sad sad day

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Aug 14, 2008
2 days ago wasnt a gud day for me..sob sobwas driving home from work, n it just rainedas was heading down the hill in bangsar [heading 2wards pj], the car losttraction n spun..hit the divider n wall....damage status :front n rear bumperboth wheels left sideoil pan broke...n sum stuff in engine bay.....i've lost the desire the repair the heart brokenwhat should i do?a. repair n restore [but i dun haf the funds]b. sell it in 'as is' condition...but not sure how to value itany advise?
shadowplay;547172 said:
2 days ago wasnt a gud day for me..sob sob
was driving home from work, n it just rained
as was heading down the hill in bangsar [heading 2wards pj], the car lost
traction n spun..hit the divider n wall....
damage status :
front n rear bumper
both wheels left side
oil pan broke...n sum stuff in engine bay.....
i've lost the desire the repair the heart broken
what should i do?
a. repair n restore [but i dun haf the funds]
b. sell it in 'as is' condition...but not sure how to value it
any advise?

Sorry to hear your bm-tragedy, bro. Don't give up hope..I'm quite new to this bmw-owning experience, ask astroboy what to do. Maybe he knows how to repair your car at an affordable rate.
Opps, that's really a bad day to u. I do remember u want to sell your car in classified but now this happen to u pulak..sign..
Hey bro,

Sorry about the mishap.

Accidents happen to even the most careful of people, so hope you're not taking it too badly.

Glad that you're safe and sound. As much as it pains to see your car in such a state, just remember that the car will always be there, through thick or thin.
claim fr insurance and change everything.
thats wat my fren did.
changed to M bumpers and new rims and full colour change.....
courtesy of insurance co.
sorry to hear bout this bro ...but yeah ..claim insurance if the damage is really so bad ...
Hoi! Everything also astroboy.. promote me ka? Wait I open workshop first.. :p

Haiya.. leave it to the insurer la. That's what insurance are for.. unless 3rd party lor. Then susah..

Sikit sikit bikin lor. I'm sure the E30 will recover one day. Think about this.. it could have been worst. You should be thankful for no one is injured in the mishaps... u can also think that the E30 just saved your life.
Accidents happen bro,
make it ur project car, take ur time, do it up properly again, n once its done, im sure u wont regret ur decision of keeping it. Good to know ur safe after such trauma, things could have been worst.
Sorry to hear about your mishap. Shits do happen.
However, are ur tyres in good condition? u lost control on the straight or at the left hander at the foothill? Are u going faster than u shud?

And for repairs, if you're on 3rd party insurance, then u have to foot your own bill. That's the shitty part of it.

I have my experience of losing traction in my E30 not long after I got the car some 9 years back... since it's RWD, the rear would tend to step out.
The 1st big hairy moment was exiting Subang going onto Fed Highway KL bound). I was on the right lane, it was wet and I think due to running water, the tail stepped out. Thanks to my karting experience, I countersteer and managed to keep it from spinning (or hitting the car on the left) but then the tail went the other direction (over correct / fishtailing) and got very close to the barrier on the right. Countersteer again and thanks goodness managed to keep the car in control. hit nothing but balls shrunk a bit..
The important thing was not to slam on the brakes and try to countersteer the slide. Not easy to understand unless u attend advanced driving lessons to experience it.

Most ppl think advanced driving classes are expensive and not necessary. Well, most accidents happened bcos of drivers errors and the adv driving classes could have made the difference...
Sorry to hear about your accident.

If your insurance is 3rd party only, before you decide not to repair the car because of funds, why not get a quote from your trusted mechanic 1st in order to get a better overview on whether it is worthwhile to repair. Then, digest the evaluation in the next couple of days when you are out of the sudden state of shock.
Aiyaa.. whatever advance driving lesson there is, purposed build to sell the DSC and 50/50 weight distribution feature. Correct seating position and steering handling technique probably help la. Very academic unless your practice it a lot. When something, all we know is jam brake.. whatever learn, all no time to remember liao.

We are talking about an E30 here, airbag also ilek.. Go slow when it rains, wet, tyre not tip top AND there's a wall with no run off area, otherwise, still can tekan a bit, remember a bit only!.. :p
Most important to learn from any accident - what you can do in future to prevent from re-happening.

Your explanation that the car LOST traction....perhaps hint you dun know what happened.

Downhill, front tyres take most load and maybe u even braked......rear swung around? or too fast, front pushed and u steered more and then rear stepped out?

Yes, listen to Fabian - invest in yourself thru advanced driving classes, even BMW ones.
fabianyee;547237 said:
Sorry to hear about your mishap. Shits do happen.
However, are ur tyres in good condition? u lost control on the straight or at the left hander at the foothill? Are u going faster than u shud?

