What ICE System for RM3000

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Club Guest
Mar 29, 2005
Plan to upgrade sound system but have limited budget.I want to have1. component speaker for front door2. Two or three way speaker at rear3. One sub woofer 10 -12 inch4. 4 channel amp to run speakers + 1 for sub5. Five channel amp to drive allAnybody can recommend. Initial thought was on Sony Explode but heard bad reputation.
Bro r37720,
Yeah... check out Simon of Tehnichi, I just got mine install there last week for just over RM 3000 ... Highly recomended!!! :eek:k: Tell him u were refer there from members of this club...he should quote u a reasonable price . :rolleyes:

why do you need a four + 1 channel and then another 5 channels? Bi-wiring/bi-amping?

I think you just need the following:

1. Front speaker components (2-way or 3-way)
2. 5 channel amp OR 4 channel + 2 channel amp
3. Sub with enclosure or sub on free air install
4. External crossover for more tuning capabilities
5. Optional - Time alignment (EQT)
6. Optional - Rear fill speakers

Dont forget to budget for wiring and a good install. A bad install will give you headaches and also might screw up your electronics.
I am heading to Simon's on Friday. Want to come? E28_728, is that white 728i at his place yours?
Great point affan - I've seen so many people splurge on good stuff, only to skimp on the install and even forsake tuning. Some people can be so silly!
To be fair, sometimes the owner begs for it 'cos they hurry the installer. They deserve what they get then!
expect at least 3-5 days of tuning before you get what you want.

Also, be warned. Tune to what you want to hear or what you are supposed to hear, depends on your preference.

And when you are still not satisfied, what are fellow forummers for? :D RACUN!!!!! Yeeeee haaaaw
Or just play front stage with :

1) A pair of nice tweeters.
2) A pair of front 6" Mid bass speakers
3) One 8" or 10" subwoofer in the boot
4) 4 Monoblock crossovers - this stuff is infinitely tunable with modules which are prepared to your taste and can also handle the time alignment settings
5) 1 4+1 Channel Amp
6) A good ear and lots of patience wiating for it to be put together.
7) If it's a bimmer, fill up your 6 disc changer with the music that you often listen to to enable th einstaller to get a feel of your taste of music.
8) If you have another RM850 then add in the bass control to extend your low end to suit a variety of music.

A lot of the stuff I mentioned need not cost a bomb. Most shops would just push boxes to you and get their margin. Everything else is secondary. Putting together is easy but making them harmonise together is the toughest bit. Looking for an installer who would maximise your dollar is even tougher but there are some around.

I think the abovementioned could be put together for about RM3800 or so (without #8) and you will experience an excellent soundstage with the vocals coming directly from the front. It's an amazing experience.

Sound systems are like BHP. Once you get used to it, you will crave for more. Beware................and Good luck buddy.
not sure if the 6" midbass fits on the standard location for the E46. E36 does not definitely.
You are correct Affan. Standard units are 5" so have to machine a bit to fit. The 6" produces a fuller range relative to the 5" which cannot produce the circa 250 Hz-350Hz with sufficient weight. You can force it out but your 1KHz and above will sound a bit muffled. but then again, this depends on the kind of setup the owner wants as I tend to skew towards clarity and reproduction accuracy. I think I just got racun-ed over the past week or so. *Alamak!!!
this is getting off topic but I can't help it. I have not seen vanquish for a very long time. Hehe.

Trying to put a 6" in the same spot won't help much because you still need to have the right amount of "air" to allow the speakers to move.

Simple example: Put a 18" sub in a teeny weeny enclosure. It ain't gonna work.

So brother r-something-something, let us know what is your preferences. Perhaps we can help you.

*I am serious in helping a fellow member" :D
A fair bit off budget, my poison

Got a K2 fan here, don't we. That comp set alone will blow 2/3 of our friend's budget. Don't la poison people like that, Ichiwan ..

With that budget, a simple SQ oriented system is possible ... plus or minus about RM 500.00. Let's see what we can do here ...

