POLL on BMW Club Annual Fees

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Club Guest
Oct 2, 2006
Hi people, would like to know on what do you think regarding the Annual fees that is gonna be implemented by BmwClub Malaysia. First Year you will have to pay RM 300 with some merchandise. Second year onwards RM150 annually.Your feedback is much appreciated. Cheers..
Are you a member officially yet? I do not see your name on the list of "form submitted" and "paid". So, if you have not been registered as a member of the BMW Club Malaysia, as recognised by the ROS, the discussion of the said club fees are in layman's terms, "None of your business.":cool:
harry6potter said:
Are you a member officially yet? I do not see your name on the list of "form submitted" and "paid". So, if you have not been registered as a member of the BMW Club Malaysia, as recognised by the ROS, the discussion of the said club fees are in layman's terms, "None of your business.":cool:

Will wait for the poll to decide whether should i be part of the "official" member or not. If i am already a member, y should i pull out a poll? lolx.

harry6potter said:
Are you a member officially yet? I do not see your name on the list of "form submitted" and "paid". So, if you have not been registered as a member of the BMW Club Malaysia, as recognised by the ROS, the discussion of the said club fees are in layman's terms, "None of your business.":cool:

there see ,, what i said has come true ... sure kena taruk form left and right

but dear harry potter , this is a poll here ,u have your right not to do the poll but u dont lar come here and personal attack this guy here .....what lar you ....
The choice to join is yours. However, the Club's joining and annual fees are not. So, until you become a member and the Club decides during its AGM or EGM to abolish it, you can poll until the cows come home.

If people join clubs because of its annual fees, then I believe that the right club for you is club soda or club sandwich. Even those are not free.

Posting service provided on this website have been provided to you now by the BMW Club Malaysia with their compliments. So, posting polls which attempt to contradict with the objectives of the club is deemed disrespectful and should not be allowed to continue. I have alerted the Committee and the Moderators on this matter, and I hope that your name will be "specially" considered when approving membership later on.
Sure no problem mate. Thanks for your advice though. I did this with permission and advice from the committee so no worries mate. Cheers.
I am not a member of the club but have been visiting this site and its predecessor for almost 4 years now.

Personally I wouldnt mind paying a yearly fee to be a member but the proposed fee seems to be a bit steep.

Anyway would non members still be able to access the site and post on it.

anxious said:
I am not a member of the club but have been visiting this site and its predecessor for almost 4 years now.

Personally I wouldnt mind paying a yearly fee to be a member but the proposed fee seems to be a bit steep.

Anyway would non members still be able to access the site and post on it.


I guess the committee wil answer your question..

Thanks. Cheers mate.
Dear venonh

With all due respect, you have every right to put a poll in regards to this matter BUT havin said you have permission from a committee member. WHO? might i ask?

As the Vice President of the club, and if memory serves me right..NONE of the committees has forwarded any messages to me in regards to have giving permission to anyone pertaining your request. Not that permission is required by any member of the club to come up with a poll .

Do PM me the committee's name . Thank You!

The Fee structure has been asked and polled before and the amount was agreed plus approved by ROS.
Hello dear Vp,

Pmed you the names d. Not permission actually. It's just that they ASKed to do it. So i'm here to help out.

Cheers bro.
guys pls be sincere and do this poll ....those who have not pen down the name under official members listings, pls cast yr vote
I would sincerly hope that the members would understand that the fees collected are for the betterment of the club and its members. Without the support of the members there is no club.. please vote wisely.
vincent said:
guys pls be sincere and do this poll ....those who have pen down the name under official members listings, pls cast yr vote

Vincent with due respect have you seen the tittle of this thread ? Should fees be implemented ? If you are as fair a person as you say you are, then I suggest you think about it. Not taking a piss at you, but I think there would have been a better way to phrase your tittle.
The phrasing of the poll is unfortunate and points to a bias from the originator of the poll. Those who have studied statistics will know that any poll can be made to skew towards an outcome with the correct phrasing.

The poll question "Should Annual Fees be Implemented" points to a challenge on the concept of charging annual fees. Firstly, I am not aware of any registered car club which doesn't collect annual fees. Secondly, from the responses posted, entrance fee is also an issue but the poll only mentions the annual fees.

A more neutral phrasing could be as follows :

"What is your opinion on the RM150 annual membership fee and the RM150 membership entrance fee?"

with the list of alternative responses as :

1. The fees set are reasonable
2. The fees set are too high
3. The annual fee is reasonable but the entrance fee is too high

"I don't care" should not be an option as this a poll and those that don't care should not take part in any poll at all! Instead of "I don't care" should be "none of the above".
First and foremost thank you harry6potter for ur support towards this clubs cause.

