These type of cars got parking problem onot ?

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Club Guest
May 10, 2008
Hi all,I have been driving a Proton Iswara hatchback. Obviously parking is pretty easy and quick. Been planning to get an E60, but in my opinion its seriously BIG compared to what I am driving now.So, I would like to know if any of you guys face parking problems ? Especially side parking. Or do you just use the Valet services ?
Friend it is a BMW for christ sake they come with parking sensors all round. If parking is still difficult then the problem is not the car regardless of size it's the driver.
he he he.. this is a very interesting question...never had this one before...

buy smart car la bro... the easiest to park.
if not smart car ... then juara...

planta;322779 said:
he he he.. this is a very interesting question...never had this one before...

buy smart car la bro... the easiest to park.
if not smart car ... then juara...


No laa bro. I think i understand his question. i thought about that before. It is not about how difficult to park the E60 but more concern when you park side by side with other car. normally the door opening area is limited so worried the other car beside you will bang your car when they open up their door. E60 is super wider then Iswara maa..
Compare to Iswara? Did ur Iswara using stock std wheel and suspension or 17" wheels lowered suspension with skirt all round?

My friend had an E60 M Sport on BBS 19". Almost every other week, it has to sent to body shop because the low, fat car and huge wheel too easy to scrub curbs, more so after a night of hard liquor.

He finally gave up and got himself a chauffeur..

The 17" runner is less forgiving when it comes to driving too near to the curb on side parking. My stock std E90 before the wheel can touch the curb side parking head first, the lower lip would scrub the curb. I am not upgrading my rim in the near future because need to get familiarised with it using it as training wheel.. :p

Even if you are talking about "L" parking, a Perdana is easier to park because both E90 and E60 is fatter than a Perdana and the wide 225 or 245 tyre is not helping in the turning radius, despite a rear wheel drive car should be able to turn more. If head in, the lip can potentially hit the cement stopper which is about a brick height, if u reverse in, then u have problem loading your grocery with boot facing in.

Bro! Your worry is real! Get use to it and u'll be fine!

I usually take my MPV out for grocery trip and I can park above the curb also no problem. :D More over too many irresponsible shopper will just squeeze their trolley in between cars leaving scratches on your door. Something I want to avoid. Thinner car will have better chance to survive in such abusive environment.
Comes with the territory. You can't bring an E60 anywhere and everywhere. Expect your hang-out venues to change, it's no big deal unless you have stubborn friends.
yes velocity, that was what I was worried about. LOL, astroboy the trolleys is another concern ehh.

Owen, very true. Got many places cannot go liau.

Have any of you come across a situation where, its so sempit because people double park, triple park, and you can't go cause its so sempit ?
bro...the size of a car is not the matter, its ur parking skills. If your skill is not good, you can even park a smart car properly. I've seen many espeically lady drivers, take such a long time to park their kancil into a decent parking i would say skill does matter...
It's all in the mind. I used to own an Accord which was very similar in size to the E60. But I parked it anywhere and everywhere I liked without hesitation. But now I find I think twice about where I want to go before deciding which car to use. If it's to a place where I think it will be "difficult" (e.g. tight parking, lots of cars double parking, etc), then I take the 325. The 530 seems so much bigger in terms of the tolerance level I am willing to put up with. Gaps where I would just rush in with the Accord, I now think "can I make it?". And you know once you start to doubt, all is lost.

So it's more of fearing to scratch and dent the car more than the actual size of the car. Maybe this fear will go away once I've had the car longer.... or after I get a 7-series! :D
alxy;323392 said:
It's all in the mind. I used to own an Accord which was very similar in size to the E60. But I parked it anywhere and everywhere I liked without hesitation. But now I find I think twice about where I want to go before deciding which car to use. If it's to a place where I think it will be "difficult" (e.g. tight parking, lots of cars double parking, etc), then I take the 325. The 530 seems so much bigger in terms of the tolerance level I am willing to put up with. Gaps where I would just rush in with the Accord, I now think "can I make it?". And you know once you start to doubt, all is lost.

So it's more of fearing to scratch and dent the car more than the actual size of the car. Maybe this fear will go away once I've had the car longer.... or after I get a 7-series! :D
Yea that's all it is. A scratch on a 5-series vs an Accord is just miles apart. It's fair to say that one wouldn't give a second look if your Japanese brand had scratches on them, but a single scratch on your European make will always hurt.
Get a 1-series if you want a car you can park anywhere. Compact cars like that are great for city driving. Cars like 5-series are generally happier in the suburbs and on the highway than jammed narrow city roads. Obviously, depending where you live/visit, a big car like the E60 would tend give you some extra stress when it comes to parking or even getting through narrow double-parked roads. Whether it bothers you or not kinda depends on the individual.