HU - maintain stock for now

Front comps - since we cannot afford fancy kick panels/etc, let's get a decent pair of 5.25 inch from reputable brands like DLS, Focal, Eton, Alpine, CDT and etc. Avoid brands like Caliber, Sony, Mohawk and etc if you're serious about sound quality.

Sub - a small 10 inch in a sealed 1.0 cft enclosure will do. Or opt for a quality bass tube and save some boot space.

Amp - For now, let's get a decent 4 channel amp with atleast 50W x 4. These are TRUE RMS wattage here, not over hyped 400W PMPO crap that you get from some brands. Suggest you let 2 channels to take care of the comps and bridge the other 2 - shud give you about 200W x 1 to drive the sub.

Spare about 10% of your budget for quality RCA's, speaker and power cables and instalation cost. Quality install and tuning is the thing that will make your system good or bad. No point in stuffing a bootful of hi end ICE gear when the installer has got no clue on how to maximise them.

Did I miss anything else, ICE Meister ? Your humble Padawan Learner signing off !!! Hahahahahahah !!!

P/S - WJ, nice JL sub you've got there. Is that a W3 or W10 model ? Yummy !!!
Got a K2 fan here, don't we. That comp set alone will blow 2/3 of our friend's budget. Don't la poison people like that, Ichiwan ..

With that budget, a simple SQ oriented system is possible ... plus or minus about RM 500.00. Let's see what we can do here ...

HU - maintain stock for now

Front comps - since we cannot afford fancy kick panels/etc, let's get a decent pair of 5.25 inch from reputable brands like DLS, Focal, Eton, Alpine, CDT and etc. Avoid brands like Caliber, Sony, Mohawk and etc if you're serious about sound quality.

Sub - a small 10 inch in a sealed 1.0 cft enclosure will do. Or opt for a quality bass tube and save some boot space.

Amp - For now, let's get a decent 4 channel amp with atleast 50W x 4. These are TRUE RMS wattage here, not over hyped 400W PMPO crap that you get from some brands. Suggest you let 2 channels to take care of the comps and bridge the other 2 - shud give you about 200W x 1 to drive the sub.

Spare about 10% of your budget for quality RCA's, speaker and power cables and instalation cost. Quality install and tuning is the thing that will make your system good or bad. No point in stuffing a bootful of hi end ICE gear when the installer has got no clue on how to maximise them.

Did I miss anything else, ICE Meister ? Your humble Padawan Learner signing off !!! Hahahahahahah !!!

P/S - WJ, nice JL sub you've got there. Is that a W3 or W10 model ? Yummy !!!

looks you have injected sufficient dosage for a newbie. Reserve the rest when the installation goes in. Hahaha (Devillish laugh)
Thanks guys!

I am very attracted to go to Simon Technichi? I checked the map but cant figure out the location. I will carefully check again

I have done window shopping. 1st shop quote me about RM9500 that the brand that I do not know (I think they thought I am very rich guy?). FYI, I do not know what is a good brand aprt from Sony, Kenwood, JBL, Kickers.

I went to the second shop they quote me RM8500. I think the cables cost me around RM1000+. Of course it is out of budget.

Lastly, I went to Brothers and they quote me about RM3200 with Sony Explode 5 channel amplier (build in parameteric EQ), Kenwood 5" component with cross-over plus tweeter, 6" 2 way Kenwood, 12" subwoofer with box.

I know many of you arethe ICE expert, that is why I asked you all before I decided. Now I know that I need to go to the proposed shop. perhaps this saturday evening.

Thanks once again

Why not PM a few of the guys here who are regulars at Simon's place. They can guide you there. RM 3000.00 is a fair bit of sum to blow on ICE so I wud suggest that you check all options before you part with the cash. As for Brothers, I have no comments on the equipment that they use but I can tell you and have seen enough horror stories about unhappy clients who's been there.

Just my 2 cents of thoughts ... final decision is still all yours Bro.

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