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Apr 28, 2006
Hi all,Just got my E60 530i yesterday! Am looking forward to sharing info and getting tips from all you sifus!First big thing I noticed: there is no door open indicator on the car. What happens if someone didn't close your door tightly and you just drive off? Well, I guess the interior lights will stay on when that happens, but even so, you would have to see which door has the light on. Even my E46 can tell exactly which door is open from the console. How come such a high tech car like the E60 can't?Second thing I noticed, there is no audible alarm. Meaning, if I arm my car with myself inside, nothing happens (i.e. no motion detection). I hear that most new bimmers now come without alarms (claiming immobilizer is enough). Is that true?Cheers!
Whoops! Just noticed that when you do drive off, there will be an indicator telling you which door is open. Just tested that out.........
Explore more and find out more tricks ....... I now can set up service indicator of my own
Alxy congrats man on the new you can't stop looking at her :105: I too am in the process of discovery and getting to know her.
irsnudd;297110 said:
Alxy congrats man on the new you can't stop looking at her :105: I too am in the process of discovery and getting to know her.

Too true.... i think i fondle the car more than the wife! :rolleyes:
yeah i still love to look at my new ride even in front of my house and office. heheheheehehe yeah post some pics of ya new 530i to share with us. wat's ya color?
Thanks for all the nice words guys. Err, let me figure out how to attach pics and then I'll take some and post. Though not much point as you can just take any E60 530 picture off the net and it'll look virtually similar. Stock standard la...with some minor spoilers.

Mine is in "Mengancam Black" :D
Hi Alxy,
congrats on your new ride. I was also given the same assurance on the immobilizer. Understand that without your key, the car can never be started.
One of my friends had a Toyota Prado which got nicked despite the immobilizer. Is bm version more superior ( what happened to a Toyota cannot happen to a bimmer?) Comments anyone?
That's what I heard too, which makes it more scary if you think about it the other way. Car cannot be stolen but needs to be hijacked! Which is a much much worse experience IMO
Yup, now day the 5 series come will comfort acess, if your door dun close problery U're car also can move coz the system won't allow you to driving buy keep going engage "P" and the indicator also will tell your about the door is open.... High Tech... :)

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