ROS Announcement

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Alrite. Not very active in this club but will be once we start getting more benefits. Way to go guys... :yahoo:
Don't worry guys. Just pulling your legs. Of course I know what kahar's saying lah. It's always good for the 1st batch of guinea pigs to learn the tricks of the trade. Then the next batch of committee will have an easier time....hopefully. We're just ensuring the bridge is properly built before a toll is erected. Hahahaha.... :D
Originally posted by Daredevil@Apr 26 2005, 11:20 AM
Don't worry guys. Just pulling your legs. Of course I know what kahar's saying lah. It's always good for the 1st batch of guinea pigs to learn the tricks of the trade. Then the next batch of committee will have an easier time....hopefully. We're just ensuring the bridge is properly built before a toll is erected. Hahahaha.... :D
..haha DD, hopefully it's not the case of "瘦田没人耕,耕了有人争" chinese chars?

Good news, thanks for the update..
Originally posted by Daredevil@Apr 26 2005, 10:20 AM
Don't worry guys. Just pulling your legs. Of course I know what kahar's saying lah. It's always good for the 1st batch of guinea pigs to learn the tricks of the trade. Then the next batch of committee will have an easier time....hopefully. We're just ensuring the bridge is properly built before a toll is erected. Hahahaha.... :D
just a thought, sometimes building a bridge is just not enough to collect toll. We also have to ensure that proper facilities such at safe usage, R&R and etc are in place. It will make the bridge more attractive and fun to use. It just human nature to evalulate the benefit when paying the toll to use the bridge. :wink: :wink:
Building the toll is the first major task. Other amenities and infrastructure will have to be taken on by the next 'government' from August onwards. But the existing cabinet members will always be there to advise. :p
Originally posted by Daredevil@Apr 26 2005, 03:30 PM
Building the toll is the first major task. Other amenities and infrastructure will have to be taken on by the next 'government' from August onwards. But the existing cabinet members will always be there to advise. :p
why the "next" goverment. present goverment is still good and have done their job. anyway, you still get my vote. :eek:k: :yahoo:
can the both of u speak no cover-cover one can arr? bridge la, amenities la, infra la, road la, plaza toll la. heh :D :p ;)

btw, if its ok, cld someone furnish me wiv our ROS application ref pls. their Ref No i mean.

rgds, )
kahar abdullah
Originally posted by kahar@Apr 26 2005, 05:22 PM
can the both of u speak no cover-cover one can arr? bridge la, amenities la, infra la, road la, plaza toll la. heh :D :p ;)

btw, if its ok, cld someone furnish me wiv our ROS application ref pls. their Ref No i mean.

rgds, )
kahar abdullah
There's no ref. no. Just quote BMWCLUB. Am I right elwin?

But I think they've sent a B&W letter about our submission to my office. Will check it out when I return. :p
There must be a reference number given when the application was submitted, me think.. :yes:
Kudos to all.... may we have a final ROS approval before the year end... just hopin' :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
N2 & Kahar,

Reference number will be provided once the director of ROS sign and verify our application. The reference number will be send directly to BMW Club office.
At this point of time, the document is in Shah Alam ROS office.

I would suggest that if anyone wants to help, please do contact me 1st and we can proceed to look into this together.

If I may ask, are we (as a pro-tem committee-led club) allowed to collect/ raise monies for funding activities/ events/ donations in the name of the club as we await official approval?
I suspect, not but can anyone shed some light? :blink:
Originally posted by 2cents@Apr 27 2005, 12:31 PM
If I may ask, are we (as a pro-tem committee-led club) allowed to collect/ raise monies for funding activities/ events/ donations in the name of the club as we await official approval?
I suspect, not but can anyone shed some light? :blink:
Good question. As you're aware, because of the sensitivity of the ROS issue, there hasn't been any official calls made by the committee to obtain $$$ for our own activities/events/functions. At least not in cold hard cash. Products sponsorship is a totally different story. From that perspective, we're still on the right side of the law.

However, the call to raise $$$ as donation to parties of charitable nature e.g. Rumah Charis, or those in emergency need e.g. Tsunami Funds, I think it's fine. The fact remains that we're collecting from individuals and then handing over the money to an authorised party to dispose or use the $$$ as they see fit. We don't spend the money ourselves. Also, when such collection occurs, the club doesn't issue out official receipts because the club is not retaining any portion of the money. It goes straight to where it's intended to. It's merely a transaction conducted on a voluntary basis. If at all there were any agenda, it was to generate more publicity for the club. All these does assist in speeding up our ROS application. Past history is crucial.

