Watch that temperature needle!

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Club Guest
Dec 8, 2004
Tip :With the recent hot weather, watch that temperature needle like a hawk! What happened :Was rushing to send some guests to KLIA. At the Subang Jaya toll to enter the highway, noticed some smoke coming out near the hood, driver's side. Checked my temp needle, rock solid at the center. Thinking at first my brake pads were smoking, and since my fire extinguisher was left at the workshop, decided to proceed, visions of F1 brake discs catching fire when stationary in my head...A few km on, the needle moved to 3/4, and I stopped the car immediately, with apologies to my guests who had to miss their flights...The radiator return hose has popped out, spraying coolant everywhere in the engine bay. The coolant tank (expansion tank?) was completely empty.Had to be rescued by the workshop owner, who came with one phone call. He sent my guests to the airport for me too. He was with another e36 customer, who lent his car for this purpose. ("Must help fellow udm owner.." - most heartwarming comment.) You guys know who you are - my most sincere appreciation. Really appreciate the friendship and the service at times like this.Scanned the forum in the US, and it seems this is a common failure, esp under hot weather.It's back to the workshop tomorrow to get a brand new hose, and to clip it back REALLY tight.So, boys and girls, under the current hot weather, watch that temperature gauge. And if you haven't changed the radiator hose in a while, check to make sure everything is in good shape.Safe motoring.
Any graphics to show how the return hose popped out? Is it at the radiator end or engine end?
The return hose popped out from the connection to the expansion tank, and dangled between the radiator and the cooling fan.

I was extremely lucky the fan did not cut the hose...

Here's an article a related subject.

Or do a search from Google, or from any American/European BMW site, on the keywords "bmw e36 radiator hose pop leak" and you'll get some interesting and potentially eye-opening reads...

Take care out there...
bro, the only reason why the hose popped out is due to overpressure in the cooling system!!! happen to me before and found out later it was due to a small leak at the cylinder head when I did my top overhaul. BTW, compression test cannot detect when the engine is cold. It only "leak" when the engine is HOT. Now very kiasu, ask the mechanic to fill fan cluth with extra silicon oil so that temperature is between the blue mark and 1/2 mark..

Luckily everything was under control. And u got a good rescuer too, at least sent your guests to the airport so that they would not miss their flight.

Good advice from Lee there, so guys... be very careful and stay alert.

GOOD ADVICE IN HOT DAY .... I better watch up my TEmp needle
who's ur mechanic.. may be u can share with us..
Well, shite always happens at the most inopportune times. Even though we take care of our rides, give them TLC, but things can and will go wrong.

My ex-E36 had a similiar story to tell too. Fresh from a complete overhaul of its cooling system. A few days later, on the NKVE, blasting down towards ELIT, I felt a slight jerk. Looking at the temp, I saw the needle creeping up towards the red. Could not stop immediately because I was on the ramp/bridge. No choice, let off gas and coasted the car for a few hundred meters to a spot where I can park safely. Found out the top hose had detached from the radiator. The farking cheap retaining ring had given way allowing the hose to slip out. Luckily did not damage the engine. Called my mech for assistance. He came, slipped the hose back in, tightened the hose again and top up with water. I was on my way again. Remember - do not skimp. Watch those retaining rings too....

Luckily I always drive with my eyes scanning the dashboard every now and then to make sure everything is ok and I pay special attention to the damn temp needle.
When my 'temp' goes up ...

My 'needle' oso goes up ....

* cabutz *

flash;216825 said:
Well, shite always happens at the most inopportune times. Even though we take care of our rides, give them TLC, but things can and will go wrong.

M. I was on my way again. Remember - do not skimp. Watch those retaining rings too.....
wut do u mean by do noT SKIMP??
mafia1118;216858 said:
wut do u mean by do noT SKIMP??

