Official Announcement on Restrictions for Classifieds & Group Buy Section

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Vice President
Club Committee
Dec 21, 2004
Dear Official Members, Club Guests & Forumers, It have come to the Committee’s attention recently on the Classifieds and Group Buys section that there are some “buyer(s)” of a product on sale being dissatisfied with the “seller” and alleging misrepresentation of products and to an extend of cheating. These incidents were duly reported to the Committee and we view these incidents with great seriousness and do not wish for any further unscrupulous buying and selling to occur in this Forum of ours. We, the Committee have therefore decided on the following for everyone attention when in the Classifieds and Group Buys section: 1. Classifieds section1.1 Only Official Members (“OM”) are allowed to open a new thread and post an item for sale in this section.1.2 Club Guest(s) (“CG”) are NOT allowed to open a new sales thread and sell any item or products whatsoever in this section.1.3 CG can only view, post sales enquiries and / or comments and / or buy items for sale.1.4 CG may approach an OM to sell an item or a product on their behalf and the said OM will be held fully accountable and responsible for any unforeseen circumstances as if it is the OM’s own item or product that is being sold. Therefore, OMs are advised NOT to post such sale if the said OM is not familiar with the CG or the item or product itself.1.5 The general Disclaimer clauses still applies.2. Group Buys section – Guidelines2.1 Group buys are buys in which more than one person is participating in the same order to receive discounts and/or lower shipping fees.2.2 Organizer(s) of Group buy can be OM or CG or both.2.3 Organizer(s) are required to obtain the Committee’s prior approval before a Group Buy posting can be posted in the forum and the Organizer(s) are required to proved to the Committee hi/her/their full name, photocopy of NRIC, contact number and brief item / product description.2.4 All Group Buys posting on a particular item or products shall need to clearly state the following information:(1) A detailed description and photographs of item being offered.(2) Price and delivery time.(3) Payment instructions.(4) Start & End date of Group Buy.(5) Where, When and How to pickup the item.(6) Discount offered (ie how much cheaper is it than buying on one’s ownself) (7) Shipping & customs import duties & taxes (if any)2.5 The general Disclaimer clauses still applies.Thank you.maccasel
Thank U for the info. As one of the oldest CG I'll have to accept the rules & regulations although it may affect my presence in the forum. I did not joint as the OM not because I do not want to be in it but due to ther reasons that I've mentioned tp the Mr P during the recent Melaka Drive.

I believe that sales & buying here should be done at own risk. U should take all the measures to protect yourself because there will always be someone like that everywhere. I have sold and bought items on the internet but so far no problem. Please do check the background of the seller/buyer properly before proceeding in any buying/selling.

Any restriction then may affect presence of CG in the forum. If the OM and CM feel that these needs to be done then as a CG I'll accept it with an open mind.

Thanks again for accepting me till this time.

Wassalam & Bye....
Yes, just close the thread & close to all the CG.

hehe... I meant this announcement thread.

All suggestions or opinions arising from this announcement should be discussed in another thread or better still, put it in writing to the committee 30 days before the next AGM so it can be brought up for voting or discussion during the AGM.

Erm... when will this new policy be effected? What to do with the existing CG initiated unconcluded classifieds?
astroboy;755301 said:
hehe... I meant this announcement thread.

All suggestions or opinions arising from this announcement should be discussed in another thread or better still, put it in writing to the committee 30 days before the next AGM so it can be brought up for voting or discussion during the AGM.

Erm... when will this new policy be effected? What to do with the existing CG initiated unconcluded classifieds?

Heheh ... you always like to ask the mods to close threads thus preventing anyone to express their views or opinion :4:

I'm glad that some of my suggestions has been taken into consideration and taken into practice but the implementation of it is cumbersome to say the least. Asking for a photocopy of IC and recommendation from OM should be suffice to weed out unscrupulous seller.
B33mEr;755328 said:
Heheh ... you always like to ask the mods to close threads thus preventing anyone to express their views or opinion :4: ..

8 such threads were started for the sole purpose of Annoucement:

All 8 threads allowed reply and trust me, there will be replies and there bound to be redundant replies. Why want to put to ourselves in such troublesome situations?

New thread can always be opened just to provide/gather feedback and opinion to, even to challenge this new policy.

