Telekom Malaysia - FAIR USGAE POLICY

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Jan 20, 2007
TM is committed to ensuring our customers receive the best broadband service at the most competitive price. To achieve this goal, we provide a contended broadband service. This means our Internet bandwidth (capacity) is catered to be shared by all our customers at any one point in time, to ensure we provide a satisfactory and acceptable performance on an equal basis to all our customers.However, a small number of customers use more than their "fair share" of the Internet bandwidth provided by us. On average, about 10% of our customers are using a disproportionate amount of Internet bandwidth. These customers degrade the performance of our broadband service by taking bandwidth away from other customers, who use the service fairly.For example, some customers use P2P or file sharing software, which constantly sends and receives videos and other types of very large files, throughout the day. These activities (download and upload continuously) use a lot of bandwidth and can significantly reduce the connection speed, which other customers are getting to access the Internet during peak hours. We don’t believe this is fair to the vast majority of our customers.We wish to bring to your attention our traffic prioritization policy with regards to P2P and Fair Usage Policy. We would like to reiterate that the P2P throughput is subject to peers (seed) availability and their throughput as well. Kindly note that TM does not have any control over peers’ availability or throughput. The Fair Usage Policy automatically identifies the extremely heavy users and manages their bandwidth in order to protect the service of all our other customers. This traffic prioritization policy will protect the quality of service for the majority of our customers when they use the service, while at the same time, still allowing the extremely heavy users to continue to send and receive files with certain restrictions. With this policy in place, we will prioritize Internet activities like web browsing, live streaming, messaging applications and VOIP access while traffic to P2P sites will be given lower priority, due to the high bandwidth consumption of such services. We wish to also highlight that as an Internet Service Provider (ISP), TM only provides access to the Internet and does not guarantee content delivery and performance where it is not within the domain of TM as an ISP. In fact, our international traffic management policy is designed to cater for all our customers so they have an optimal surfing experience within the normal limits of Internet usage. As our priority is for all our customers to have a positive Internet experience, we wish to emphasize that it is important for all our customers to practice responsible usage of the allocated bandwidth based on normal usage. We would like to reiterate that we are not against the use of P2P but we would like to educate our customers that the usage of excessive P2P does impact the overall service availability to our other customers. TM does provide every customer with an allocated bandwidth, where other customers may use when not used by the others. Unfortunately, the nature of P2P more often than not, takes more than their allocated bandwidth, thus causing undue setbacks for other users when they want to use the service.As a responsible service provider, we believe it is our responsibility and commitment to educate and encourage responsible usage of the infrastructure we provide
what a load of crap! Do not blame the customer if your company is unable to cope with the demands of the customer.
A full load of crap....they should have projected their infrastructure on max usage that is expected and not what they think it should be (which is the norm to save cost and so that more can go into someone's greedy pocket). Look at our highways in Klang Valley (or should I say "car-parks") - under projected the number of cars on the road.
It's a fact that when somebody BT/p2p, you suffer. + Malaysia 'so called' MSC Cyberjaya etc infrastructure that only can see but no use.
Bro Geoff,

What is yr point actually? Does it appropriate to discuss it here?


Please be fair here. I cant help to reply to this topic as I'm TM staff & specifically last time from TM Net the ISP. To be frank I regretted when I first join here from oil & gas industry but the grass always look greener on the other side. First of all TM is a GLC which is very much control by Govt which I dun like. The era of honeymoon & xtravagance of TM staff are long gone. It would be long to discuss here & if anyone of you want to know more bout TM we can have nice chat over TT but hv to arrange time as I'm very busy. :love:
Typical with most sub-par companies. They always blame the user rather than admit the fault is with them and find ways to rectify the issue.

To be honest, I rather like calling TMNet tech support. The idiots at the end of the line always crack me up with their stupidity.
loafer;368592 said:
Typical with most sub-par companies. They always blame the user rather than admit the fault is with them and find ways to rectify the issue.

To be honest, I rather like calling TMNet tech support. The idiots at the end of the line always crack me up with their stupidity.

Bro, they follow script lah. Not by using logic to solve our problem. Even those who cold-call you also have a script to follow. Have you ever tried to predict what they will say next and you change the flow? They will KOYAK tremendously! :wink:
Well , problem in certain area ??

I use IDM all the time to download anything I want . Always about 180 KBytes per second which translate to 1.4 Mb

I pay for 1Mb and got more , luxury ..................

P2P/BT is history to me now , way too slow.
QD250;368660 said:
remains to be answered....

I just post this up after my recent call to TM. My complaint was toward sluggish streamyx especially with my SDSL line in the office at PWTC.

My main usage are Remote Desktop, VPN, Database, office file sharing... guess their reply with link to the note I post is a gentle explaination that I may use P2P which I'm not.

The case is now closed with that as excuse and am suffering with 10-20kpbs line in most hours of the day

How sad
geoffreylee;368671 said:
now am suffering with 10-20kpbs line in most hours of the day

10-20kpbs ?
You mean 20kBps ?
or 20kbps ? (if kbps = kilobits per second, you will be faster if you use dial-up :D )

20kBps is not bad. It also have to depend server site (the place where you download/upload)

for 1Mbits/ps line, getting 90kBps connection is very good consider throughput at 70% !!
My connection speed is 100Mbps with streamyx 512kbps package. Is that good or bad? To me this is relatively fast since I just changed from 56k modem dial-up service recently. With the dial-up I used to get 31k speed using Jaring.
funfer_fahrer;368720 said:
My connection speed is 100Mbps with streamyx 512kbps package.

That is the speed that you connect to your modem/router, not the bandwidth you get from Streamyx :)
turbology;368725 said:
That is the speed that you connect to your modem/router, not the bandwidth you get from Streamyx :)

Pardon my ignorance, how do I know I am getting what I am suppose to get?
check your router. It will tell you :)
Read your router user manual, it usually tell you how
turbology, yes.. its a typo.

I am running on SDSL thats 1.5m up and down with lucent modem, router is cisco. If I to visit

I can watch HD 720 smoothly without delay or thats 114mb of file in just about a minute.

recently, I cant even watch the large format without delay.
turbology;368725 said:
That is the speed that you connect to your modem/router, not the bandwidth you get from Streamyx :)

In other words, it's just like saying "I got 8 toll lanes". your actual bandwidth speed is like the speed of the toll-collector collecting and letting each car thru.
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