Northern Region TT

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iqball77;394450 said:
sory guys....... nak tanya jadi mai cameron 28hb.........:heeeelllllooooo:

what we a discuss at last TT BBQ in Pantai Merdeka,Bimmers Utara akan datang support ke Cameron Highland dgn Ipoh Bimmers.If u want the latest news from bimmers utara,plz pm megatniza.Thanks.:top:
Hmm...northern chapter akan lebih menyerlah la pasnih...well done to all supporters! Keep it up & unite all northern bimmers!!
baba;396054 said:
Hmm...northern chapter akan lebih menyerlah la pasnih...well done to all supporters! Keep it up & unite all northern bimmers!!

Thanks baba..:top:
iqball77;394450 said:
sory guys....... nak tanya jadi mai cameron 28hb.........:heeeelllllooooo:

Sure i will climbing the hill CH.Bimmers Utara also climbing too...see u there bro...
Very lucky if baba can join all of u convoy up to cameron...Hope when baba going back to our lovely country,baba can joining ur groups & be a members....

How many cars join this convoy bro?? It's illegal convoy that escort by traffic??
baba;397203 said:
Very lucky if baba can join all of u convoy up to cameron...Hope when baba going back to our lovely country,baba can joining ur groups & be a members....

How many cars join this convoy bro?? It's illegal convoy that escort by traffic??

Dont understand at all. Who is posting this Baba or someone else.
redbaron;397211 said:
Dont understand at all. Who is posting this Baba or someone else.

Hi enche red baron...yes i'm baba & i post this...any wrong somewhere enche red?? I used 'baba' for call myself....:wink:
redbaron;397613 said:
Very confusing your post bro.

Hoho..sory enche red...baba still new in forumers....baru nk kalau salah tolong jolokkan,eh silap...tolong enche red....

FYI,baba pure northern but now have mission to do in EU...baba very happy bcoz northern chapter dah up semula...:top: teringin nk join but still wait until baba setle the mission & bring my bimmer to malaysia...tanahair terchintha...sory enche red,lari topic pulok...ok now back to the topics....hoho..:top:
No problem bro. Me too very happy the northern chapter is up and running. thanks to rasta he is the man and with the help from the rest i am sure you all in up north wont be neglected. In jun there is drive to Thailand, will be nice to meet up you guys then.
Thanks to Rasta n Ipoh and the gangs(Megatniza) team from Northern (Bimmers Utara) almost around 10 cars to support BMWCM Treasure Hunt this time.Coming soon Northern TT will be held in your place.Thanks to all members Bimmers Utara too.:top::41:
suhaimi850;400678 said:
Thanks to Rasta n Ipoh and the gangs(Megatniza) team from Northern (Bimmers Utara) almost around 10 cars to support BMWCM Treasure Hunt this time.Coming soon Northern TT will be held in your place.Thanks to all members Bimmers Utara too.:top::41:

Amboih...comey btoi avatar bro suhaimi nih!! haha....sempoi!!!:top:

Thanks oso to BMWCM especialy bro suhaimi850 & bro red baron bcoz sudi jemput kami 'anak-anak ikan bilis' utara bg memeriahkan lg tresure hunt kali nih walaupun kami tak join pn cari harta karuh tuh...haha...:4:

Kalu ada event lg jgn lupo jemput noo....:wink:

So,for Northern TT Gathering hope bro suhaimi & fahami bleh tlg arange apa2 yg patut,coz now i'm little bit buzy almaklumla dah masuk shif nih susah sket, haha...but Insya Allah me & our friend from bimmer utara can bring commitment to this TT...cheers!:top:
Rastabimmer;401444 said:
Amboih...comey btoi avatar bro suhaimi nih!! haha....sempoi!!!:top:

Thanks oso to BMWCM especialy bro suhaimi850 & bro red baron bcoz sudi jemput kami 'anak-anak ikan bilis' utara bg memeriahkan lg tresure hunt kali nih walaupun kami tak join pn cari harta karuh tuh...haha...:4:

Bro Rasta,
Ttg avatar tu,manusia baru nak belajar insaf dari segala kesalahan yg pernah dilakukannya.Jgnlah menggunakan ayat "kami anak-anak ikan bilis" aku sedih tau..kurang sesuai dan tak manis bila membacanya.Kita smuanya sama sahaja,tak ada bezanya,kita manusia biasa..Janji kita "bringing the name of BMW".That we proud of the name,bro..Ttg Gathering TT Fahami akan arrange dgn the gangs Sg Petani.I hope he not busy in this time.Di sini aku ucapkan rasa penuh simpati ke atas rakan kita dr Nibong Tebal yg telah mengalami kemalangan semasa menuruni bukit semasa pulang tempohari.Dgr khabarnya mengalami kecederaan yg agak kurang serius,tetapi kereta yg dipandunya mengalami kerosakkan teruk.(Jatuh longkang kiri jalan).Thank bro Rasta(Shul).
hi Suhaimi and Northern members count on me for northern TT sure try my best to punch in. Missed the Cameron trip got training> most likely will join the Hatyai trip. Fahami and geng arrange satu trip kita turun Kl Ramai Ramai....
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