Problem with my E90

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Apr 2, 2008
Hi,Since getting my car, I've noticed that whenever driving on uneven roads (which is really common in Malaysia), my car tends to steer away towards the uneven side.To explain this further, lets say if I'm on road, the left side has a patch, and the ride side of the road is still the old one, whenever the left tyres run over the line between the patched and the old road, my car steers towards the older surface (lower surface). Several times this has caused my really hold on to my steering.My car is a 325i, with 17" Pirelli RFT's. What could be causing this problem ?I hope I'm making sense here! Need help.
Something's obviously out as no car should behave like that, let alone a BMW. Could be tyre pressures, alignment, suspension, steering, etc. Your car's under warranty, so take it in for a check. BMW PDI is notoriously sloppy.
It's actually worse when driving in lower speed. Will get it checked as soon as I can.
So your car is "attracted to the lower surface"... my guess... blame the gravity! Unless I misunderstood u..
Well, if it sums up how it behaves, the "attracted" is the right word to use. It never gives problems when going across uneven surface, for example the yellow speed strips like the ones you get at the toll booth.It only happens when going along uneven surfaces.

The power steering is also no problem. The only grouse I have is the tendency for the car to steer towards the lower surface even when Im going straight, next thing you know the steering turns and the car starts to veer to the lower surface.

Sometimes I think people behind me may think Im drunk! I hope its nothing major. Frustrating that this can happen with a BMW!
I know this is stating the obvious GhostDriver, but have you checked the condition of your tyres? With RFTs, you may not know if there's little or even no air in one of them. I've seen people on normal tyres driving with one tyre completely flat and not realising it, tail wagging but merrily going along. Sorry if I'm stating something too obvious...please don't be offended :p
Well, that's the first thing I checked actually. All tires aired up to their correct pressure. The RFT check also did not give any error messages.

On my previous car (Civic 2.0), I had 17" Potenza Adrenalin on, it behaved some what similar to my 325 now, but not as bad. The Potenza was hard, and so is the Pirelli, maybe harder. Could it be due to the tyre compound ?

I was just going to ask what car you were driving before, now I know, well, if you have checked and everything is ok, then what you are experiencing is called tramlining. It's due to the extreme stiff side walls from the RFTs and with the staggered setup 255 at the rear it's even more pronounced. I used to have that issue when I first got my E90, but after sometime just got used to it and know what to do. If feels unnerving in the begining but will get use to it. I noticed that after I have changed to normal tires, the problem has disappeared. If your car is still new, let the shock, tires etc settle in and it will be ok. Caveat, you did check and everything is fine. Enjoy your ride.
Yeah, there's nothing wrong with your ride. It's just tramlining and RFTs make it worse. If you are sensitive enough, you can feel that too even if you are using narrower and normal tyres. I think it is more pronounced when you are driving at lower speed.
Sounds like tramlining. The good news is some tyres are more prone to tramlining than others. Also generally the wider the front tyres are the more prone to tramlining.
Im not sensitive.....Im very sensitive. Even the slight sound of things moving around in the compartments irritates me. The slightest vibration on the steering ,...I feel it..

Thank god though....I feel much better least I know theres nothing wrong with my ride.

The tires (Pirelli Euphoria) are brand new and is definitely hard.

I can sleep well now...thanks alot guys. This definitely a forum worth to be in!!!
GhostDriver;321850 said:
Im not sensitive.....Im very sensitive. Even the slight sound of things moving around in the compartments irritates me. The slightest vibration on the steering ,...I feel it..

:five: Haha, same same here lah. Mine tramlined alot until I changed those RFTs to normal 225/40/18. Quite a bit of improvements from there.
You are supposed to hold the steering when you drive, irrespective of speed!:wink:
I'm quite sure is not ur car problem... is the tire thread design. Happen to most of the "Directional" thread tires.

As u'll find ur tire design with the big V shape will always have "attracted to the lower surface"...

I used the Euforias before and they do tramline like crazy. The are not directional tires by the way. Now I am using F1 (directional) and I don't have that problem.
Oh wow, interesting info guys! Never used Pirellis before and all the tyres I've used, which are mostly Michelins, have never had this problem. I've also driven an S60 on F1s and didn't feel anything but rock solid tracking. What other tyres models tramline? Good stuff to know.
danc;321909 said:
I used the Euforias before and they do tramline like crazy. The are not directional tires by the way. Now I am using F1 (directional) and I don't have that problem.

hehe... I know danc will reply on this...

I used F1 before and tramline is quite crazy and this is my personal experience only. That's another tire from Silverstone I used before, having the same kind of pattern in design (big V) give the exactly feeling as well.

Well, I'm about to change my tires to F1 soon, good to know about this...
Well, Im not sure if I can live with this tramlining. I'll give it a go until the first 10k. If its still crappy, Im going to change out to another RFT. Any recommended ones ?

By the way, any recommended tire shop I can take the car to ? Prefer a tire shop thats familiar with the BMW wheels with the radio transducers, around Klang to Sunway area.
You know me so well dannis ;) but I heard that Goodyear assymetrics F1s are here and you should check that out instead of the old F1s and if it's F1 make sure it's the Germany ones and not Thailand.

Ghost - what are BMW wheels with radio tranducers ah?
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