SECRET BMW TUNING tactics most of people had MISSED IT OUT!!

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fabianyee;370465 said:
maybe my car too old... So when you going to snip your wires??

i HAD to find-out correctly (the link) and Do together;... it had to be planned carefully...
DIGITAL exist about 80s.., (if i am not mistake)
Damn, this condition is very serious, that why the Asia became ASSsean.... that was HORRIBLE...nightmare!!! i plan to emigrate to somewhere if i got changes....

JOKER;370245 said:
i dunno when...(you mean the car right?), it was just enough for the car..

ya lor.. you did mention about "M3 drive shaft" in your first posting..
Maybe you can ask your workshop to fabricate a titanium drive shaft if the M3 is not up to expectation.

who know, we might learn something from you.. :rock:
Looking at the screwdriver analogy, errr.... nowaday people use cordless screwdriver lahhh... kalo takbleh bukak jugak, they use impact wrench...

in practical, if girls unable to get screwed in natural way, they use vibrators... hikhikhik
mangkor;370518 said:
Looking at the screwdriver analogy, errr.... nowaday people use cordless screwdriver lahhh... kalo takbleh bukak jugak, they use impact wrench...

in practical, if girls unable to get screwed in natural way, they use vibrators... hikhikhik

If they to resort to vibrator, then somebody is not doing it right. :listen:
LOOK at THE FLOWER 's evolution

LOOK.. and LOOK... and make analysist for PRO and CON.....

Thier scientist actually know the advantages of ALUMINIUM ALLOY 's block.....:stupid:
but still ILL in thier developement.... :stupid:

3.5L V-6 -> 276bhp...,

those E46 M3 from pass.. 3.2L L6 -> 333bhp.....

1350KG vs 1500KG....
Why the small car had put soo much weight???, they learnt about it...(E36 weight)
maybe they use the small and short shaft???

flower top speed -> 257km/h (VS) M3 (euro) top speed -> 298km/h

BOTH had 0-60mph almost equal... (include mine :34:)

he he he he... .
which one will be behave like T-34 battle tank and which would be PANZER-IV...
maybe they kept soo much PanzerIV in thier muzuem.., but the german had real experianced combatting the T-34.... and captured some of them...., they learnt on it already...

the car was soo smallll;2-door, smaller wheel and very LOW,
(just like attempt to evolute into F1 or try to put kungFU martialARTss into its brand)

compare to mine E36 328i (1992-1994 chassic with M52 -> 1310+/-KG)

3.5L V-6 vs 2.8L L-6... 0-60mph -> equal....(only me in the car)
a complete stuborness of the shadow nuclear sun flower......
stuborness of ADOPLH HITTTLER!!!

those 328i still proved better then some modern sportcar... :34:

they had hired the NUCLEAR 's scientist and conspiracy to HEAT up the WORLD??????
and disasterious his best friend... ??? i dunno..??

if they hired me to be thier chief scientist,
i am sure thier brand would be legend..... :34: :34: ..... ha ha ha what a serious jokesssss
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