Life after VTEC (my e36)

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Brother MiniVan...

kalau kat Bandar Baru Banhi tu.. saya pun kat sana jugak.. sek * .. boleh kita jumpa.....
minivan said:
No mods. No rubbings. Even on full load. No bull! And i'm on bilstein and eibachs..
The reason could be because i chose 225's instead of going for a 235 or 245 set.. always ask ppl about that so that i will hear some of them said will least i will feel better for my choice :D .coz i am not satisfied with my 17".i chose 17" coz i scare there will b rubbing n need mods.but too bad..since alot of them are fine with 18" sad!!wrong choice!!!:mad: :mad:
Even as it is now... it is a beautiful ride... If you dont mind, share with us how much you got it for?? Ur E36 I mean
bro minivan,
seriously no rubbing? coz mine 225/40/18 can feel rubbing if fully turn the wheel.
oh i'm still on adjustable
:eek: finaly i heard ppl that say will rub...theCROW,do they rub very badly?my 17" sometime also rub when the car bounce hardly.but this canot blame it coz it boounce..
when bounce, no (my front setup very2 hard) but rear not sure cos hardly people tumpang my car haha
only rub when fully turn the wheel to left or right
oh wait..only right or both hmmm forgot oredy, later must test
not rubbing that bad i guess from the sound and feel of it
so from what u all fix 18" must do some settings on your car?
Crow & dwj

I am absolutely sure... no rubbings. I've had 4 adults and my daughter with her baby bucket seats, some luggage in the boot and its does'nt rub... no bull!!

When it comes to rubbing issues, it usually the case of the rim offset... maybe the rim's offset just a tiny bit not ngam with the car...
geoffreylee;192444 said:
Even as it is now... it is a beautiful ride... If you dont mind, share with us how much you got it for?? Ur E36 I mean

Bought the car last year July/August for RM55K...
I asked for RM52K, but he would'nt budge... but, i could'nt resist :p

Took loan 45K @ 5yr @ 5.2% @ RM900++/mth...
For info.... Bank said can actually go full loan, max abt 58K, tenure could also go for 6 yrs...
minivan;194983 said:
Crow & dwj

I am absolutely sure... no rubbings. I've had 4 adults and my daughter with her baby bucket seats, some luggage in the boot and its does'nt rub... no bull!!

When it comes to rubbing issues, it usually the case of the rim offset... maybe the rim's offset just a tiny bit not ngam with the car...

uhh....thats good then :) ..too bad i dont know bout it arghh!!wasted...:(
dwj... yeah i understand what u mean... i also bought a set of 17s first. But day after day, felt like the rims looked smaller and smaller and smaller. Year end bonus came, went for a set of 18s... after that, not 'jiwa kacau' anymore...

this is what playing cars do to you.... pathetic huh?! heheheh....:p :D
^aramak i can vouch on that
last sunday went spirited drive with e36ers
i think my rims are getting smaller..dammnnn
shiva73;192388 said:
Brother MiniVan...

kalau kat Bandar Baru Banhi tu.. saya pun kat sana jugak.. sek * .. boleh kita jumpa.....

wahh u also from bangi karrr ... no wonder your car looks darm familiar...
minivan;195102 said:
dwj... yeah i understand what u mean... i also bought a set of 17s first. But day after day, felt like the rims looked smaller and smaller and smaller. Year end bonus came, went for a set of 18s... after that, not 'jiwa kacau' anymore...

this is what playing cars do to you.... pathetic huh?! heheheh....:p :D

lolz.....yea what u say is looking foward fot the day i will be able to get 18" :D :D hope it will be soon....oh btw ur ACS are ori?
hmm..another x hondarian...
MINIVAN, how did u eva get out off honda fever? Just curious..
Im still havin my Honda, just started my e30 project..
I dunt know man, got tired with NA then after, i turbocharged my honda, its like Im signing a lifetime deal with Honda to stay loyal s like, Im doomed!!hahhaa
so hopefully, slowly the continental virus will balance the sickness that i have towards cars!! sometime I pity myself of when looking back and thinking bout the money that i spent towards cars, just "pathetic", like u said...
Oh GOD im looking for cure...
bro minivan, at EFCM TT can't meet U...hope one day will meet u at e36ers TT.

my 18" also rubbing at right side but only i make a U-turn...maybe it's time to change my absober

thecrow your rim bigger already no need to change la...look smaller caz your is far when the photo been
nice bumpers! is it AC bumper?
thinking of getting one.. any idea how much it costs?

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