KL Chapter . All Are Welcome : BMWCM CMs OMs,CG & Future Members

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On Berhalf of BMWCM CMs,

May I have the List Of Names to who can come for the
OFFICIAL APRIL TT this Friday 12th April 2013 TuGu View Cafe
In Tugu Negara Area...Jalan Sultan Salahudin...Kuala Lumpur. So that i can
update the things that I need to do...
It would be good if you could update the name at Official April TT page .

Tqvm for your support.....:)
Tqvm again to all and see you there...


Alby325i :5::5::41:
Salam Sis,

apologize for being so quiet.. now that all my travelling season done, i may join any KL tt next weekend.. kena jadik anak mithali dis week and have to forgo any TT either mmz or Tugu TT.. sighhhh.. lama tak balik jumpa mak ayah.. will sms you even though i dont really sure which number but will sms you should i be in KL town for hi tea, or lunch or even karaoke tt.. now kerja kuat season sebab nak bayar duit bank yang bagi pakai kereta bmw nih.. muahahaa.. can always whatsapp any time.. good effort in promoting KLTT.. loved your spirit..

till we meet again..:top:
AmoiSky;817194 said:
Salam Sis,

apologize for being so quiet.. now that all my travelling season done, i may join any KL tt next weekend.. kena jadik anak mithali dis week and have to forgo any TT either mmz or Tugu TT.. sighhhh.. lama tak balik jumpa mak ayah.. will sms you even though i dont really sure which number but will sms you should i be in KL town for hi tea, or lunch or even karaoke tt.. now kerja kuat season sebab nak bayar duit bank yang bagi pakai kereta bmw nih.. muahahaa.. can always whatsapp any time.. good effort in promoting KLTT.. loved your spirit..

till we meet again..:top:

Emmm good to hear from you my dear Sky..:)

Yes...been a while..miss you too !!! Hehehe
Yalah ...please let me know when you are in KL
ya minum and karaoke sound so good too dear walaupun
suara hamba mungkin kelaut...kot.!! Tak apelah kan asalkan
Kita bahagia...

Tqvm my dear , i will keep in touch for sure..

By the way dear i still kept the plate number that you snap in my phone!!!
Hehehe ....

Take care dear Love you always..

Alby325i :):)
Will be down south again on friday. Will drop by if i can make it on time. Have fun guys...
anaksarawak;817226 said:
Am coming :)

Great....AS...and hope all the MK brothers will be here too,

Slyder... and as for Wingzee ( yes the S size shirt is with me .Did kept it aside
for you as promised..:) )
tIANcI....please do come and joint us if you are free.. :)

and it goes to the rest too most welcome ...:)


Alby 325i :):)
insomniac;817237 said:
Can't make it unfortunately, will be working. :(

Tqvm for the reply and perhaps another TT day. But if you happened to finish early

Do drop by....:)

As for the Starter Pack and Jacket the size that you wanted ,

I will still keep for you aside...ya.....:)

And keep in touch when ever you are in KL let me know

My friend....

Cheers and take care

Alby325i ::):)
Shukok;817230 said:
I'm coming too :)

Hi....Shukok .:)

Yes ....my friend happy to see your name too. :)

By the way , i have spoken to Scooby as he need me to pass some item for our

Official Members .to you.. And its already in the car..:)

I will list the names and item later ya for record on behalf of the CMs...

Cheers and see you tomorrow.....

Alby325i :):)
consoglieri;817257 said:
Will be down south again on friday. Will drop by if i can make it on time. Have fun guys...

Hello to you too ...Consoglieri :)

Yes , please do drop by as you and All the rest of KSA TT

are most welcome to drop by over here ...:)

Trust me, the place is cool as i always have my simple lunch

and teh tarik over here .

Tqvm for the reply :)


Alby325i :):)
Salam...And A very Good Morning Everybody.

On Behalf of the BMWCM AND CMs,

Please allow me to say thank you very much to each and everyone
Who came for the Official April TT 12th April 2013 at Tugu View Cafe.
In Kuala Lumpur.

I truly wish to share with all my beloved friends that it was an Amazing to
see my members came and support be with each other under one roof
from many areas for the sake in the name of friendship and sharing a lot
Info about the cars that we all love .....BMW.

As what our good friend ....Anuar, Nightswan, Gendong, B33mer , _M_,, Soulfood
said if we don't speak German and if we are in Germany than no worry at all just say ...BMW !!!
!!! Hehehe..funny indeed.

And many more interesting topic were talked about.!!! Hehehe
Very glad too many members got their item plus some items were sent
Via Shukok as he was kind enough to take it and pass it to Scooby iph
And to Scooby and all the bothers ovef there Tqvm was waiting my friend.

By the way , I am truly glad that all of you able to have a good time with good friends , good laughter,
good info all about BMW plus sharing all the do and don'ts..

I herby wish to list the names who came and share for this thread .

