I was returning home to KL from a kids birthday party in Seremban at around 1830 this evening and entered the highway only to be greeted by a convoy of mat rempits..i was in the car with my 3 yr old daughter and these dogs were shouting profanities and doing wheelies etc..i saw a few mat rempits standing on their bikes and doing stunts..this is extremely dangerous to all users of the highway while doing speeds in excess of 100km/hr on a kapchai1) i thought that these kapchais are not allowed on the highway2) where are these so called guardians of the highways called the police at this instant..they are soooo eager to catch you when doing 115km/hr..but not there when u need them3) are mat rempits allowed to reign our country to a state of complete anarchy?it looks like it..i just sped off on the fast lane as i dread to imagine what would have happened to me and my child if i were to tangle with these misfits...this is a real problem in the country and the govt seems to be afraid to do anything to curb this activity...