Lingam also boleh!

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Club Guest
Oct 25, 2005
Talk about all the sh*t that goes on in this country, this is way too much!!It implicates ALOT of 'big shots' and I hope they all burn in HELL.You see, the way we talk at the mamak stalls is the same way our 'leaders' talk also. They just talk whatever they want and decide who heads what among themselves. All the official meetings and press conferences are just for them to announce their decision only. I hope this Lingam is not the same as the lingam chili sauce that I have loved for so many years!
hehehehe... in the Bolehland, everything can be fixed lor!!! n now, all the konco2 bz investigating where the video come from instead of investigating o arresting the people involve!!!! hahaha...Malaysia Boleh!!!
if i remember correctly the chilli sauce is called Linghams....good with fried rice and all else...
Hot! Hot! Hot!

This particular 'chili sauce' matter is getting hotter...

As once mentioned in an episode of "Yes Minister", if something is embarassing to the govt, then discredit the source. Yes folks, watch the old series and you'll see a LOT of similarities. Our govt is now a sitcom.

Also check out the manueverings between DSAI and the ACA here:
fuwaa.. why nobody talk about this issues wan ah? or just don't care? or just give up? or just enjoy life the way it is now?

maybe these questions good for a poll la..
guru;258152 said:
fuwaa.. why nobody talk about this issues wan ah? or just don't care? or just give up? or just enjoy life the way it is now?

maybe these questions good for a poll la..

guru, for info only la. the more you delve into it the more geram you become so why?
Lingam's joke

nevets;258231 said:
guru, for info only la. the more you delve into it the more geram you become so why?


I agree with you. I read Malaysia today , everday. RPK is a great man but there is only one RPK out there.

There is nothing he can do or we can do so just get on with life.

Even if we all vote for the opposition, it wouldn't make any diff.


Get back to work ,enjoy your BMW, dont complain. nanti lebih geram.

nevets;258231 said:
guru, for info only la. the more you delve into it the more geram you become so why?

Exactly, and ensure that the opposition has more teeth or even fangs ( Dracula)in the next G.E.:rock:
anyone following current events on this?...

are we brave enough to stop this crap from going on in our beloved country?

what's your take?

I know everyone feels powerless to do anything to against golaith but we have to do something!? at least we talk about it and create awareness.. THIS IS MY COUNTRY and i'll be damnned if I just sit down and watch it being RUINED by ourselves.

guru;285079 said:
anyone following current events on this?...

are we brave enough to stop this crap from going on in our beloved country?

what's your take?

I know everyone feels powerless to do anything to against golaith but we have to do something!? at least we talk about it and create awareness.. THIS IS MY COUNTRY and i'll be damnned if I just sit down and watch it being RUINED by ourselves.


There is only so few of us who have a real idea of what is going on. How may RPK, Lim KS and etc are there out there?

Not enough. With the way the election commision is skewed to the majority with ie placement of seats, what can we do?

Just sit back and enjoy the show. Everyday I read the papers, I have a really good laugh. The political slaying of our new porn star Datuk Chua, Lingam etc. Really funny lah.

I really fell like singing Negara ku in my office now lah.....
ya, everyone I know also feels the same way.. we can't really do much but laugh.

it's true that there's no one really capable of running this country if BN were toppled...maybe RPK for PM? then again,maybe not..
I thought they made it clear already, u don't like how the country is run, then u are welcome to surrender your citizenship ma. Seriously, am waiting for the right time to leave... so far... Malaysia still the BEST!! :rock: as long as u don't leave your door step or risk being mugged.. :eek: :stupid: if the cops are not to be blame, then who? I wonder...

astroboy;285093 said:
I thought they made it clear already, u don't like how the country is run, then u are welcome to surrender your citizenship ma. Seriously, am waiting for the right time to leave... so far... Malaysia still the BEST!! :rock: as long as u don't leave your door step or risk being mugged.. :eek: :stupid: if the cops are not to be blame, then who? I wonder...


You are right man.

Sit down, shut up or ship out !!!

Yahooo !!
if geram, just geram till make more money then migrate, get a 335i, log into thestar's website to laugh at our Ps who ask Mat Rempits to ferry voters!!!
If RPK is Raja Petra and he for PM no need la bro his own wife also he cannot control want to run the country some more.
Malaysia Today

redbaron;285101 said:
If RPK is Raja Petra and he for PM no need la bro his own wife also he cannot control want to run the country some more.


Sometimes, country easier to control then wife.

When wifey sometimes mogok, koyak man !!
If you cant put yr house in order how to run the country. I some time wonder when you guys says malaysia is bad which country are you comparing with.
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