Now that the application has joined the queue of many others, I'm sure in due time, we'll be able to officially lobby for sponsorships (both cash / products & services) which will benefit our members personally. Hope this clears your doubt. ;)
No worries. You were asking the question at this thread. So I assumed you needed a more generic answer. :D Well, with the ROS application is progress now, we'll try our luck in getting some sponsors for our grand annual dinner.

Sorry, this will be a little off track ; there? May need you to design an invitation so we can send to some potential sponsors....
our application docs r in s.alam now ...

when wuz it submitted if i may ask? well, still searchin fer lobang on dis. like i mentioned b4, all my kakis loiter wiv intent in more 'profit-oriented' agencies, but in dis case ROS yknow laa, non-profit one ... well, i'll search more ...

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
Originally posted by kahar@Apr 28 2005, 12:09 AM
our application docs r in s.alam now ...

when wuz it submitted if i may ask? well, still searchin fer lobang on dis. like i mentioned b4, all my kakis loiter wiv intent in more 'profit-oriented' agencies, but in dis case ROS yknow laa, non-profit one ... well, i'll search more ...

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
kahar, don't know whether it is worth the effort once the application have been submitted in. Usually, to pull string, you need some runner from the beginning to pull the right strings so that your application stays on top of the pile and not shifted to the bottom of the pile. if the application form have been submitted, then it treated like an "ordinary" case since there no people pulling the string.

Advise to keep in close contact with elwine as he is handling the case. You don't want to "confuse" the gomen servant too much with too much enquiry about the same application.

Good luck....
i hev a Q in mind last nite b4 sleep.

upon gettin the approval fr ROS, definately the question of membership fee comes into the picture. now, i wldnt wanna argue on the fee itself, but rather how do we get bout wiv present membership status.

now ... i know, u know, we ALL KNOW there wld b some of us remain to b dark cloaked n bein silent in the forum. wld they still b allowed to browse thru the online forum? or the membership fee only confined to those who wanna join the bmwclub activities outside?

ps : elwine30, its a pleasure to get bumped into u n kevster on the rd at cyberjaya dis mornin ;)

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
have to agree with jarance here. We've been to ROS back and forth for many weeks trying to submit everything to complete the application. if they were not concerned, they wouldn't have entertained us in the first place. They'll probably just wait for us to call them to check on the status before letting us know the application still lacks certain info. So, in a way, I'm not worried the application being dumped to the bottom of the file. So let us handle it in order to avoid confusion. Don't worry, we'll definitely shout for help if it's needed. Sometimes too many cooks spoils the broth. But we do appreciate the offer.

Kahar, to answer your question, Once we become an official club, everybody will be given a choice to become an official fee paying member. Of course with that membership comes special privileges and benefits such as subsidy for official events/functions/activities rates. Here's more examples, an official member can bring spouse or partner at 50%, only official members entitled to lucky draws, membership card with discounts issued, premium items with membership, official members get their personalised bmwclub email accounts, etc, etc.... Otherwise, why even bother paying right? :p

The forum will remain accessable to all members and guests. That's remains as the club's official channel of communication. All are privy to the information posted in the forum. It also shows that this club is very active and would be a tool to attract more members. Of course in the future, certain threads will only be accessable by official members. :p :p
Originally posted by Daredevil@Apr 28 2005, 03:42 PM
have to agree with jarance here. We've been to ROS back and forth for many weeks trying to submit everything to complete the application. if they were not concerned, they wouldn't have entertained us in the first place. They'll probably just wait for us to call them to check on the status before letting us know the application still lacks certain info. So, in a way, I'm not worried the application being dumped to the bottom of the file. So let us handle it in order to avoid confusion. Don't worry, we'll definitely shout for help if it's needed. Sometimes too many cooks spoils the broth. But we do appreciate the offer.

Kahar, to answer your question, Once we become an official club, everybody will be given a choice to become an official fee paying member. Of course with that membership comes special privileges and benefits such as subsidy for official events/functions/activities rates. Here's more examples, an official member can bring spouse or partner at 50%, only official members entitled to lucky draws, membership card with discounts issued, premium items with membership, official members get their personalised bmwclub email accounts, etc, etc.... Otherwise, why even bother paying right? :p

The forum will remain accessable to all members and guests. That's remains as the club's official channel of communication. All are privy to the information posted in the forum. It also shows that this club is very active and would be a tool to attract more members. Of course in the future, certain threads will only be accessable by official members. :p :p
Now that sounds more like it... thanks for clearing the air, Pres
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