mizhan;567483 said:thanks.. diff ratio can see from the photo la.
mizhan;567514 said:actually eggie, i have been very impatient whilst waiting for this E30 to be ready. not long ago, i sworn i will not do anything to the other cars before this project is completed. however, since the E30 is taking way much longer than it should, i had to cool myself down by replacing the E34's upholstery, bought and top overhauled a new engine (!) for it, swapped and refurbished new rims, sourced and sprayed new bumpers and skirts, replaced the shocks and springs, changed headlamps and foglamps, bought set of pilot sports, a new steering wheel, and installed a kick-ass sound system. all of that and the E30 is still not on the road. oh, i also sent the E46 for full repaint last week although it just needed a new rear bumper; before that i bought a set of pilot sports for it and refurbished the rims. that's how impatient i am over the E30
ssmann;567577 said:Hiyo boss....kena pusing kepala la, sakit tau....3.73 is it????
deep3102;567583 said:pheeeewit!!! just to see everything so clean n shiny from the bottom, already making me drooooollz.
I wish i had kena that RM48m jackpot..
mizhan;567514 said:actually eggie, i have been very impatient whilst waiting for this E30 to be ready. not long ago, i sworn i will not do anything to the other cars before this project is completed. however, since the E30 is taking way much longer than it should, i had to cool myself down by replacing the E34's upholstery, bought and top overhauled a new engine (!) for it, swapped and refurbished new rims, sourced and sprayed new bumpers and skirts, replaced the shocks and springs, changed headlamps and foglamps, bought set of pilot sports, a new steering wheel, and installed a kick-ass sound system. all of that and the E30 is still not on the road. oh, i also sent the E46 for full repaint last week although it just needed a new rear bumper; before that i bought a set of pilot sports for it and refurbished the rims. that's how impatient i am over the E30
mizhan;567602 said:you should see my current bank account balances.. once pretty strong, now scary!
restoring an old car is a sure way to a financial nightmare..
ssmann;567616 said:Pls note "CURRENT ACCOUNT". Definition = an account for daily/current use that pays little or no interest whatsoever. Norm is to maintain a very ngam ngam balance here. He forget to mention FD, Savings, ASB etc etc etc :listen:
mizhan;567579 said:correct
ssmann;567577 said:Hiyo boss....kena pusing kepala la, sakit tau....3.73 is it????
ssmann;567616 said:Pls note "CURRENT ACCOUNT". Definition = an account for daily/current use that pays little or no interest whatsoever. Norm is to maintain a very ngam ngam balance here. He forget to mention FD, Savings, ASB etc etc etc :listen:
rockonla;567707 said:best upskirt shot ive ever seen..jeles jeles
astroboy;567906 said:How come the S3.73 got cooling fin heat sink wan? My E90 quarter million car also no have..