palm oil-based cooking oil could be used as an

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Apr 25, 2005
Got forwarded by a friend . Any sifus out there care to comment ? From NST 5 Nov 2008 :Would you believe that palm oil-based cooking oil could be used as anengine lubricant for your automobile? Believe it or not, some peoplein Negeri Sembilan have been using cooking oil for their car engineand find no problems using this lubricant.Marketing manager Sekolah Golf Michael Ismail, Nik Safian Afzani Omar,said he has been using cooking oil that he buys for RM2.50 per one 1.5kg packet as the lubricant for the engine of his Kancil car."My Kancil (car) needs three litres of engine lubricant. Thus, I woulduse two and half packets of cooking oil for that purpose."Before, I had to pay RM130 every time I serviced my car engine, butnow it is less than RM10", he told Bernama here.Nik Safian Afzani said previously he used a semi-synthetic engine oilof a popular brand but he has replaced it with cooking oil that hebuys from a hypermarket.He said when using the cooking oil as the lubricant, the temperatureof his cars engine never exceeds the overheat limit.Nik Safian Afzani said, when he sent the car to a workshop for itsengine oil filter to be changed, the mechanics there were surprised tofind that the car had used cooking oil as the lubricant.To Nik Safian Afzanis bewilderment, the mechanics said that cookingoil is a good alternative for car engine oil as the product is moreexpensive nowadays.Meanwhile, Hisham Abdullah, who created a fuel-saver mechanism usingwater and hydrogen, said he too has been using cooking oil as alubricant for his Proton Iswara car.He has been using this material for about one year and found that itdoes not give any negative effect on his car engine.The former engineer at a Japanese firm said, "cooking oil is actuallya synthetic oil but we are not aware of this". As for mechanic MohdTajuddin Jalil, he learnt the cooking oils secret from a foreignexpert some two years ago.Since then, Hisham has been using cooking oil as his car engineslubricant. Hisham said he knows that 67 others in Negeri Sembilan areapplying the same concept."However only palm oil-based cooking oil can be used. Others like thatmade from corn or vegetables should not be used as they tend tocoagulate at low temperatures," Hisham said, adding that it iseconomical to use cooking oil as an engine lubricant due to the highprice of engine oils nowadays.He said a 4-litre bottle of semi-synthetic engine oil now costs RM160while that of the fully synthetic is about RM200.
Flash point for engine oil is above 220C
Palm oil based cooking oil is way less... you can start seeing "smoke" when you crank up the heat to fry something.

Which mean, you are going to cook your piston if you run cooking oil.

won't work.
Please leave cooking oil on fried chicken and fries only :)
Now I know why the price of crude oil is dropping by the day...

Now, who would be the first one in this forum to try it?

Wonder whether insurance would cover you if your engine blow up?

FYI, all lubricant are almost the same in term of the base. It the additive that make the difference.
jarance;372920 said:
FYI, all lubricant are almost the same in term of the base. It the additive that make the difference.

*clap clap* *bravo*
But not every oil. Some still using more superiour PAOs Group V oil... Mobil used to be PAOs V. I stop using Mobil 1. :)
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