Racking sounds on all doors

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Club Guest
Jun 11, 2007
There is racking sounds on all the doors of my 5 series. I have tried changing the rubber lining at the doors but the sound is still there. Any solution?:(
add a body tip on all doors..will cost u ard RM 350 (all inclusive) is it on the new E60?
Msport-525i;222233 said:
add a body tip on all doors..will cost u ard RM 350 (all inclusive) is it on the new E60?


sorry for asking wat is body tip? does it help to reduce wind noice oso?:confused:

my e39 don knw y suddenly got quite heavy wind noice when travelling 90kmh.:eek:
did check all the windows all close perfectly.how to improve?

thanks and regards
lock knuckle causing the rattling noise?
Mine also got the rattling sound..
Hi guys.... rattling could be caused by loose internals - window mounts, winding mechanism, speaker mounts etc - need to open and check/tighten up.

Wind noise can be reduced by applying conditioner to the door's rubber seal - they will be "softer" like new and seal better. If not then just replace any deteriorated window seals or adjust the door alignment accordingly.
absidian;222816 said:
Hi guys.... rattling could be caused by loose internals - window mounts, winding mechanism, speaker mounts etc - need to open and check/tighten up.

Wind noise can be reduced by applying conditioner to the door's rubber seal - they will be "softer" like new and seal better. If not then just replace any deteriorated window seals or adjust the door alignment accordingly.

thanks for the tips.:D
I suppose wind noise is something which is quite subjective. What appears to be heavy wind noise to somebody may be perfectly tolerable to another. Sometimes, even for the same person, at different times, your ear's sensitivity may varies e.g. when you just come out from a quiet office or when you just step out from a dischoteque :)

If you have just recently opened up your door panel, most probably the culprit could be some screws or joints which are not property put back or worse you may see one or two screws or pins lying on your car carpet, knowing very well that it must be the b*#stard fella who have forgotten to screw your door panel back properly.
Grand;223030 said:
I suppose wind noise is something which is quite subjective. What appears to be heavy wind noise to somebody may be perfectly tolerable to another. Sometimes, even for the same person, at different times, your ear's sensitivity may varies e.g. when you just come out from a quiet office or when you just step out from a dischoteque :)

If you have just recently opened up your door panel, most probably the culprit could be some screws or joints which are not property put back or worse you may see one or two screws or pins lying on your car carpet, knowing very well that it must be the b*#stard fella who have forgotten to screw your door panel back properly.

did not opened up my door panel. on ly change my adsorber to ori set up.

the wind sound came out suddenly + quite loud:mad: :confused:
Hi all. I'm new to this forum.

I had that problem before on my E39. The rattling noise came from all four doors. I opened the door cards and lubricated all the necessary parts but the noise still there. After a long observation I finally found the answer. The sound coming from the door lock/latch and the door catch at the B-pillar for front door and pillar at the rear. What I did, I just applied the black double sided or thicker tape around the door catch and the noise went away.

I hope this the exact problem is what you experience now.
I have tried many ways and visited many workshops and the car is still noisy.
:eek: Doors are rattling, glovebox too.:mad: :(
me bought a bottle of so call rubber treatment fluid from Jusco n applied to all the door rubber. wind noice reduce. going to change all the rubber soon bcos can c many many small lobang liao.
ryucky81, you mean the rubber oil to lubricate all the door rubber? I used the conditioner like Son of Gun or Top Gun every month to lubricate those rubber. Helps to maintain its soft texture from getting hardened by the element.
Grand;224215 said:
ryucky81, you mean the rubber oil to lubricate all the door rubber? I used the conditioner like Son of Gun or Top Gun every month to lubricate those rubber. Helps to maintain its soft texture from getting hardened by the element.

yup. it is.:D
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