And for repairs, if you're on 3rd party insurance, then u have to foot your own bill. That's the shitty part of it.

I have my experience of losing traction in my E30 not long after I got the car some 9 years back... since it's RWD, the rear would tend to step out.
The 1st big hairy moment was exiting Subang going onto Fed Highway KL bound). I was on the right lane, it was wet and I think due to running water, the tail stepped out. Thanks to my karting experience, I countersteer and managed to keep it from spinning (or hitting the car on the left) but then the tail went the other direction (over correct / fishtailing) and got very close to the barrier on the right. Countersteer again and thanks goodness managed to keep the car in control. hit nothing but balls shrunk a bit..
The important thing was not to slam on the brakes and try to countersteer the slide. Not easy to understand unless u attend advanced driving lessons to experience it.

Most ppl think advanced driving classes are expensive and not necessary. Well, most accidents happened bcos of drivers errors and the adv driving classes could have made the difference...

Thanks for sharing about your previous experience in handling such a situation. I would admit that many drivers, me included, have never went for advanced/defensive driving lessons before, and I guess, that would make a world of a difference when it comes to dealing with adverse driving conditions.

All these talk about countersteering, while sounding manageable, obviously for an inexperienced driver like me, I'd probably panic. And that is why, accidents tend to happen.
Astro - u giving E30 a scary reputation lar :).....but its true, its a car that can bite back if you drive it recklessly, especially in wet. Hey, E30 got DSC, TC and ABS what - its in your eyes, butt, leg and hands mah!

Anyhow, the car makes you respect it, the road plus urs & other people life!

Shadowplay - Get the car fixed.....slowly lor, enjoy the re-building process and drive.
I had similar experience as fab described back when I first got my E30. Roads wet after rain, exiting a corner turning onto Penchala Link from TTDI and applied too much gas = tail swings out.
Also ended up fishtailing about 3 times back and forth before thankfully regaining control. Lucky no car next to me at the time, only one behind me probably wondering what that crazy fella is doing. :D

Learnt from it, always extra cautious in the wet now. haha.
astroboy;547247 said:
Aiyaa.. whatever advance driving lesson there is, purposed build to sell the DSC and 50/50 weight distribution feature. Correct seating position and steering handling technique probably help la. Very academic unless your practice it a lot. When something, all we know is jam brake.. whatever learn, all no time to remember liao.

We are talking about an E30 here, airbag also ilek.. Go slow when it rains, wet, tyre not tip top AND there's a wall with no run off area, otherwise, still can tekan a bit, remember a bit only!.. :p

I wasn't referring to BMW Advanced driving course in specific... There are other companies or groups which hold such driving courses... If u want, I can even organise one where u drive ur own cars for the course...
Eggie86;547250 said:
Thanks for sharing about your previous experience in handling such a situation. I would admit that many drivers, me included, have never went for advanced/defensive driving lessons before, and I guess, that would make a world of a difference when it comes to dealing with adverse driving conditions.

All these talk about countersteering, while sounding manageable, obviously for an inexperienced driver like me, I'd probably panic. And that is why, accidents tend to happen.

our driving school syllabus only teaches us how to drive on designated test routes and nothing about defensive driving (let alone advanced driving)..

Actually, at the time of that hairy moment, I only have casual go karting experiences to get me out of trouble.. I guess being interested in physics and a bit of natural-born driving talent helps.. ahem.. hehe...

Also I had 1 prior crash (few years before the hairy moment) in a FWD car which i took on as a lesson. I was exiting the Kajang interchange onto the NSE north bound. Again it was wet, car goes into gradual oversteer. Instinctly I countersteer, overcorrected and it swing the other way. But instead of countersteering a 2nd time, I stepped on the brake. The car just spun round and the rear left wheel hit the side curb... From then on, I told myself never to slam on the brake unless the car is aledi in a spin...
Then few years back while attending an advanced driving course in Proton, we were taught how to counter an oversteering FWD... countersteer and pedal to the metal... ;) I tot i've known enuf but after attending the adv driving course, I learnt new things....
fabianyee;547286 said:
I wasn't referring to BMW Advanced driving course in specific... There are other companies or groups which hold such driving courses... If u want, I can even organise one where u drive ur own cars for the course...


If you got enough drivers for this advance driving, I am very keen for it!:top:
Yes.. getting the seating posture right will help in early detection of either-steer, be it under or over, giving u a head start for corrective maneuver.. every millisec of delay makes the corrective chance a lot slimmer. Correct steering holding position prevent kelam kabut hand position during corrective maneuver. Its not difficult, do ask around and listen to sifu during TT, saves you lots of money.

Don Franco;547296 said:

If you got enough drivers for this advance driving, I am very keen for it!:top:

Hehe.. I bring Avanza.. :p
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