Rear seat belt : How many of u will buckle up???

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Nov 25, 2004
The enforcers have relaxed the rulings of rear seat belts. However, it'll be interesting to know, among us, what u actually think of it. Please take part in the poll attached..
And as a car owner, would u go to the extent of getting ur passengers to buckle up?
If yes, good..
If no, why? Life is cheap?

and if you're chauffeur driven, do u buckle up? If no, isn't life more precious for you? ;)
Normally didn't buckle up especially at younger age, sitting with my siblings at the back seat. You know la, like to jump around in the back and look out of windows.

But after much growing up, and knowing the sheer dangers of not buckling up, it'd rather take the hassle of buckling up. Then again, some rear seat belts are notoriously hard to slot in properly, so I'd dice with lady luck and hope nothing untoward happens.
you guys have seen my kids in my car during the convoys.... all buckled up
I'll buckle up when I'm sitting behind, makes it easier to sleep coz I stay still. I only insist on my loved ones buckling up when they're sitting behind, free will for the rest.
When no police around, no need.. :p Running red light only illegal when police around, otherwise, where got ticket? Same with speeding, cut double line, jump queue, double park, enter no entry, illegal U-turn, on the mobile phone and the list continue.. :D :D
I guess living in Australia for 2 years and now in Singapore, has become a automatic thing for me leh....
Well, the safety is not only for the passenger seating in the back, it's also for the people sitting in the front seats. If a frontal accident occurs, the passengers in the back will be launched into the back of the front seats. The front seats will probably give way and crush the person sitting in front. I definitely tell peope to buckle up in my car. My car, my rules. No free will. :D hehe.
for those who dun buckle up.....maybe you can get a discount when buying your car and uncheck the box for rear seat belts? then it makes sense to do it and if not - BELT UP AND LIVE.

sorry to add - enforcement of this rule ( and many others ) should not be one moment some will say, i dun indicate cos no cops, no car behind, no one mah....cheh!

THINK each time you start your journey, even short ones.
i have been in accident in a waja in 2007, seating at the rear right.. behind the driver.. with the impact from the rear, i was thrown from my seat into the driver seat behind, hit the side window(smashed) with my head and landed on my friend seating in the center..

with some bruises and cuts and a blue/black chest.. it was scary..

by the way, did not belt up...
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