Lingam also boleh!

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AlexNg;285098 said:
if geram, just geram till make more money then migrate, get a 335i, log into thestar's website to laugh at our Ps who ask Mat Rempits to ferry voters!!!

ya man! wat a load of crap!! can't beat em' join em'?

now they got gang at bukit jalil stadium!! can rempit there with full gomen support!! i'm getting my kapchai to mod! some more easy to get laid!!
guru;285127 said:
ya man! wat a load of crap!! can't beat em' join em'?

now they got gang at bukit jalil stadium!! can rempit there with full gomen support!! i'm getting my kapchai to mod! some more easy to get laid!!

eh... gomen will support the purchase as well, throw in freebies such as new name-tag (mat cemerlang), police power (help to jaga keamanan), and most of all come search and rescue for poor little sharlinie (for all u might know its one of them). kapchai must get the all new CBR, but after mod, win some money, some ding, and some beavers, accident and come Lagenda :thefinger: .....

malaysia isn't so bad.. but it should be better lor. we have the brains and brawn.

no need compare lah with anyone..we are our own state. if compare then which is better? M3 of M5?

we have to make do with wat we got and mod it to make it run better!
As much if you think the politician are bad we the public also is not much diffrent than them.
redbaron;285124 said:
.... when you guys says malaysia is bad which country are you comparing with.

Any country that we can let our children run around outside the house without the fear of being run over or snatched, is a better country than Malaysia...

Any country that when we forget to lock the car at night parked outside the house and yet, next morning, the car is still there, is a better country than Malaysia...

Any country that no need to tie our bicycle to the lamp post and bicycle still there when we return, is a better country than Malaysia...

In Malaysia, not only we fear letting our children run outside the house, we as adult also scared of walking outside the house for being mugged..

Malaysia is still a good place to live because its kind of free from natural disaster and that's why I'm still here and of course there's other reasons la.. :D but not many and bribery rate is not one of the consideration..
then again...can just marry the houskeeper when you become PM la..make her chancellor of UPM for some credibility..then award MAS contracts to her family ..
astroboy;285144 said:
Any country that we can let our children run around outside the house without the fear of being run over or snatched, is a better country than Malaysia...

Any country that when we forget to lock the car at night parked outside the house and yet, next morning, the car is still there, is a better country than Malaysia...

Any country that no need to tie our bicycle to the lamp post and bicycle still there when we return, is a better country than Malaysia...

In Malaysia, not only we fear letting our children run outside the house, we as adult also scared of walking outside the house for being mugged..

Malaysia is still a good place to live because its kind of free from natural disaster and that's why I'm still here and of course there's other reasons la.. :D but not many and bribery rate is not one of them..

Is there such country la?

Guru to long for me to post la. Come TT can tell you la.
here's my favorite malaysian statement:

1) Sooooooo...... Macam mane mau settle?

pls feel free to add on...
AlexNg;285152 said:
here's my favorite malaysian statement:

1) Sooooooo...... Macam mane mau settle?

pls feel free to add on...

Just receive this:


If you are used to paying 'Kopi Money' when stopped for traffic offences, DON'T Do This Again.

The traffic department has recently started a campaign to be rid of corruption. The officers on duty will be rewarded RM100.00 when they report each case to the department. This is how they do ( trick you into) it. They will note down the details of your IC/MyKad, and ask you how you want to settle (Paying Kopi Money?). They will then report the incident by passing up the 'Kopi Money' and get the RM100.00 in return for their good deed. You will end up having a summon issued to you.

DON'T PAY KOPI RM AGAIN, especially if you hope to go free with RM20 kopi money. They rather have a 'good' name than to take your kopi
money. Just beware of their trick because the cops are now clocking up 'cookies' points for their promotion and pay increment.

They should have done this to stop corruption long time ago, anyway better late than never...


1) Sooooooo...... Macam mane mau settle?

2) jangan risau!..semua kowtim punya!

