my display gone bonkers!! HELP

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Club Guest
Mar 31, 2010
Hi guys,Something weird start to bug my Display. Everytime i start in the morning, the display doesnt load. Then after a while if i stop the car, turn off engine and restart.. if i am lucky , the display start up.... but in sort of a safe mode-lower resolution and color. If i have driven for more than 20-30 mins or so, stop the engine and restart, then the normal resolution comes back. If i were to leave the car for a few hours, it happens again. I thought it has something to do with Low Voltage (I had a buggered battery few weeks ago) but i have changed the fault in the memory and even GT1 doesnt gives any fault codes..sifu sifu sekalian... over to you guys!alan
wah, sounds like a modern version of my car's problem: the diagnostic panel lights up to the rhythm of the macarena every time i go over a sharp bump :)
0164402112 Ah Heng...he will solve your meter problems. You owe me a cold one very soon.
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