With any car though, drive it long enough and you'll get a good feel for its dimensions which will make it easier. And yes, a lot of it is mental. Just imagine the Kancil driver who thinks your Iswara would be so difficult to park lol.

Or get the E60 and just keep the iswara around for when you go food court/pasar malam or some other place with a shitty parking situation. It's handy to have a second car for this purpose if you've got a nice car. Especially with so many careless/envious/malicious types of people around.
I am still struggling to get my 5 to park in with one straight entry. I have no problems with my 3. With my 5, I have to go in and then adjust a few times. It is a big car but it takes time to adjust even with the front/rear PDC that the car comes with.

Yes, driving this 5 limits where I drive/park too but this is where my Kelisa comes in or my 3 if the place is a bit decent. With my Kelisa, I can taruh parking anywhere, e.g. pasar, kg baru makan2 place, LRT.. u name it.
cempaka and affan66, thanks for the information. Really appreciate it.
hmmm.. I guess you guys are rite, looks like I am gonna have to keep my Iswara for places like food court, and pasar malam type of places.

How about going up and down of parking ramps in a multi-level story car park ?
Anyone ever face problems on those anywhere at all ?
aaron77;323824 said:
cempaka and affan66, thanks for the information. Really appreciate it.
hmmm.. I guess you guys are rite, looks like I am gonna have to keep my Iswara for places like food court, and pasar malam type of places.

How about going up and down of parking ramps in a multi-level story car park ?
Anyone ever face problems on those anywhere at all ?
Only problem you'd face is if you lower your car's suspension. This applies to all cars in general though. As far as movement room, drive really slow and use the front sensors. Most car parks can accomodate the 7-series and S-class.
In Malaysia, given the road and car park conditions, it's almost impossible to keep a car scratch-free or dent-free. First time it's normally 'OUCH', 2nd time it'll be 'OUCH', 3rd time 'OUCH' and after that, immunity is achieved....:wink: You'll probably look at another E60 and say welcome to the club matey....hehehe...

Normally no problem parking my E39 when I don't start imagining negative things will happen's all in the mind.
affan66;323749 said:
I am still struggling to get my 5 to park in with one straight entry. I have no problems with my 3. With my 5, I have to go in and then adjust a few times. It is a big car but it takes time to adjust even with the front/rear PDC that the car comes with.

Yes, driving this 5 limits where I drive/park too but this is where my Kelisa comes in or my 3 if the place is a bit decent. With my Kelisa, I can taruh parking anywhere, e.g. pasar, kg baru makan2 place, LRT.. u name it.

what i do when i park nowadays is whenever i'm not sure of the available space,i'd put the car in P,get out of the car and do a visual..then get in again and continue(my car takde PDC..)

beats installing costly sensors to the car la.. look at it this way,everytime u have to get out and do a visual,u're burning more calories/ its a double benefit,well,to me at least.:rock:
supergripen bro, with all the hijackings that's going on these days, is it wise to get out of your car for visual checks? You could be inviting some opportunistic mugger who sees an already started E60 with owner out of the car. At least, look around before you get out of the car, or do it in a very public place.

As for ramps and all that, my car comes with a front spoiler which lowers the car a few inches from the ground only. I have already chipped off some parts of the spoiler going through bumps. So I'm now doubly careful when going in and out of the multi level car parks. Though height is not the issue, width is. Some of those car parks have narrow ramps, so I always try to find a better angle (e.g. going a longer way so I go in straight into the ramp rather than turning in from an angle into the ramp). Better safe than sorry
alxy: Thanks for sharing. parking ramps was indeed one of my biggest fears, I guess I will have to be double careful too then.
alxy;323984 said:
supergripen bro, with all the hijackings that's going on these days, is it wise to get out of your car for visual checks? You could be inviting some opportunistic mugger who sees an already started E60 with owner out of the car. At least, look around before you get out of the car, or do it in a very public place.

u are absolutely rite bro..thanx for the heads up.i do however keep an eye on where i park and also the happenings around me when i park the car.but u are absolutely rite,it does present an oppurtunity to bad intentions.

something for all of us to think about..cuz eventually,once u've parked the car,u'll wanna exit the car be careful..

on the ground clearance thingy,i've never had any problems with scraping the fronts before.i've got the standard mtech aerokit and the car is also lowered with bilstein's long as u don't add additional splitters up front,i think the clearance is adequate for most ramps.
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