3) mau kaa?..
Malaysia Today

AlexNg;285152 said:
here's my favorite malaysian statement:

1) Sooooooo...... Macam mane mau settle?
2) It looks like me an sounds like me .....

pls feel free to add on...

astroboy;285163 said:
Just receive this:


If you are used to paying 'Kopi Money' when stopped for traffic offences, DON'T Do This Again.

The traffic department has recently started a campaign to be rid of corruption. The officers on duty will be rewarded RM100.00 when they report each case to the department. This is how they do ( trick you into) it. They will note down the details of your IC/MyKad, and ask you how you want to settle (Paying Kopi Money?). They will then report the incident by passing up the 'Kopi Money' and get the RM100.00 in return for their good deed. You will end up having a summon issued to you.

DON'T PAY KOPI RM AGAIN, especially if you hope to go free with RM20 kopi money. They rather have a 'good' name than to take your kopi
money. Just beware of their trick because the cops are now clocking up 'cookies' points for their promotion and pay increment.

They should have done this to stop corruption long time ago, anyway better late than never...



I just paid RM 50 yesterday lah.........your source reliable or not???
Aiyaa... people say, we listen la.. :D want to follow or not.. up to u ma..

But its a good initiative la, perseverance is another issue la.. it takes 2 hands to clap.

Going for vote? mesti la rather than sit back and watching the drama, might as well take part la, FOC what... :D But it kind of reminds me of a TV commercial "Daddy tak bias.."
Malaysia Today

guru;285172 said:
is there any truth in rigged undi?


I guess not. Read this then decide lah. My now deceased grandmother should be 108 years old today. Maybe I ask if she wants to vote or not this GE. hehehhe

'Centenarians' removed from electoral roll
Pauline Puah and Regina William
PETALING JAYA (Jan 16, 2008): Three registered voters believed to be over 100 years old had been removed from the latest Supplementary Electoral Roll.
According to the record of the Quarter Four, 2007 Supplementary Electoral Roll which is being displayed for verification until tomorrow, the names of the three "centenarians" had been removed due to "death".
Should the Election Commission (EC) receive no protest over the erased names, then the three names would be removed permanently once the roll is gazetted.
The identity of these three voters was under the spotlight recently when an e-mail claiming that three of them were "underage" voters as the first two numbers of their identity card started with 91, 98 and 99 respectively was widely circulated.
Two of the alleged "underage voters" were from the Sabak Bernam parliamentary constituency while another was from Sepang.
An EC official told theSun the three were actually born in 1890s which the system of the National Registration Department was unable to identify. The first two digits of an identify card only indicate the year of birth in the 20th century (from 1900).
Last week, EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Abdul Rashid was quoted as saying that the electoral roll is now free of dubious voters.
He had said his office had deleted from the rolls thousands of names of non-citizens and people who had died.
He also said the commission’s efforts in cleaning up the rolls were hampered by the attitude of those that failed to report the deaths of voters.
In PENANG, Tanjung MP Chow Kon Yeow said the fourth quarter listing of the roll from October to December still included hundreds of new postal voters registered in the address of the military camp, Markas 2 Division on Sultan Ahmad Shah.
"The camp relocated to Bukit Gedong in Bayan Baru in mid-2007 and when we checked the electoral roll, the postal voters were still registered there (Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah).
"I raised the matter with Minister in the Prime Minister's department Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz who asked the EC to look into it. There were more than 500 postal voters from that camp.
"We respect the democractic rights of those in the armed forces to vote but it must be exercised properly. Since the camp has relocated, their names should not be there anymore.
"However, the latest supplementary roll which is on display now shows at least 334 new postal voters registered at the Markas 2 division address in the Tanjung constituency," said Chow.
"Now, there's another discrepancy in the supplementary list. Except for 22 names, the other 312 new postal voters are also registered in the outgoing list of 350 voters who have moved to other constituencies.
"So, which is which now? Are they new postal voters, or are they going out?," he asked.
Chow said he would submit a protest against the latest supplementary roll before the objection period ends on Friday (Jan 18).
Hmmmm... wonder where the "Usual Suspects' are when topics such as these are discussed... who are ever willing to criticise forummers for discussing topics such as these....???? Wakey wakey my simians....
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