Run flat tires

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Apr 2, 2005
I heard the E90 will be equipped with run flat tires all round. Just wondering...why does BMW make so much fuss about equipping their cars with run-flat tires? The way I see it, it should be made optional given the fact they give very poor ride quality and they do cost more (in my humble opinion that is....then again...what do I know...)A can of wuss or a space saver wheel will do fine. How often do we have a puncture anyway. Out of VERY few times I had a puncture, the tire still had some fair amount of pressure in it, enough for me to take slow drive to the nearest petrol station and pump up the tire, before driving to the nearest tire shop to have it fixed...Personally, I rather have some good-old traditional tire with more comfort and should heaven decide that I get a flat tire...oh well...just pull over and change it. Any forumers here driving cars with run-flats and have junked them in favour of higher performance/comfort tires? What do you guys think?
I've had enough punctures to say that i'd like the runflats or the TPC at the very least. This will allow for some weight and space savings for all the obvious advantages.
The e90 330i and 325i will be with run-flat tyre but the 320i will be without the run-flat.
Personally, it would go down to cost. If we can get reasonable price, why not. Somebody posted earlier (can't remember which thread) that currently they cost RM3000/ piece. That is not reasonable.

Anyway, what's stopping you from changing to normal tyres, other than you have to carry a spare in the boot space? :huh:
Guys, believe it or not there is space for spare tire in the E90 trunk!. Just take out the plastic covering and the old space is almost there. Wud be great if BMW gives people a choice of normal tires and use a "space-saver" skinny spare tire to reduce weight and space.

I guess European and US customers are getting lazy, so cannot bare the inconvenience of a flat tire!. Still I personally think run-flats are not such a good idea for the convenience trade-off.

Issues with run-flats:
1) All know they are costly. Very costly at than, not just a few percent more expensive!.
2) They are noisy due to stiff sidewall. So the ride would be even worse consideraing BMW is stiffening up the suspension after every successive generations of new cars.
3) They are not as grippy as normal tires.
4) There is less choice of brands and quality to pick from.

To me, if it is my wife or mother's car, then RUN-flat would be ok. But not a man's car, I cannot compromise on traction quality at the expense of onvenience. Traction, I wanted 100% of the time while occasional inconvenience is ok.

PS: An editor of a Philippine motor mag purchased the 120i with run-flats and Sports suspension. The ride was so jarring, that he ordered normal rims and normal tires. Can be that bad!.
I remembered test driving the E46 318M Sport about 3 years ago. With Mtech suspension and 18 inch rims (normal Conti Sports Contact 2 tires), the ride was so "rough" I could not tolerate that discomfort. Compared to my E34 with stock suspension and BBS 18 then, my ride was far more pliant. Its a world of difference!.
From various reviews, the E90's run-flat tyres now provide equivalent ride comfort compared to non-run flat tyres to redress the shortcoming of the E60's experience.
sorry this is kinda out of topic but izzit true that the new e90s do not come with I-drive??
During my test drive, I found the engine a little rougher than the E46 valvetronic (I got out of an E46 immediately jumped into the E90). I also found the ride much harder than the E46 and even my 235/40/18 shod E39.

During the climb up the science center hill under full power, there is a smooth sweeping lefthander. Right in the middle, I hit a bump and the rear of car twitched sideways. This I attribute to the harder runflats.

Did anybody feel the same way.
Originally posted by saat@May 1 2005, 02:30 PM
During my test drive, I found the engine a little rougher than the E48 valvetronic (I got out of an E46 immediately jumped into the E90). I also found the ride much harder than the E46 and even my 235/40/18 shod E39.

During the climb up the science center hill under full power, there is a smooth sweeping lefthander. Right in the middle, I hit a bump and the rear of car twitched sideways. This I attribute to the harder runflats.

Did anybody feel the same way.
Perhaps, the E90's engine is not fully run-in yet so the engine is rougher... :)
Wonder what would the differnec be in terms of ride and handling if the runflats were changed to normal tyres? Or can this be an option here?

Considering the cost, I think many would contemplate this.
Ya, my engine only started smoothening out at 10k kms. BMW engines are a bit rough new and need some good running in.
Also wonder:

1. Whether performance will be better given the stiffer sidewalls
2. Wear given thye harder compound

Can the E60 drivers give us a clue?
I really think the run flat tyres should be an option. Most of my friends who bought the E60 have plans to replace the run flats with normal ones once they wear out. The benefit of run flats is unlikely to outweigh the cost of run flats i.e. RM3K per donut!!

BMW Malaysia should take note of this.
Latest news on run-flat tyre.

I heard BMW have reduce the cost to RM 1900 per piece. Anybody can confirm this?
I have not driven or sat in a moving E90 as yet, so cannot comment.

I did seat in a Mini Cooper with runflats and I must say I can hear the tire noise!. It does feel rough going over uneven surfaces, the driver said it has more screeching noise when he corners hard but they do stick and will not slide even with loud screech. In that drive, the driver when into 6 oclock roundabout and exits 12 oclock. The car stays firm with minor body roll but tire screeching was loud. Other drivers will hear and notice!. (Good or bad?) I would rather be discrete going fast.

Basically, I think runflats are for ladies and retired people who cannot be bothered/ or unable to change a tire. Normal high performance tires rule!. :eek:k:
run flats were designed for safety reasons, mostly for the EU roads ie. autobahn where 3figure speeds rules... imagine a blow-up at 240km/h !!

but i'll agree on the shortfall on comfort and price versus safety..
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