Tips for buying a E46

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Club Guest
Feb 11, 2007
I'm new to this forum. I'm planning to buy an e46 soon (in 6 months hopefully). I did some research by going around. I've found out that there are many versions/models. My budget only allow me to look at the e46 - 3.18i 2.0, 3.20 and 3.20 2.2. My budget is around 130k -140k. I heard from some forums and used car salesman that the 3.18i 2.0 gives problems such as electronics and overheating due to the underpower 4 cyclinder engine. The salesman advise me to consider the 3.20 2.0/2.2 instead which give less problems. I wonder how true is this. I'm also concern about the car manufacture year, most recond. e46 is 2001. I will need some advice from the members here on the following:- a) Which model of e46 to consider ? b) Which year ? c) Which country if recond. models to reconsider ? d) What to check out on the interior ? e) What to check out on the exterior ? f) What to check out on the engine ?Thanks.
Dodgy;194448 said:
I'm new to this forum. I'm planning to buy an e46 soon (in 6 months hopefully). I did some research by going around. I've found out that there are many versions/models. My budget only allow me to look at the e46 - 3.18i 2.0, 3.20 and 3.20 2.2. My budget is around 130k -140k. I heard from some forums and used car salesman that the 3.18i 2.0 gives problems such as electronics and overheating due to the underpower 4 cyclinder engine. The salesman advise me to consider the 3.20 2.0/2.2 instead which give less problems. I wonder how true is this. I'm also concern about the car manufacture year, most recond. e46 is 2001. I will need some advice from the members here on the following:-

a) Which model of e46 to consider ?
b) Which year ?
c) Which country if recond. models to reconsider ?
d) What to check out on the interior ?
e) What to check out on the exterior ?
f) What to check out on the engine ?


Dodgy brother.. first of all, you should go introduce yourself at the newbies.. Anyway, welcome aboard.. :)

In my dua cent opinion, all cars give problems.. inregardless of year or model. The only question is picking out the one with the least..

If you've got RM140k to spare.. get a 325i.. HUGE difference, they all say..
As for what to check on, the list is endless.. bring the potential car to your trusted mech and have him thoroughly go through the car.. and preferably do a GT1.

All the best with your search..
Hi bros out there....have not been actively participating these days but i will try to contributelah....valentine resolution...hahaha...

correct me if i am wrong...the 325i has a wee bit of problem due to its SMG Gearbox if its taken its toll i.e. more than 5 years, etc...

mines a 320i 2001 jap mitigate the risk, i brought the car for full diagnostic check and undercarriage check plus a 1 month guarantee from the dealer (though a bit too short the periodlah) to ensure reliability, exact mileage and history of problems before i agree to buy...once bought, i immediately change the extension tank to the coolant as it is prone to have cracks (mines at 49k mileage) first service after buying cost me rm1.4k lah...spend a bit change here change thats my advice lah...then got my AC Schnitzer bodykit from japan...ehem kira ok lah...but still not yet change rims...when want to change rims, samy velu up the toll cannot buy...cehhhh.....

cheers bruders....
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