There goes my Hamann 18"

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Jan 10, 2007
Yday nite i hit a pot hole at tun aminah caltex resulting in 2 of my driver side rim to damage.. 1 got crack in it..another dented badly.. damn.. ! :( :( :( Manage to loan a spare rim who is driving e46 . but it wobbles.. any idea where can i get a spare rim for e39 temporarily. i sent my rim to Wan Sing at permas for repair..
The moral of the story here is.........don't use big wheels with ultra low profile tyres, its just not suitable here cause the roads are not well taken care. Today patch up next few days rain rain rain become lobang again hehehehe....think about it :)
Shit...that sucks.

I think basicaly anywhere in Malaysia the road sucks...i don't remember driving on a nice piece of road before. I think we have more pot holes then the amount of people on the earth.
Most Western nations actually take responsibility for bad roads and unmended potholes.

E.g UK local councils (who are responsible for paving and general upkeep of roads) will have to payout repair/replacement costs of broken wheels/tyres/injury. This results in £millions in damage claims every year.

It would be nice if M'sia had some incentive to do this... after all, why should we pay for road maintenance yet absorb damage cost as a result of their shoddy work?

But I suspect this will remain a dream anyway, the country just isn't there yet.

heart pain man... i dunno when our Malaysia going to progress... All this politician are
only good at making spicy remarks.. rather then looking into their job scopes...*sigh*
Jb 5er's any good tyre shop to recommend?
I agree especially when driving even in toll paid hiways, the amount of pot holes are just uncountable. I use kesas at times to get to work. The road is OK until the toll heading towards KL and then you get into MRR2..shit that sucks esp on the bridges with the cracked metal bars across and holes right in the middle. I have slowed down many times to be soft across them but tell you what the guys at the back don;t give a damn about all this at all. For them I am slowing them down. So after various trips I know exactly which lane to keep on to avoid these big ones.

BTW I thought i was the only one cursing the roads in kl but not really.

I agree in malaysia it is all who cares policy and for us to get to western standard a lot of things need to be paradigm shifted./mindset change.
These pot holes also can create road accidents, imaging while driving and suddenly you saw the fcking big hole ahead, naturally you will do you best to avoid it, and at that moment you may apply emergency brake or steer to left or right..then ooopps....touch wood.

But the gov only know very well that only having speed trap at wide staright road can reduce road accidents...FFFCCCCKKKKK!
try driving at Singapore. their roads are of amazing quality. Formula one track standards. Potholes are unheard of.
absidian;208598 said:
Most Western nations actually take responsibility for bad roads and unmended potholes.

E.g UK local councils (who are responsible for paving and general upkeep of roads) will have to payout repair/replacement costs of broken wheels/tyres/injury. This results in £millions in damage claims every year.

It would be nice if M'sia had some incentive to do this... after all, why should we pay for road maintenance yet absorb damage cost as a result of their shoddy work?

But I suspect this will remain a dream anyway, the country just isn't there yet.


All our local councils are run by idiots and fat lazy clowns who does nothing other then having teh tarik and nasi lemak everyday. and with a bloody "tidak apa" attitude like theirs how do you expect them to improve the town or better yet the whole country.

its a real shame on them that they have some poor good hearted UNCLE in the newspaper front page buying cement and aggregate from his own pocket and risking his dear life everyday mending holes in JB
xtracooljustin;208756 said:
try driving at Singapore. their roads are of amazing quality. Formula one track standards. Potholes are unheard of.

No offense, but I would prefer M'sian roads over SG's.

Kudos for their good work, but whats important is also the layout... sweeping countryside roads or mountain passes are perfect to enjoy the real thrill of driving and ultimate car control (without POTHOLES of course)

This of course isn't SG's concern due to geographical reasons.

Bro, sorry for u. What model d u drive? Whre r u stayin? Got few tyre shop can recommend but depends on what u need.

Thats why I only use 17" safer, comfort and cheaper too:D

How many time I want to say FTG:mad:
xtracooljustin;208756 said:
try driving at Singapore. their roads are of amazing quality. Formula one track standards. Potholes are unheard of.

The roads here definitely are better....its a fact of life. But at what cost? You gonna pay RM 4000++ road tax per annum for an entry level 318i wor. :eek:
Agree..agree..S'pore more stress compare to M'sia, but S'pore more open to M'sia ler.. I mean gal la..
bro.. i from Kulai area. e39 523i.

initialM;209197 said:
Bro, sorry for u. What model d u drive? Whre r u stayin? Got few tyre shop can recommend but depends on what u need.

Thats why I only use 17" safer, comfort and cheaper too:D

How many time I want to say FTG:mad:
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