Check the dicktionary lor... but for your benefit... in this context... do not hold back on spending money....;)
Thanks for the warning and info. Mine's behaving suspiciously these few days.....need to top up every 3 days. Will change the cap first and see any improvement. These few days busy ler. No time to send to workshop ah. :(
chairoger;216915 said:
Thanks for the warning and info. Mine's behaving suspiciously these few days.....need to top up every 3 days. Will change the cap first and see any improvement. These few days busy ler. No time to send to workshop ah. :(

Watch it, that was how my cooling problems started in the first place with my ex-E36 and current SLOTH.
flash;216942 said:
Watch it, that was how my cooling problems started in the first place with my ex-E36 and current SLOTH.

Thanks bro.....probably cooling system overhaul due....there easily goes RM1000++.....
i think bimmer temperature before go to "redline" a bit late than other car..i would like to share my experience with u all..last month, i had checked my radiator coolant and make sure it is super full :D...bcoz of rushed, i forgot to closed the radiator cap tightly...i think I just put on top without close it and close the engine when i was ontheway to there,i can smell inside my car and i found that there is a smooke coming out from the hood...i stopped my car immediately and open the hood...noticed that there is no coolant left..becoz all the coolant jumped out..but my temperature needle still at half :D

Lucky :p
that was what my ride's previous owner said
"make it a habit to look at the temp meter"
i was once lucky, after spirited drive on a hot sunny day
i remember the temp needle was at half all the time
the next morning, i got coolant error and i top up almost 1 liter of water
the culprit, cracked radiator cap!
chairoger;216955 said:
Thanks bro.....probably cooling system overhaul due....there easily goes RM1000++.....


In that case, I would not go outstation for now if I were you, at least not until the radiator is looked at thoroughly and properly fixed. Top up every 3 days is definitely not normal and a cause for concern. Take extra precaution, like a large bottle of water in the trunk... :D

RM1000++ for cooling system overhaul?

RM4000++++++ for engine overhaul if the gasket cracks... food for thought...
laneza;216974 said:
i think bimmer temperature before go to "redline" a bit late than other car..i would like to share my experience with u all..last month, i had checked my radiator coolant and make sure it is super full :D...bcoz of rushed, i forgot to closed the radiator cap tightly...i think I just put on top without close it and close the engine when i was ontheway to there,i can smell inside my car and i found that there is a smooke coming out from the hood...i stopped my car immediately and open the hood...noticed that there is no coolant left..becoz all the coolant jumped out..but my temperature needle still at half :D

Lucky :p

That's almost exactly what happened to me.

You coolant was leaking out of the cap of the expansion tank, in my case it was the connection between the return hose and the expansion tank, and spraying all over the engine. That smell you detected was the coolant being fried by the engine.

Footnote : I used to complain that the aircond air circulation flap does not fully close on the bimmer. Now I find it a blessing because you can immediately smell the engine if it overheats... Wonder if this was part of the reason the flap does not close entirely.. At any rate, it is a benefit in this case.

Your temp needle was still at half because the engine was sucking coolant from the expansion tank, returning it via the return hose, and spraying it out via the cap, thereby rapidly emptying your expansion tank. Any further, and your engine will totally dry up and the temp needle will move. No doubt about it. Seems you stopped in time before that happened.
theCROW;216991 said:
that was what my ride's previous owner said
"make it a habit to look at the temp meter"
i was once lucky, after spirited drive on a hot sunny day
i remember the temp needle was at half all the time
the next morning, i got coolant error and i top up almost 1 liter of water
the culprit, cracked radiator cap!

Yeah, just replaced my cap last week, again, coolant was spraying all over the engine bay... Must be the hot weather.
It could be time to change the radiator.

I went through all the usual suspects, thermostat, water pump, gaskets etc, but the e21 was still overheating.

Bit the bullet and replaced my radiator and now, temperature running at one full notch below the centre point.

In heavy traffic, it only goes up to halfway between that and the centre point. Helps that I am using a custom made triple core copper radiator.
Radiator is new, barely 1 month old. Behr.

The hose is not new though. Anyways, got a new hose installed today. Temp back to rock-solid-in-the-center normal.
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