for 7 series but still very enjoyable, very relaxed.

6. What's the last year model for the E38?
come on guys.... post pics of your E38 rides here. When you have it, flaunt it!
Hi guys where do you sough your parts esp from the potong shop. Got mine from hakitrade subang.

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unstopables_7 said:

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Wow looking good :rock: . BTW am thinking to upgrade my headlights guys. Mine is 1997 e38.
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