Wind Noice

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i have problems but at 140km/h and above. Coming from somewhere at the top curve of the front windows.

Have tried the following:
1. Replaced the window rubber guides
2. Replaced the door gasket
3. Oiled/greased the suede-like door frame gasket.

Still there. :(
Not sure if I need to replace the suide-like door frame gasket
That alcantara door piece u r referring too does not do much for sound...

btw, wind noise only at 140 above is very good already for our e36 of that age.

Anybody in klang valley interested in soundproofing/wind noise mini tt?
Originally posted by mini_jeff67@Apr 5 2006, 09:36 AM
Tests are carried out under very stringent conditions, under various circumstances in order for us to derive a reasonable accurate assessment of the actual capabilities and limits of the Ultimate Driving Machine, which in itself is an already a work of art, and we in our own small way seek to contribute to its' never ending quest to secure achievements of far greater proportions!

*breathe, breathe, breathe*
:eek: powerful speech ha!!..This must be a engineer by profession... :D
Originally posted by affan66@Apr 5 2006, 01:08 PM
i have problems but at 140km/h and above. Coming from somewhere at the top curve of the front windows.

Have tried the following:
1. Replaced the window rubber guides
2. Replaced the door gasket
3. Oiled/greased the suede-like door frame gasket.

Still there. :(
Not sure if I need to replace the suide-like door frame gasket
Sure can give it a try, to replace that suede-like gasket. When the one on the right front door of my ex-Babe tore a bit, I got more wind noise. Maybe that slight tear had is creating the wind noise at high speeds.

But whatever it is, the E36 is still quieter than my PV6 at 140kmh. But compared to my SLOTH, don't even think of comparing.... :D
Well....i thought i was the only one experiencing this. Maybe u guys can try lowering down the window while driving(in the region of that noise) and notice whether the noise band increase or decrease. This must be down slowly..very slowly....Positive result means have your window linings changed.....negative result, have your door linings changed. I don't foresee the problem than any other angle. :nyehehe:

yet still we can choose to live with the noise. Noise(your expensive audio system lorr) :D counter noise
it could also be caused by the tint. The tint film could be uneven and creates a pinhole gap and allow outside air to come through the window. This could be the "whistling" effect that i get from my front windows.
Originally posted by manjit@Apr 5 2006, 11:14 PM
Well....i thought i was the only one experiencing this. Maybe u guys can try lowering down the window while driving(in the region of that noise) and notice whether the noise band increase or decrease. This must be down slowly..very slowly....Positive result means have your window linings changed.....negative result, have your door linings changed. I don't foresee the problem than any other angle. :nyehehe:

yet still we can choose to live with the noise. Noise(your expensive audio system lorr) :D counter noise
I had tried this on an old Volvo 850, it improves the sound insulation but does not eliminate the problem. WIll try it on my UDM when i have time.

As for tinit, how leh, i,m using the expansive Vcool, i don;t think i would strip my tint to try............ :D
I guess the windnoise boils down to aerodynamics and Cd.

e34's will have noise cause by the sidemirrors, change to facelifted side mirrors and it will reduce noise not eliminate it.

e36 noise is coming from lack of insulation. Take and e34 or newer BM and compare the amount of rubber arund the door /window area. The e36 only has rubber surrounding the door on the car body and around the wndow. The e34 has rubber surrounding the door. So more rubber, more insulation.

e46 probably same problem. Basically not meant to be silent cruiser.

e21/24/23 forget it.........the Cd is like .40. Want to go past 200km/h also susah, how to enjoy silent cruising speed.

some cars have the aerodymics so well thought off, like the Citroen ZX has no noise from side mirrors, but when drive with the windows down there's no air coming in. Try it.

Mazin aka whl
Originally posted by whl@Apr 6 2006, 10:05 AM
I guess the windnoise boils down to aerodynamics and Cd.

e34's will have noise cause by the sidemirrors, change to facelifted side mirrors and it will reduce noise not eliminate it.

e36 noise is coming from lack of insulation. Take and e34 or newer BM and compare the amount of rubber arund the door /window area. The e36 only has rubber surrounding the door on the car body and around the wndow. The e34 has rubber surrounding the door. So more rubber, more insulation.

e46 probably same problem. Basically not meant to be silent cruiser.

e21/24/23 forget it.........the Cd is like .40. Want to go past 200km/h also susah, how to enjoy silent cruising speed.

some cars have the aerodymics so well thought off, like the Citroen ZX has no noise from side mirrors, but when drive with the windows down there's no air coming in. Try it.

Mazin aka whl
Well said, whl.

I tend to agree w this premise.

If we think the wind noise is bad for the e36 or e46, try any older Porsche 911, or Lotus Elise and compare.

Wind noise can also be considered as one of the feedback forming the driving experience, similar to engine noise (no sports car owners will want their engine insulated until it is silent, for example.)

If a performance-oriented car becomes totally silent, whisper quiet, purists will start to complain that the experience is clinically sanitized compromising its raison d’être.

When BMW 'created' or at the very least, emphatically redefined the category of the sports sedan w the introduction of the 3er, it bridged the gap between performance and practicality. Of course, you can't have the best of both worlds. Sports freak will complain about the lack of performance, comfort seekers will complain about the excess wind noise. Which is why we have this discussion today. And why comparing the 3 or the 5 w Camry and others misses the point, if you don't mind my saying so.

Tried the Z4 recently? It was so metalically whisper-smooth, I felt I was playing GT4 on my PS2 - oddly detached. Which is also the feeling I get from the recent models of the udm. Which may explain why there are legions of die-hard break-down-constantly-but-sounds-gorgeous-alfa fans....
I guess having a distinctive sound from your car would be great, but I don't think wind noise is something most of us would clamour to have.

Anyway UDM owners tend to bend towards comfort, so wind noise is a definite no-no. Exhaust note's are a whole different story :D

Mazin aka whl
Originally posted by whl@Apr 6 2006, 07:34 AM
I guess having a distinctive sound from your car would be great, but I don't think wind noise is something most of us would clamour to have.

Anyway UDM owners tend to bend towards comfort, so wind noise is a definite no-no. Exhaust note's are a whole different story :D

Mazin aka whl
:eek:k: 100% agree...furthermore when your car gets older and with all the creaking noise around...wind noise is something that u would defavour out of the list.
if thats a steal, check out 2003 728i in the UK, only 4995 Pounds.

Mazin aka whl

p.s: Sorry to hijack
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