Lotus Returns to F1 with Tony Fernandes

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sincerely thinks that Malaysia is a F*CKING rich country...we can afford our very own F1 team using taxpayers money when existing F1 teams like Honda and BMW cannot afford it ! ...
For the sake of motosports,I think it's great news but for the sake of the taxpayers,it's gonna be another nice scam.It's going to make a few overnight millionaires for a start.You know la,'transparency' is definitely not our gomen's middle name.In the spirit of Malaysia boleh,the goons are trying to boleh it la..but till today apa pun tak boleh.

Then we have our very own Alex Yoong,What was it about him in a Ferrari?Aiyoo,That fella couldn't even qualify to make it to the starting line la.Maybe if he had a slow talk with Schuey not to set a pace too fast at the front,ada chance la.He was always busy checking out the greenery around the tracks rather then staying on the tarmac.

Well I sure hope it works out,this F1 team thingy but what I dread is we the rakyat is gonna pay for it...dearly..anybody know where I can get the tender form to apply for the car polishing contract ah?could do with the extra millions.
...thats why I said in my earlier post, to go look for Mr. Tiong...
thinice;455745 said:
Still, probably cheaper than PKFZ...

Definitely la bro...that one we got faaarked royally......guess what? they're still faaarking us with it

still...errr..where can I send in my resume ah?I can polish cars(and a few other things not right to mention here),check tyre pressure and odd stuffs...RM 1 Billion?!? Just half a percent of that allocated for polishing also damn good money man
What a waste of public funds and on top of that, a time when the economy is so slow...so silly! What is there to gain? Its just a PR exercise and to make some fellas rich and no gain at all for the country!

The money could be used for housing, hospitals, education or even to buy back the Hiways!
...and after a few years and another few billion spent, we'll announce that we will retire from F1 coz we've achieved what we set out initially.

Cause by then, we would have inherited skills and can start a Tire Changing & Fuel Pumping World Championships ! 2 areas we will be most qualified due to transfer of technical skills and technology.

And if these were included in the Olympics, no prizes for guessing where we'll get out Gold medals from. Dont you all get it? It all well worth it cause a long term roadmap with huge financial expense has to be laid before we can see results.
.. agree with okow, the dream of going to the sun is still possible, all we need to do is plan the landing at night!..
Guna;455789 said:
still...errr..where can I send in my resume ah?I can polish cars(and a few other things not right to mention here),check tyre pressure and odd stuffs...RM 1 Billion?!? Just half a percent of that allocated for polishing also damn good money man

No, I don't think they will give the contract to you. Instead they will pump in a few hundred millions to set up a car-polishing GLC that will take that contract and drive all all other car polishing services out of business ... of course before going nearly bankrupt itself a few years down the road - at which point citing public interest, the govt will step in to take over all its liabilities and pump a few hundred million more so it can start all over again...

That is how things work over here...
Don Franco;455791 said:
What a waste of public funds and on top of that, a time when the economy is so slow...so silly! What is there to gain? Its just a PR exercise and to make some fellas rich and no gain at all for the country!

The money could be used for housing, hospitals, education or even to buy back the Hiways!

And also the Blardy Public Transportation !!!! :stupid::stupid::stupid:
OR sell the RON97 at RM 1.80 and the all new superduper RON95 at say....RM 1.65..how?gud idea?
IRD cannot even pay my money back and then they want enter "la-cing". podah lar!
Any rakyat's $$$ involved?? Nah...not much...only about 1 Billion(that's B.i.l.l.i.o.n) a year
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