Long Shaft Problem

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Club Guest
May 21, 2007
Good day to all Sifus...i am having some problem with my E30 M40 sedan. Basically everytime i engaged from 1st to 2nd or have sudden acceleration, there will 'Kung" sound from the back. I have already change all bushing including subframe and rear top mount and so on.Apart from that, the car seem to have a vibration at 75km/h which running through the whole car. My mechanic has diagnose it to be the long shaft CV joint. Any idea guys? Btw, where can i get a good condition 2nd hand unit?Hope to hear from you guys.Cheers...OldsKool
... cool thread title

I'm sure there are many sifus who can help with your long shaft problem
If you think the CV joint is the problem , then most likely the bearing need replacement.
Try to replace the center bearing, that's what happen to my E28, vibrate at the speed 60-80kmp. After replacing now a smooth ride.
Thanks Iqlima,

Which bearing are referring to? There is a center bearing and also another 2 bearings at the differential
didn't you wrote CV ( constant velocity ) , if you take out the CV joint will find it
Thanks drag86.

Iqlima, i guessed its the center bearing your are talking about. I will discuss this with my mechanic on the center bearing assembly.

Other sifus, any idea or advise?

CV Joint located at the end of long shaft before connect to differential.
Thanks for all your replies...

Any other members with similar symptoms to share?
Cheers!!! :)

I'm having similar problem, mine is E34, can the rear CV bearing be change?? or I need to cahnge the wholle shaft?? Anyone know the part no. ? Mine is M20B20 manual 1989 model.
JeffHo;343425 said:
I'm having similar problem, mine is E34, can the rear CV bearing be change?? or I need to cahnge the wholle shaft?? Anyone know the part no. ? Mine is M20B20 manual 1989 model.

the rear cv joints can be checked for wear by twisting the shaft.it's worn if you can twist it with some play with the handbrake engaged.get used parts.cheaper and you can tell the good ones from the worn out ones.other possibility is the prop shaft rear U joint.check for play....

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