5) B33MER
6) YANG5480
10) HeNRY
12) IRFAN80
13) IDA
17) _M_
18) RAY

And me ...Alby325i .please forgive me if I have left out any of your names or i may
have wrtten it wrongly , do let me know...ya...:)

I will try to have have a tt over here again as and when time permit plus if there are
any request we can always plan as one Happy Family ..

I will try and update in this thread and share with all of you
Plus all of you are also MOST Welcome to share any info in This Thread too.
Look forward to see all of you in next tt plus OTT and other Events..

Take Care To All My Beloved Friends and if you are not a Official Member
Please do come and joint us and be one. CERTAINLY would be great..:)

Tqvm To All And Have a Great Weekend

Love Always,

Alby325i :):)
Shukok...you pun tak tidur...??

Affan...esok tak kerja...!!!
Good to see one of the sister kind is pretty active into organizing TT , kudos and well done . We support your spirit Alby
shiva73;817609 said:
Good to see one of the sister kind is pretty active into organizing TT , kudos and well done . We support your spirit Alby

Hello to you too...Shiva73. :)

Very happy to hear from you and tqvm for all your kind words.
Honestly ...I truly understand with all our brothers who love the
drives, tt and DIY the cars ....is truly art , feel great able to know
Plus save some money too as and when we all do it correct way.

Thanks to my late dad who have always love to do his back then
Not German but American Cars plus Norton Bikes and had his friends
Over for small tt back home!!!! Hehehe , tak ada any kedai yang buka
24hrs!!! :) the only sad part when he past away I wasn't able to keep all
the cars and bikes as I was still in school...And I can truly see how happy
all my brothers sharing the same thing love towards BMW Cars.

My first Love with BMW was back than in 1991 with 318 E30 (M) 1991
Pearl White..and took care of it for 10 years with Mobil One engine oil.
With no insurance claim through out the good years..Regret following
forgive me for saying salesman idea to sell it !!! Hehehe :)

Regret of seeling it and hope we meet again and able to take care it.
of it again with God willing. I think maybe the car is somewhere here
base on my gut feeling...with the back number 7007. I might just have
A bit of tears if we ever meet again ( kena cakap nagis sikit, jika banyak
Malulah pula pada yang tidak faham) !!!! Hahaha..

2nd baby was and also 318 E36 , had it for 2 years , a good baby too
And no number because took the number plate to this car.....:)
But I truly love the power the double vanus with a 6 cyclinder machine...
Hehehe...but now i came to know a good friend who use disel engine are
atcually have more power!!! Can't say about the bigger baby , for sure they
they are more powerful than me ....lah :) And for now very happy with this baby
bought this baby in 2004 325i E46 2004 model. It has been a very
good baby till now well as time goes by wear and tear to be replace
is normal and still love knowing the do and don'ts plus plan to keep it
with God willing ..even if a new baby comes along in the future...hehehe
And enjoy the convoy drive with All Amazing Friends in this BMWCM...:)

I truly hope you and all have happy reading a bit of my Love Life with me
On a Sunday , who ever you are or where ever you are , have a great
SUNDAY while planing and thinking for....A LOVELY MONDAY..:)

By the way Shiva73, please do come over and joint us if i am able to
have next tt on Friday. I will ask CMs Fadhlan for some forms for you
and other brothers too be a Official Member. Or you may email
to him at....fadhlan@gmail.com .I am sure he will be most willing to
help all of you at time. Plus all of you are Most Wekcome too. :)

Tqvm ,

Love Always From Me

Alby325i :):)

Good writeup on ur love life .One word : Impressed . TQVM for sharing the Pain and joy from your journey . I do join the TT on /off . Now not in town and will surely sign the dotted line once i am back . cheers
shiva73;817675 said:

Good writeup on ur love life .One word : Impressed . TQVM for sharing the Pain and joy from your journey . I do join the TT on /off . Now not in town and will surely sign the dotted line once i am back . cheers


Tqvm...my friend. Well since is a Sunday perhaps by me sharing with you and the rest

Please only take the good and leave out the negative...if threre are any...!!!! Hehehe

Yes...please do joint us as i will update every now and than over here.

Tqvm again and Cheers

Alby325i :):)
Salam...And A Very Good Afternoon To ALL

On behalf of BMWCM AND CMs

I hereby wish to request any Official Members who have not got your

Starter Pack And Renewal Jacket to add this list so that it can help me to know plus

collect the items from Affan66 before this Friday TT and pass it to you.

Tqvm indeed from me.

1) Insomniac........Starter Pack plus Renewal Jacket XXXL

2) Tamader7.........Renewal Jacket XL

3) Ah-Singh...........Starter Pack . XXXL

4) Dennis Chew.........Starter Pack

5) Anakin.........Starter Pack



Tqvm again and I will up date the details later for All MMs and OMs.

Take care and have a good day to All.

Alby325i :):)
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