Motorcyclists in KL - what is wrong with you?

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Club Guest
Dec 17, 2006
This evening, was stuck in a bad traffic jam in front of Jalan Pahang (opposite of General Hospital). My car was side by side with another bus and as usual, motorbikes will start to squeeze thru the narrow path. I think there were almost 20 bikes squeezed thru :p but there was this particular bike (the last bike infact), a young chap in his late 20s with gf/ wife pillion rider who squeezed thru unhappily. Guess what?When he finally squeezed thru, he was so rude to have kicked my front bumper. The questions here are:-a) Is it my fault? I don't think so, man...we are all stuck in a bad traffic jam. If you cannot squeeze thru, then don't!b) Why did he had to kick my car? He should have known from the very start that if he couldn't squeeze thru, then don't. Lame~I did not bother to honk him or anything but I saw the poor pillion rider trying to balance up, haha. That stupid guy did not even bother to think of the safety of the gf/ wife. To me, people like this deserve sh*t for themselves. Get a life man. My curse to that guy... "may u always be riding on your motorbike only" haha. I may sound mean but this is what life is all about.I just could not understand why the motorcyclists in our country have such bad attitude. That's very rude and provoking. So to the fellow motorcyclists out there, don't be silly, don't squeeze thru if you couldn't (no skill I think). Q-up nicely or take another way or u might just end up being a motorcyclist for life! :)Drive safely guys...p/s: luckily I was in my 19-year old Sagaburuk :)
Consider yourself lucky.

Read the news tomorrow, 2 guys died after being slashed by a group of mat rempit because they protested at the loud exhaust.

I had an exchange with a biker last night when he complained to say may car driver act like they are great drivers just because they've got a cap on.

I responded by saying that many bikers brains seems to stop when they put on their helmet. Bikers dont seem to be aware that they'll be the one who will come out the worse off if they tangle with a car.

I had two dangerous tangle with bikers last weekend. They both could have died. They dont seem to fear this. Our horn is an insult to them.

I once threw RM20 at a biker for the free show he put on in front of me but ended up hitting a small truck and he fell off his bike.
Must be the weather lah or the ingredient in the water..

I noticed also on the Federal Highway biker are using it even though there is a bike lane allocated for them. Cant really blame them if the bike lane is dangerous to use.
well.. it's their life...

over in Thailand, the cars call the shots.. the motobikes dun scold back;

in Indonesia, they are very polite, no harm cars..

in Bali, they give way to cars and vans..

here in malaysia, they cause hell to everyone and the death 'statistic figures' are part of the Gov problem...

the superbikers are okay, only some times arrogant to rear fast cars..
I wish it is theirs only. They can end it when they wish. My only request is that they do it without involving others.

I often tell them that if they want to die, they can always jump into the Klang river.

They guy who hit the truck was weaving in traffic. His knee hit my front RH corner. He lost control and his bike hit the back of a truck. He slid a bit. He was hurt. He started saying who's going to pay for the damage to his bike which sounded like he was staring to point the finger at me. Luckily there were other witnesses. I threw him RM20 and asked him to take himself to hospital. I told him the RM20 was for the show. I also urge him to make a police report. I guess he didn't.
They dont have licence and insurance - so they cant make reports. They deserve to die.

(No offence to the good riders though)
thats the thing...they do stupid things, then when they fall, they blame everyone else. worse is when the other bikers gather, things could get ugly. which is why i hate getting stuck in traffic jams. i usually try to keep my car on one extreme side, so they dun have to squeeze thru.

actually many motorists in m'sia, not only bikers, need to learn to be patient and courteous on the road. its freaking irritating when u line up for 15 minutes and ppl start cutting in.
langgar saje la.....

once, a biker showed me the finger when i changed lane even when i had given the signal.... showed my finger back and he showed the side of the road.... i showed him bring it on.... but eventually.... he rode off..... would really love to roll over them.....

mind you, i too was a kapchai, tzm, easy-rider & superbiker.....

tu belum yang rasa motor dia besar duduk tgh-tgh lane.....
i almost hit a bike yesterday when an idiot ran a red light. i mean.. why????
agreed, most of the motorcyclists especially kapchai's are very rude on the road. I hate when they are in group.... Most of them got no brain, no wonder most of them end up under the lorry, school bus or hospital gila.

No offend to good motorist...
We have a problem here. Most of the time, those motorcyclists travel in a big group, especially at night time in areas like Jalan TAR, Jalan Raja Laut, etc. If something happens to any one of the bikes, the rest will come to kepochi in a group and most likely they are all trouble-makers and will just love to cause pain to others, especially to car drivers (since they always believe cars are bullying them - typical idiotic mentality).

In life, don't just think of others' faults, think of oneself's doing...
ess530i;464508 said:
must be too much santan in the curry...

it could also be the ajinomoto.. or tight pants preventing blood circulation to the brain.
I just saw the result of a biker who was racing in a group and slammed into the front an MPV, smashing teh windscreen and badly denting the bonnet.

I pity the innocent family in the MPV who had to cut short their raya visit and go thru hell because of the mat rempit's antics.

I cant see any innocence on the biker's part.
Guys, let not stereotype all bikers as bad. I am sure there are also bad car drivers.

I have my fair share of bikers who have absolute no regard to their life but let not contribute to the statistic of being involve in an accident with them.

Just remember that you are on 4 wheels and they are only on 2 wheels. If they touch your car, all you get just a scratch on your paintwork but they on the other hand will "fly".
Sorry Bro, the percentage of the bad ones are just too high. So excuse me for stereotyping or even monotyping. I dont tangle with them. They want to tangle with me.

Today I almost hit on a biker who went against the flow in a one-way street, When I gave him a short peep of my horns to warn him I was coming thru, he gave me a fist.
saat;464641 said:
Sorry Bro, the percentage of the bad ones are just too high. So excuse me for stereotyping or even monotyping. I dont tangle with them. They want to tangle with me.

Today I almost hit on a biker who went against the flow in a one-way street, When I gave him a short peep of my horns to warn him I was coming thru, he gave me a fist.

That's the problem with these bikers... they just got no brain at all. I agree with Saat, we are not stereotyping... but the majority of them just contribute to the statistic for us to call them bad bikers...

If he was to follow the one-way street sign...the world will be at peace
If he was to apologise and admit his wrong doing, the world will be a better one
But he chose to gave the fist that's rude and ridiculous
We shall see how many fist these bikers have to show around...
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