Just my 2 sen.
astroboy;755338 said:
8 such threads were started for the sole purpose of Annoucement:

All 8 threads allowed reply and trust me, there will be replies and there bound to be redundant replies. Why want to put to ourselves in such troublesome situations?

New thread can always be opened just to provide/gather feedback and opinion to, even to challenge this new policy.

Just my 2 sen.

What you say is right hehehe but you just mention 'suggest to close thread' and should have further mention to open up a new feedback thread :p

But since all others are empty except this one we can use this thread to voice out any opinion on the matter and close thread on the others?
Chillax fellas... make sense to close thread la.. its an announcement thread, not discussion. Like astroboy pointed out, there are 8 of such announcement... tak kan nak monitor and reply all 8 threads right? Can always open a discussion thread to discuss this announcement if you really feel the need to.

All things taken into consideration, I think this is a good compromise for both OM and CG. Let's just move on and remind ourselves that we are all here because we are passionate about BMWs...
Sometimes I wonder why got all type of reason/excuses not to join the club...The Club is just an entity its got no life it cannot hurt you or do anything to wht you pay is in support of the club not to support anybody but the Club that this club can be maintained for the benefit of you all the BMW enthusiast/owners ...but the problem here is, its now being maintained by a few for the benefit of many...this is the crux of dissentment among the OM's, is why pay for the benefit of others ...just imagine this, if you all are BMW enthusiast as you claim to be, and all of you pay to be a member of the lets assume we can have 2683 members (which is the the figure currently for active users in this forum) x RM150 = RM402,450 (and mind you this does not include the RM150 registration fee yet). With that kind of money we dont have to be just confined to this forum in cyberspace..we can have clubhouses all over the country and much much more other than just the forum...but now its 150 people paying for the benefit of 260K+ registered users. So wht Im trying to say here is, if everybody stop giving excuses and put the money where the mouth is...this club can really benefit everybody whether ur in KL or in another state, but how can we do that now with 150 people paying to feed 260k people...or for the matter of fact 2683 people.
Just an oversight which we have duly rectified ..... :4: .... thanks for the heads up anyway .... :top:

astroboy;755301 said:
hehe... I meant this announcement thread.

All suggestions or opinions arising from this announcement should be discussed in another thread or better still, put it in writing to the committee 30 days before the next AGM so it can be brought up for voting or discussion during the AGM.

Erm... when will this new policy be effected? What to do with the existing CG initiated unconcluded classifieds?

andrewk;755357 said:
Chillax fellas... make sense to close thread la.. its an announcement thread, not discussion. Like astroboy pointed out, there are 8 of such announcement... tak kan nak monitor and reply all 8 threads right? Can always open a discussion thread to discuss this announcement if you really feel the need to.

All things taken into consideration, I think this is a good compromise for both OM and CG. Let's just move on and remind ourselves that we are all here because we are passionate about BMWs...
so by doing this, does this now mean that if i buy something from the classifieds, and i get cheated or the item is broken, i can sue the club? i'm not a lawyer, but by setting out rules and regulations to facilitate buying/selling, isn't it worse than just putting buyer beware sign and let God sort 'em out?

or i could be wrong. either way, better be safe than sorry. any lawyers around to give free good advice? :)

and to make XXX happy, we should charge CG everytime they use the classifieds. a certain amount of RM to sell items. but OMs do it for free. so if u charge rm50 per item, if they sell 3 items = 1 membership. ok what.
I still think we should impose the idea that i brought up earlier, that after 500posts or whatever amount deemed fit and one still have not become an OM , you need to register again and use a new nick and all post count goes back to zero.
ramsing;755411 said:
and to make XXX happy, we should charge CG everytime they use the classifieds. a certain amount of RM to sell items. but OMs do it for free. so if u charge rm50 per item, if they sell 3 items = 1 membership. ok what.

Wah! samsing finally something with some sense from you :eek:..not a bad idea...
How some of us wish but Sadly, that is not the right thing to do bro ramsing :4: .. there this disclaimer in the forum that is meant to protect the club from such action.
I hope nobody is not missing the point here as what weare trying to do at this juncture is to protect everyone, be it the OMs and or the CGs from being cheated, con or manipulated and from person or persons with ill intent.
ramsing;755411 said:
so by doing this, does this now mean that if i buy something from the classifieds, and i get cheated or the item is broken, i can sue the club? i'm not a lawyer, but by setting out rules and regulations to facilitate buying/selling, isn't it worse than just putting buyer beware sign and let God sort 'em out?
or i could be wrong. either way, better be safe than sorry. any lawyers around to give free good advice? :)
and to make XXX happy, we should charge CG everytime they use the classifieds. a certain amount of RM to sell items. but OMs do it for free. so if u charge rm50 per item, if they sell 3 items = 1 membership. ok what.

