Just what are the chances .... ??

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Club Guest
Dec 5, 2004
Just what are the chances of seeing 2 pristine ;) silver e30's parked side-by-side ..... ? :) Pictures not clear due to cheapie phone ... & dunno if can upload to this thread .... :rolleyes:
uummm ... maybe someone can tell me how to re-size the pics. down to the miserable 39kB ?
chances are darn high, as there are many silver E30s around even in this club. but of course you have to qualify the word "pristine" tho. ;)
koryong said:
uummm ... maybe someone can tell me how to re-size the pics. down to the miserable 39kB ?

resize pic..?
using any photo editor (eg: ms photo editor)
then check for function / button resize..

then, there will be option to resize by:
1. pixel
2. inch
3. cm
4. percentage
These two pristine or not? Kekeke....


Wau, so CUN meleCUN laa .....

Got any engine pics ?


Jipster said:
nik..... kau ni saje aje nak carik pasal...... ....... kete sapa tu?

The one on the right is mine la... :eek: On the left is from malatbimmer.
nikazwaa said:
These two pristine or not? Kekeke....

... controlled environment ... no biggie .... :p

the pics i wanted to post up is in a public parking lot ... :rolleyes:
hey koryong.... long time no hear.... how u been dude? and hows the ride mods galore I guess?!
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