Rattles in new 523i

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Club Guest
Oct 9, 2006
Hi fellow beemers,Took delivery of my new 523 in early Nov and within days, could hear irritating rattles coming from what I thought was the rear left window lining. You know, like a 'tak tak' sound or squeeks/rattles like something's rubbing when running on uneven surfaces. Sent in to SC and smartass service adviser without even a testdrive replaced all window linings and removed the rear seatbench 'to add in more insulation'. Apart from strong smell of glue when I collected the car, the rattles were worse then before I sent in the car! And they were coming from a badly refitted seat bench.So had to send in the car again and this time they said it was my rear seat rubbing on the door and the parcel shelf too. In the first place I don't understand why they had to take out the seat bench anyway. After an overnight at the workshop, they fixed the rattles coming from the bench but the original squeeks and rattles that got me sending in the car remain to this day.Wondering if any fellow 5 owners out there had similar problems? Yesterday, i noticed that the sounds could be coming from the rear window pillar that holds the rear 3/4 blind. Seems to be loose.Would wlecome feedback from you good folks.Cheers
I heard rattles and squeaks from the front passenger door of a CBU E60 530d. It wasn't my car and don't know whether the problem was fixed or fixable.
I love this quote!!....puts things in perspective :rolleyes:

"The best way to describe BMW build quality is to note that this is the company that will allocate half a dozen steel bolts to secure a worthless oil drain plug cover, while the entire interior of the same car will be mounted using fasteners hewn from recycled milk cartons."
With regards to the ticking sound, ask the SA to adjust the striker plate on the doors, sounds loose, make sure its torqued up to specs. Also I'd moisturize the lining/seal for good measure. Use Gummi Pfledge or similar. Never use Armor All :eek:
i just received my 523i 3 weeks ago, I do realized that is some "quake quake" sound from the left window too, i am really doubt it is the blind itself, however, i do have a porblem with the audio system, the volume itself will turn from high to low or from low to high "automatically" especially when you are on teh FM
bimmerster said:
i do have a porblem with the audio system, the volume itself will turn from high to low or from low to high "automatically" especially when you are on teh FM

i thought this function only has in the Z4's.. Its in the e60's now??
yellowmanta said:
Hi fellow beemers,
Took delivery of my new 523 in early Nov and within days, could hear irritating rattles coming from what I thought was the rear left window lining. You know, like a 'tak tak' sound or squeeks/rattles like something's rubbing when running on uneven surfaces. Sent in to SC and smartass service adviser without even a testdrive replaced all window linings and removed the rear seatbench 'to add in more insulation'. Apart from strong smell of glue when I collected the car, the rattles were worse then before I sent in the car! And they were coming from a badly refitted seat bench.
So had to send in the car again and this time they said it was my rear seat rubbing on the door and the parcel shelf too. In the first place I don't understand why they had to take out the seat bench anyway.
After an overnight at the workshop, they fixed the rattles coming from the bench but the original squeeks and rattles that got me sending in the car remain to this day.
Wondering if any fellow 5 owners out there had similar problems? Yesterday, i noticed that the sounds could be coming from the rear window pillar that holds the rear 3/4 blind. Seems to be loose.
Would wlecome feedback from you good folks.
i dunno if this will help, but its worth checking it out

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