XXX;755412 said:
I still think we should impose the idea that i brought up earlier, that after 500posts or whatever amount deemed fit and one still have not become an OM , you need to register again and use a new nick and all post count goes back to zero.

Would be great if that can be done bro XXX. However, we need to ammend the forum R&R first as it is against the rulingfor one person to register multiple nick :4: ... I like you thinking though :top: ...
boss, it wont be multiple bcos ur earlier nick cannot be used/registered its still one basically u come in as a new person...and you have to keep on telling people who u used to in away its a deterrent to not extend your wellcome unless ur skin very thicklah...or the simpler way is to reset the post count..
XXX;755416 said:
boss, it wont be multiple bcos ur earlier nick cannot be used/registered its still one nick..

noted bro and yes your are right that the earlier nick cannot be used/registered but the rules says that "no single individual can register under different2 nick". However, we will look into this in detail to see the grey area and come up with a solution... :top:
I empathise with XXX's opinion that we CG are "freeloaders" in this forum, though I don't agree with it. But lets not dwell into this and agree to disagree.

Why not have another class of forum-only-members (non BMWCM member) where they pay a yearly nominal fee of say RM10 or RM20 per year to access the forum to contribute towards forum upkeep? May be easier to implement since it is not a class of BMWCM, no need to change constitution and all sorts of paperwork. It's just access fee... kinda like green fees for non members of a golf club la... can play in the course (i.e. access forum), can patronise the F&B outlet (i.e. access classified), but got no members benefits. With 260k registered forum users, that can add up to quite a bit. 5% agree to be forum member already RM130k.

And being a BMW enthusiast and being a BMW Club enthusiast is two different things la...
dzuljazz2001;755418 said:
noted bro and yes your are right that the earlier nick cannot be used/registered but the rules says that "no single individual can register under different2 nick". However, we will look into this in detail to see the grey area and come up with a solution... :top:

Yes the rules should be changed to "no single individual can register under 2 different nick at the same time "
ie.register xxx and aaa and able to use either one. but with my idea you dont actually have multiple nicks as your earlier nick has gone to the blackhole and can never be used basically its still one nick.
andrewk;755419 said:
.. Why not have another class of forum-only-members (non BMWCM member) where they pay a yearly nominal fee of say RM10 or RM20 per year to access the forum to contribute towards forum upkeep?..

Support! But no use.. u need to 1st pay up RM300, attend AGM to gather enough votes to agree on that. Seriously, RM150 is big money to people like me too despite I get much more in return end of the year.

If not mistaken, the BMW Club SA only charges US50/yr and they have like 20k paid member. But then again, we will be back to "quality" versus "quantity" debate where most senior here are pro "quality" than "quantity", which itself is another good popcorn material.. :popcorn:
andrewk;755419 said:
I empathise with XXX's opinion that we CG are "freeloaders" in this forum, though I don't agree with it.But lets not dwell into this and agree to disagree.

Why not have another class of forum-only-members (non BMWCM member) where they pay a yearly nominal fee of say RM10 or RM20 per year to access the forum to contribute towards forum upkeep? May be easier to implement since it is not a class of BMWCM, no need to change constitution and all sorts of paperwork. It's just access fee... kinda like green fees for non members of a golf club la... can play in the course (i.e. access forum), can patronise the F&B outlet (i.e. access classified), but got no members benefits. With 260k registered forum users, that can add up to quite a bit. 5% agree to be forum member already RM130k.

And being a BMW enthusiast and being a BMW Club enthusiast is two different things la...

Bro there is no such thing as BMW Club enthusiastla, the meaning of club as defined by wikipedia "A club is an association of two or more people united by a common interest or goal."so if youre in here you are already in the club but the difference with you and me is I paid to be here....but ur idea is good! only thing is implementing it will cost $$$ which at the moment with only 150 members the club cannot afford to yet. As then we will need a payment gateway and what not, but not impossible.
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