I'm new to this forum. I'm planning to buy an e46 soon (in 6 months hopefully). I did some research by going around. I've found out that there are many versions/models. My budget only allow me to look at the e46 - 3.18i 2.0, 3.20 and 3.20 2.2. My budget is around 130k -140k. I heard from some forums and used car salesman that the 3.18i 2.0 gives problems such as electronics and overheating due to the underpower 4 cyclinder engine. The salesman advise me to consider the 3.20 2.0/2.2 instead which give less problems. I wonder how true is this. I'm also concern about the car manufacture year, most recond. e46 is 2001. I will need some advice from the members here on the following:- a) Which model of e46 to consider ? b) Which year ? c) Which country if recond. models to reconsider ? d) What to check out on the interior ? e) What to check out on the exterior ? f) What to check out on the engine ?Thanks.