Come on Vincent and Venonh I asked you to do the poll based on whether its justifiable to pay RM300, not if we should implement Fees.

Ok i think its only fair for those not in the know what is this all abt b4 u decide to poll.

As you all know the club is now a 'Realworld Cub' not a 'Cyberspace Club' anymore since it has been registered with the Registrar of Societies which is based on Planet Earth.This club is now like a Listed Company. How does a Listed Company get its funds? its by selling shares of the company to the public and from there they use the money to invest further. As you know offer prices for shares by this companies are not the same all the time. Those well known company with good fundamentals, their issue price would be higher.

Ok coming back to the club.Like I said we are now like a Listed Company so we need funds, how we get this funds is by recruitment of members. Why was the Fee set as it is? its bcos we consider the BMW Brand as not a normal brand but of a higher standard so the need to set a certain standard in its pricing. Why? bcos the clubs investments would be to try to bring this club to the BMW Standard we all know and as you all know that is not goin to be cheap. eg: The major events now henceforth once the Official Club is launched will be organised by Professional Event Management Companies and not the free labour of the committee anymore. The committees job would be to spend your money wisely for your benefit and of its members and also the overall welfare of the club. Also like a Listed company where its accounts are audited yearly, this club will now have to go through the same procedure to let the shareholders/members know where their money went. As in any company there is a vision and so has the club.. such as a club hse ect. and for this visions to become reality there is the need of funds. Also this figure was not plucked out from the sky but with consultation of its members but this was sometime ago as it had to be in the constitution that was handed to ROS for our clubs application and you all know how long ago that was, its only now we got the confirmation that our application has been accepted as such alot of you especially those who are very new think that you were not consulted and we did this overnight. For those who need to read the clubs constitution rgdg the fees can pls ask for it and we will gladly do so. Infact we will be posting it up soon.

Another reason for the fee structure is also bcos the club wanted members who are passionate abt the brand BMW and as such will in turn be passionate members of the club and not spammers or salesman to put it in simple english Quality Members.This again was the consensus of members back then as they preferred quality to quantity.Bcos if you are passionate abt BMW u would think it is a fair price to pay to be in a club that shares that same passion bcos in the first place if you are not passionate abt the brand why did u pay an arm and a leg to own the BMW brand when there are cheaper brands out there to own. You can turn around and say hey my car only cost RM30k that doesnt make me a rich person just bcos I own a BMW, its not about rich or poor its just that u just willingly paid RM30k for a 16 year old car, WHY? bcos ur passionate abt the brand, but the bonus is that the perception value of ur RM30k car is worth more than that. (ever notice how people see you in a different light when you drive a BMW eventhough it could be 16 years old)

One other thing which I want to highlight is that out of the RM300 one pays RM150 which is a one time registration fee and an annual fee of RM150 so technically one pays only RM150 bcos the registration fee will sort off pay by itself in terms of one receiving a members pack which will consist of a club shirt that will be only available to members and not sold individually , cap , number plate holder and even more stuff as we get more merchants or sponsors along the way.
Pls dont say I dont need the cap or shirt bcos i dont need it, dont forget we are now like a company so it is advisable for its employees to have some sort of corporate image so if its an option some have and some dont have it wouldnt look good wouldnt it, like I said we carry the brand BMW we need to set certain standards as well. One will also receive a membership card to show that u r a proud member of BMW Club which will also act as a privilege or discount card.

A Calendar of events is being currently drawn out by the current protem committee. We cannot look very far at this current moment bcos as you all know once we have enough members we must have a AGM to elect new office bearers, so we do not want to suddenly handover huge tasks to the new office bearers to take over and be blamed for not being considerate.
ok now you all know who is the commitee that they mentioned abt but what I ask them to post are inline with what OS Flanker posted... and not abt not implementing of Fees.
about the poll title , what is wrong ??? it is a question and a poll to judge the result.

i really i dont understand unless is unfair to you...

tht should be a topic rite , is good to have another option says "yes but less fees" to be fair to members ...

this not to discriminate anyone here ....
Pls read OS Flankers post thoroughly and digest it first b4 u shoot yourself in the foot...
Anyway....despite the skewed poll, more than 70% of the folks who have casted their votes believe there should be and annual fee imposed and out of the 70%, more than 70% agreed the annual fee imposed is just and fair hahahaha!
i tell u what , why dont u do the poll instead , i think you can do posting also rite ...and why u ask me to do the poll here from what u said in the another forum?????
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