Official Announcement on Restrictions for Classifieds & Group Buy Section

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dzuljazz2001;755415 said:
How some of us wish but Sadly, that is not the right thing to do bro ramsing :4: .. there this disclaimer in the forum that is meant to protect the club from such action.
I hope nobody is not missing the point here as what weare trying to do at this juncture is to protect everyone, be it the OMs and or the CGs from being cheated, con or manipulated and from person or persons with ill intent.
Would be great if that can be done bro XXX. However, we need to ammend the forum R&R first as it is against the rulingfor one person to register multiple nick :4: ... I like you thinking though :top: ...

Dzul, you may want to check with Mac on this... There is still the fiduciary responsibilities that need to be accounted for. I may be wrong tho' ;)
Dear President
Here comes part two:

List of Charitable forummers:

1) lamoo RM5.00
2) BlackCat RM5.00
3) haKKaMeE RM5.00
4) bmw7833 RM8.00 :4: Where la those ppl said want to contribute?
5) Wuzzles RM8.00

Thank you for your kind generosity.

Details of mode of payment will be advise as soon approval is obtain from the Relevant Authority
Dear President
Here comes part two:

List of Charitable forummers:

1) lamoo RM5.00
2) BlackCat RM5.00
3) haKKaMeE RM5.00
4) bmw7833 RM8.00 Where la those ppl said want to contribute?
5) Wuzzles RM8.00
6) jwah RM10.00

Thank you for your kind generosity.

Details of mode of payment will be advise as soon approval is obtain from the Relevant Authority
6. Me...RM10.00nett of all taxes......Lamoo, please collect from Jerman, he knows what I mean.
CM wish to thank all who has given their feedback and comment. As this thread has already served its purpose, it is hereby closed.

Thank you
dzuljazz2001;755586 said:
Greetings All.

Its late and things got a bit tense here but good to see that some are blending well with each other :4:...
Guys, lets have some positive thinking here .... Lets stay focus and not get side-tracked from the main issue of this posting and that is in implementing some measures for the benefit of ALL concern. Honestly, we really appreciate all constructive feedbacks and I can understand the sentiment voiced here by everyone, (CGs and OMs). We are only human.

Basically what we are doing is taking precautionary measures to ensure everyone is 'safe' from disreputable, unethical and unscrupulous sellers that has been looming in the forum lately. Quite a number of PEOPLE has been cheated and duped and this matter has been brought to our attention.

Though we (CM) can easily say that this is "out of our hands (as specified in the disclamier)", we take to task this issue quite seriously, simply for the welfare of the CGs and OMs alike and for the betterment of the club.
Yes, sadly the one that is doing the 'damage' is currently the CGs (BUT NOT ALL CG laa) and a few of them had even registered with multiple nicks to avoid detection and we are having a torrid and difficult time looking for them. However, we still managed to get hold of a couple and they have been duly warned/banned but there are still some at large because we are not able to traced them down ..
True we can banned and blocked their IP address (at best) but that will not stop them from starting all over to continue preying on unsuspecting people, until something solid and conclusive is done.
We (CG/OM) had not been cheated nor duped here ourselves so we dont feel it. However I do feel for those that had gone thru these bad times.

To all the CGs or OMs reading this, if you had gone thru the posting carefully, you will see that we are not totally stopping CGs from any selling. What we are saying is that, any selling by any CG can be done via any OM who will be accountable for the said selling.

To avoid future problems where selling and buying is concern, Proper Governance to address this issue needs to be put in place my friends, and that is exactly what we are doing. We may have our shortcomings but will improve over time and thats is why we proposed to have this thread open for constructive feedbacks .

Rationale to the above is simple.
1. ..if anything goes wrong (not that we want it to happen), we can addressed it accordingly as full details of OMs are in our safe keeping.
2. ..this measures will definitly deter and or stop ill-intent sellers from whatever they want to do, God Willing.
3. ..this will bond the CG and OM closer and at the end of the day, the club benefits from this close bonding ..:4: ...

Frankly, we are not discounting anybody here but just addressing an issue put forth to us.
Maybe in the near future we will start a new thread to discuss and feedbacks on the "Membership, CG and OM" in a healthy and constructive manners.

Cheers All :top:


While I can emphatised with the predicament of the committee and the thought that went into this decision, I would like to put my 2 cents of thought with it.

If one care to scroll through the Classified section which has 6 sub-sections and do a simple analysis, the ratio of guests to members posting stuff for sale is easily 80:20. I bought my last two items (rims and okada plasma coils) from two nice gentlemen that are club guests earlier this year without any hiccups. Given the new decision where guests can't sell "directly" but only after an introduction by a member, the activity in the classified section would be reduced greatly, if not totally. I failed to see how this would be beneficial to members like me!!

Fraudulent transactions happened everywhere, whether its,, photomalaysia, bicyclebuysell, and etc but we don't see them shutting down their classified section to forum guests.

Fraud has happened, happening and will continue to happen unless the buyer takes extra precaution and not be tempted with what its too good to be true. I learnt my lesson 17 years ago when the internet was at its infancy, bought a Threshold Stasis amp from a Palo Alto chap that happened to be faulty. After that, it's strictly COD for me.

I think I am old enough to be responsible for my own actions, and everyone that chooses to buy stuff online should be wary of potential risks. However, to take a drastic action like this (with a noble intention of minimising fraud), it will deny members like me a meaningful participation in the classified section.

On behalf of the committee, we would like to thank everyone for all the constructive feedback. We will compile all proposals, suggestions and opinions for deliberation among us and will revert to all of the outcome soon.

Honestly, I believe its hard to deal with this kind of issue withoit offending anyone but if we were to close ranks, be open and work together positively, good things will come out from all this.

To the FMs, OMs and CG that had posted in his thread, rest assured that your invaluable feedbacks has been taken into account and we appreciate it very much. As for the "measures" that we have put in place to curb this issue, we will continously monitor this situation very closely for a few months and see what unfolds than.

Cheers guys and Thank you once again.
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