[Newbie] - Suggestion on E36..

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All the things mentioned by Iceman is absolutely correct. But for me, my only reason to choose 1.8 are:

1. Lower road tax, around RM300. I dont like the feeling to spend my money on something invisible such as road tax and summon.
2. I stay in KL and my kampung in Johor, PLUS highway to south is a straight way and not so challenging (turun naik bukit) like Karak Highway, so 1.8 is enough.
3. My top speed so far on highway is 160kmh, cannot go more because i'm a person that not used to / afraid to drive fast, and considering my family is also with me when travelling to kampung. Drive safe.
4. My rim size is only 17'inch, so i think it is enough with the capacity of my engine 1.8. Bigger rims and tyre, more expensive maa.
5. I'm enjoying every moments when driving my UDM, so no need to drive fast. Why should i feel disturbed with those who drive fast. Maybe they dont want to live longer or cannot stand to pee.
6. Drive fast will give more risk to get love letters from PDRM

But sometime, cannot tahan jugak when there is Proton Waja cucuk at the back and feel dilemma to put M SPORT stickers at the top of my widshield since I know my engine is 1.8 only.

saz;710877 said:
All the things mentioned by Iceman is absolutely correct. But for me, my only reason to choose 1.8 are:

1. Lower road tax, around RM300. I dont like the feeling to spend my money on something invisible such as road tax and summon.
2. I stay in KL and my kampung in Johor, PLUS highway to south is a straight way and not so challenging (turun naik bukit) like Karak Highway, so 1.8 is enough.
3. My top speed so far on highway is 160kmh, cannot go more because i'm a person that not used to / afraid to drive fast, and considering my family is also with me when travelling to kampung. Drive safe.
4. My rim size is only 17'inch, so i think it is enough with the capacity of my engine 1.8. Bigger rims and tyre, more expensive maa.
5. I'm enjoying every moments when driving my UDM, so no need to drive fast. Why should i feel disturbed with those who drive fast. Maybe they dont want to live longer or cannot stand to pee.
6. Drive fast will give more risk to get love letters from PDRM

But sometime, cannot tahan jugak when there is Proton Waja cucuk at the back and feel dilemma to put M SPORT stickers at the top of my widshield since I know my engine is 1.8 only.


Super truely agreed what you said. If this forum more ppl like you then i no need to let them blame me driving 110km/h to 120km/h all the time with my e39.hehehehheheheheh
I driving the car with this speed is only 1 reason that is car is just for bring you to your destination. Speeding or not speeding at the end you also reach your destination unless you die on the journey to your destination.....hehehehehh

Somemore i like the comfortable of UDM and not because how fast the UDM can be.
ICEMAN 13;709838 said:
many says 318 is a good start for a beginner ..yeppp spot on ..but make sure you could withstand the power bug when the racun kings comes closer to you ....

my entire journey with a slow moo 318 ownership (5 year before ending my HP ) only spent around rm4~5K max for engine parts wear and tear which the highest bill was for a total complete aircond replacment work ( 1.3K )

the rest was mainly on engine lubes etc etc ...as i change my engine oil pretty frequent to keep my engine as healthy as possible ... transmission / axle oil change every year , engine oil every 45 days , radiator flush every 6 months ...belting and hoses every 2 years once ....

best bet is to get a car fully equipted with bodykit , wheels , a good brand of shocks and a reasonable paintwork to last for a couple of years ..it maybe slight costly, but it saves a little when comes to doing it by yourself later on ...unless you're the type that prefers not to mod and keep it stock ...

as for being a powerfreak that can't withstand a kancil overtaking you ..then better get a 6 potter .... 325 or 328 ..usually when comes to parts replacement i don't really see much difference when being compared to an 318 ...

example : 318 alternator -- rm 300
325/318 alternator -- rm400

318 radiator -- rm550
325/385 radiator -- rm 650

318 radiator hose -- rm 60
325/ 328 radiotor hose -- Rm50

318 aircond works ( cooling coil replace etc etc ) Rm 1.2K
325 / 328 aircond works -- RM 1.2 K

QUOTE : the above price is the rough figures from some of the works done past years
so don't tell me that all 318 parts are usually cheap .... so do your maths and you'll see the answer yourself ....

Hi astrone,

I do agree with Iceman and others.. to add, I got my UDM only after 5 years of working as my daily cari makan ride, main reason is because i cannot tahan already, stim from driving a friend's ride + kena racun... 325 is a fuel guzzler in Traffic Jam. My average is 50 ringgit every 2-3 days or so on daily average of 65km +/- 10% in KL vs 50 ringgit a week when i was working in JB.. on top of that, being a 6 potter, engine oil also requires more than 4 potter. Making the monthly payment is one thing, should also consider running and maintenance cost. For budgetary purposes, i allocate about Rm 700/month for fuel and maintenance combine. Not enough, swipe.. pay next month..:argh:

Frankly, i would suggest to wait for a while before deciding. See how the monthly cashflow is over a few months whether can sustain life or not, budgeting, pusing sini-sana and adapt to your financials. Only then decide what suits you the most.. Maybe it's 325 or perhaps a 318 suffice. What matters most is that you are happy with the decisions you've made and still have extra to blanja us TT at the end of the month... :tee::vroam:
Don't mean to rain on your desire to own a udm, but for a fresh grad it is Very simple, a daily ride should be reliable.not that a e36 is not reliable, but to own a udm, you must have some spare cash for repairs. Being a car that ranges from 10 to 20 years a lot can happen. It is a nice car to drive, but it is not perfect and by far not the cheapest to maintain. You may get one, but if you do not have the cash flow, you may be a very frustrated owner. So think long and wisely. Do not get one for fame but get out because you really appreciate a UDM. By that you will appreciate that it will breakdown and there will be repairs. If you are prepared then welcome to a driving pleasure that is different and unique.
rubes72;713951 said:
Don't mean to rain on your desire to own a udm, but for a fresh grad it is Very simple, a daily ride should be reliable.not that a e36 is not reliable, but to own a udm, you must have some spare cash for repairs. Being a car that ranges from 10 to 20 years a lot can happen. It is a nice car to drive, but it is not perfect and by far not the cheapest to maintain. You may get one, but if you do not have the cash flow, you may be a very frustrated owner. So think long and wisely. Do not get one for fame but get out because you really appreciate a UDM. By that you will appreciate that it will breakdown and there will be repairs. If you are prepared then welcome to a driving pleasure that is different and unique.

very true.. :top:
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